Thanks for making the game harder for under-geared players and players who didnt play the last patch of DF

So I played after the “nerf” and I would have to try really, really hard to die to open world mobs.
The only difference I noticed is in dungeons. Now, when demon hunters drag all the pre-boss trash into the boss, I can actually see the boss still alive when I finally hobble there.

Yeah, it seems that if you’re still low ilvl that doing some dragonflight dailies that offer 450+ gear might be the way to go before starting the new content, especially if you’re 380-400 at least.

The XP gained won’t be that great but it’s something at least to work for 71 and you can then get some BoE 71 gear to buff up a bit more to make it easier to level up.

It’s an option at least. Seen one quest for 460 level weapon on the map so if you did miss pre-launch event there are some options. Not the best but there are options available for some characters that you’ve not used for a year or more.

They should have level req for dungeons. They are not tuned to 415 now

You can tell the players who have never played Dark Souls :rofl:

I did play, but I do not see any reason why leveling should be hard, especially on healers in group content

Level trough dungeons or pvp then, whats the problem? Pet battles and picking flowers also is an option.

Yes. It’s what I and a few others have been saying in this thread the whole time. The only difference is that mobs live ever so slightly longer and don’t get annihilated by one low level player before anyone else gets a chance to do anything, but still die very fast.

For some reason people just feel the need to be outraged and will not see reason no matter what you tell them. Most people here probably just jumped on the outrage bandwagon without even giving it a second thought.

I guess Blizzard likes the saying - Exploit early, Exploit often

I like how you failed to understand how the monkey experiment applied to this case.

Because many people seem to have learned to assume malice each time a big gaming company does a thing that is not blatantly positive.

People hate to be proven or tested wrong. Especially WoWs community.

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That’s what you get for being poor.

It wouldn’t be a Rogue getting carried in dungeons would it?

you dont get it…

let me guess, you also think wow is not p2w game. and you cant buy gold in wow.

I don’t give a sht about DF, one of the worst expansions. I am here for TWW not pathetic little dragons.

Aka I bought it, sadly.


Do you want me to draw to you like with little kids?

DF FOR ME , IS A PATHETHIC EXPANSION! There you go! Maybe now you understand why I didn’t login to begin with.

Is not about the gear, but the way they did it in EA and after EA.

Nothing! Just what you guys had in EA and what I had in the first…2 days of play until they nerfed the damage.


Off you go now!

I don’t get what?

This is literally all you do. You spout some random BS, and when someone shows that you’re wrong, you just go “nuh uh” and spout some more BS. Fragile ego much?

Finished my third alt yesterday without amazing gear. Wasn’t really any harder than before.

If you cant handle this kind of gameplay better go play tetris.
Its nowhere near Vanilla or TBC difficulty of the past.

You don’t get it do you?

I mean, you really don’t.

Is about EA vs the others. Extremely power items, vs the others. Is the nerf vs the others.

…at least it was, as I read that they backed up on that and didn’t do the changes they first said they will and they “nerfed” it just a bit.

But this right here, says a lot about this expansion LOL. Who is doing that if the expansion is good? No one ( almost ). If the expansion is dog poopoo, well … people will start doing what they do when they are bored : Level Alts.


I was really annoyed at the change.


like for real - everyone I know were ZOOMING through levelling as many chars as they can.

actual average and better players hate levelling. Like - they do it as a necessary evil. No one wants to spend longer than necessary and everyone looks for “fastest ways to level”

Of course most settle for dungeon levelling.
Which suggests the change is gonna mostly affect bad players, returning players? ??? idk

like… i was happy that for once my “max gear” had a nice effect on storm-like levelling.
well, the levelling seems still easy enough but daaaayum… it indeed takes 2-3 more hits :smiley: why

idc all that much since the content is still dull and easy but why do i need to spend extra time per NPC? Who benefits? I guarantee that it’s just as unfun to kill mob in 2 hits as is in 3 or 4 hits. meanwhile i take 0 damage anyway.

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What you’re failing to consider is that not everyone wants to spend several hours just following someone soloing dungeons for them. The changes had a lot more impact on the playability of dungeons than they had on the time it takes to get to 80, which was the point.

For you the difference might be that it takes a few more hits, but for a lot of people the difference is that they get to put in any hits at all. As you said the content is dull even without broken scaling, so it being made even more dull by it to a point you don’t even get to play your character is just not good.

It never bothered me that normal dungeon leveling was easy, but it wasn’t so easy that I barely even get one spell cast in.