The 370 wpn Emmisarry today

Finally! I despise this “loot for your class” thing thoroughly.

“Loot for your class” imo isn’t RNG based when i almost constantly get loot that benefits the opposite of my dps spec, i see it as another mechanic to slow us down. I’m sick of it, it made me feel like progressing backwards, it has driven me into leveling my alts and lock them on 110 to get the best out of Legion.

I do hope i will benefit very soon from my loot specialization set to fury.

Storms wake was weapon emissary yesterday, did it on my alliance toons. Got ‘off - spec’ items each time, which is what happened to OP. Means we are in the ridiculous situation of changing our loot specialization to something other then our current spec in order to get the loot we want?

That what happens if you expect a free bit of gear every time you do a menial task.

For those who missed Watcher’s most recent update:

In Season 2, emissary caches and similar rewards like Assault wrapper quests will award loot based on your spec (or loot spec, if chosen) instead of your class.

Standard world quests will continue to provide rewards based on class rather than spec, for two reasons:

  1. You can see the exact reward up-front, and choose whether or not to do the content if the reward doesn’t interest you. This also can offer a way to shore up weak off-spec slots without worrying that you might miss out on a major upgrade.
  2. If world quest rewards were spec-based, it might seem like the right behavior to cycle through your specs when evaluating potential rewards for every world quest, especially early in a tier, which seems like pretty annoying gameplay.

But neither of those reasons applies to something like emissaries or Assaults, where you don’t see what the reward will be until the end. And as you say, it can be frustrating if it’s for a spec you have no intention of playing, or it can simply feel like a bug. So we’re changing it.

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They were not, unless you played spesific classes. Been around since vanilla, and had hunter and resto druid as main. The hunter had a harder time getting weapons than the druid, as the hunter use a very spesific weapon type, not shared with anyone else. Overall weapons have never felt hard to upgrade. Trinkets however, has a been a challenge in the past.

If the system is there, it’s not “free gear”, it’s just gear. A tool. Gear = tool.

The system is bad because classes like mages and warlocks will always get a usefull item, regardless of spec. Many other classes won’t. It should be tied to loot spec, and it will be. It just took them a while to realize that it didn’t work.

Some people in here really need to chill… Sometimes luck favors you and other times it doesn’t.

In other games getting gear is a long grind where in WoW it’s luck based if you’re playing casually. If you play the right contend and a lot to warrant crying you won’t cry over the weapon emissary.

You’re making a fool out of yourselves :joy:

I did the emissary quest on my Ally Shadow Priest. I was hoping for an upgrade to the 345 staff they have.

I got a wand.

Shrug. Save to see if I get an off-hand that can make it usable.

I got an upgraded Off-hand from the slot machine. Does this system excite anyone btw? Just give us stuff to work towards and fixed drops (no titan- and warforging).

You can always hope that boss drops YOUR loot in raid but when it doesn’t… Lootboxes are in essence bit same, sometimes you get what you want, sometimes not.

I do understand why people want gearvendors back and I’m indifferent in that regard.

Absolutely stupid system, that it does not take your current spec into account.

  • My BM hunter got a staff
  • My elemental shaman got an agility mace
  • My Frost DK got a 2H sword.

After that I just gave up doing it on more alts as it was frustrating as ****.

I feel your pain. I too received a one-handed sword for a character that needs a two-hander. If they would at least allow us to trade them…

I think because its easy to get a reward that way that they make it less likely the weapon you need will drop.

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