That's enough. Blizzard need to hire me

Catchup for new players, it’s 25ilvl below m0 or LFR but it still help you increase your ilvl faster to not waste your emissaries on useless upgrades.

Fair enough, but it’ll still make it a pain to move around early on. If pathfinder was to be obtained by exploring the few maps and doing all the storylines then i’d rather keep the floating islands out of the achievements and then go there once you can fly rather than have yet another Nazjatar

The cows got milk in wow needs to be read .

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I’m way too sophisticated to watch any show that has its own dedicated “fart jokes compilation” video on YouTube.
I loathe this show.

There’s a new one in Shadowlands apparently.

“Tauren tales of Souldefíler the Tauren Milker”

Now I wish i could post pictures so I could post some crude Windows paint jobs of me holding mashups of tauren and milk cartons in advertising poses.

Souldefiler homogenized tauren milk!! Pour it onto your Frosties for that extra vitamin D!


lewd xD

Are you accusing me of deviancy!!

Oh right you’ve seen that undercover investigation documentary then…


If I didn’t see your name I could have been taking you seriously until that point.

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em no thank you :smiley:

A little note. Don’t put this in your post if you want people to continue reading after this part. It screams “I’m a troll post”.

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really can’t argue against anything.
maybe delete monk and dk class as well and improve the rest of the classes with their core idea in mind.

Thread topic should be: How to lose half of playerbase in 10 simple tricks!

So, you believe keeping current class design, gearing system, reputation system & approach to flying is the way to go?
My suggestions would usher in a new age of glory for the game, you fool!

Pathfinder is the one I agree with. But everything else is just going backwards not learning from mistakes from the past.

But class design is COMPLETELY subjective and by far better than mess that MoP was. Let me remind you:

  • Affliction was GOD in sustained AOE, it was not even funny how broken it was, due to dot snapshotting
  • Tanks were either unkillable or had best DPS thanks to vengeance
  • Class balance was absolute mess, only since Legion we have some kind of balance
  • Disci priest doing top healing thru damaging abilities alone
  • Hunter removing people from arena with one button

Yes, people who are bad at the game subjectively prefer fewer utility/counterplay and more focus on raw damage.
I can’t say I value those people’s opinion though.

Class design in BFA is better than in MoP you say.

There’s no need. I did not say “copy/paste MoP”, I said “take MoP and adjust from there”.
Every complain you may have about MoP balance wise could be addressed whilst retaining everything that was so much better about it.

Great ideas but you won’t be able to do much, when Activition shuns you from everything that’s listed and only produce exclusive store mount content.

That is just your assumption not backed up by anything.

Yes because it is more coherent. Unlike in MoP where everyone had everything except for few special cases that made couple of classes broken or irreplaceable.

No, it wasn’t better. It is just people goldfish memory. The only good thing about MoP was that casters were a bit more mobile and had their fillers castable while moving and that is it.

Great ideas, when do you start as game director?

Lol :face_with_raised_eyebrow: ok. Few of the points I am agree but few points feels like personal perspective.

Never going to remove an entire class from the game, thank god.

No surprise :rofl:

There are already hard counters to a DH. If you studied up and practiced, you’d smash one, assuming he isn’t better than you. Sometimes it isn’t the class that’s broken, it’s your ability.

You’ll notice it’s always the Locks who were once super overpowered, but got humbled by DH’s, that are the saltiest about their existence.
And it’s not like they’re useless now, either. But these Lock users want that god status back, and they’re chomping at the bit for DH’s to be removed to regain that.

Good thing you said subjective, because that’s a sweeping generalisation.

Fire mage: Alter Time? Frostjaw? Deep freeze? Shatter? Ice lance to counter spell reflect? Evocation? Mana gems?
Fear beast for hunters, that allowed some nice skill plays against druids? Blanket CS?

I started playing Warlock in BFA, and I’m playing Affliction. Nice try though! Your failed attempt at finding a pattern sure was a great piece of entertainment.

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