The av queue favors russians

I’ve fought Russians 3 times now. Part of them simply botted running to the wall, part of them were typical backpeddlers and they all somehow were really squishy, like if they were pve geared. There were exceptions and tryharder individuals but that didn’t help them.

I am Russian myself and afaik their most populated streamer server Пламегор is known for spergs just like Faerlina US. And unfortunately majority of “premades” are people from that server.

I hope it changes when PVE’ers will get their rep tbh

They are never in your raid tho, and if you come across a opposing raid its always fully composed of russians, not mix and match ruskis and europskas

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Are you serious?

“which one?”
“oh… the one called sfhuisdfuhsdfhu”
“they’re ALL called dfsdffs”

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Yes they q only with Russians and according to forums majority is OK with that

So far every russian premade i’ve encountered got crushed.

I don’t mind either. I don’t speak French, Spanish or German and they get put in with us too so I wouldn’t mind either way.

If you get one from with 75% from a single server it can be though

dont know what to say op but why are you QQ over this.

few days back you where bragging that you premaded AV for the day with 20 or more.
and now this tread??? :scream:

Hello [ghbhh][/ghbhh]

Most sweden nicks look like kjdgqhkwdvqwhjd for me.
Please separate em as well.

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Before you were complaining that Russian players could be grouped with English speaking players. You didn’t like it, you cried about it a lot.

Now Russian players are grouped only with other Russian players. But you’re still crying even more. What’s wrong with you lol??? :grin:


Well maybe because we dont want russians neither on our side or on the enemy side. There is enough russian player to play with eachother.

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You British by any chance?

I like meeting Russian “premades”. Doubt they are premade, there just random players from the same server more likely. But in general the Russian groups I have enocuntered like to PvP in AV instead of just mindless rushing the boss.


Not, u tard not???
I said???

Why u open sheep.
U said focus it.

Ya bzt:D

Nothing wrong we are the wow playerbase.
We think we do but we don’t. Playerbase behaves as intended.

Wth? Having a stroke or wtf are you trying to tell me?

Thats in voice a against russians in pvp.
Most addons just show “???” instead their names.
And even it it shows real names, no one is able to read or pronounce that in eu :smiley:

I can’t imagine a case in AV when you need to know the name of the player of opposite action or tell it to someone
In short cross realm bgs it doesn’t matter, you’ll never see this guy again