Blizzard has already implemented changes to BL by changing their spawn timer from a fixed 60min to 45-75min. It just didn’t help the issue at all. In fact it probably made it worse because it made camping one spawn and hoping for the best improbable. Meanwhile people who control the entire area with multiple accounts aren’t affected by it because they see any spawn immediately anyway.
Make the timer short enough (15-20min) and it becomes not worth camping for the gold seller as regular players will start camping the spots themselves. There’s probably also a threshold at which the seller will be forced to offload them himself lest he gets overwhelmed with supply with not enough demand to sell them all before people stop farming Naxx and start preparing to get ready for Classic TBC or for another fresh Classic server, depending on which choices Blizzard will go with.
Or make every spawn able to spawn one BL independently of all the other potential spawn locations in the same area. That way stubborn people could camp a spot for 45-75min and be rewarded with at least one lotus.
cant u organise some kind of cross faction collution and gank this multiboxers until the situation becomes fixed ?
no, they are usually dead and are able to see the spawn in ghost,
if you go to any black lotus location right now on your server i bet anything you will see a dead body next to it, as soon as it spawns these dead bodies are getting up and taking it, or if the bodies are low level they just tell the information immediately to their “main” in the area
if u have opposite faction u can still gank him when he resses up. ofc this wont be worth the time and amount of players needed to do this if u gonna split the loot but atleast u can stop the account sharers farm
if he is using rogues, you have 0 chance of getting the lotus. even if you use skull
isnt there like a 5 sec cd from where u press the herb untill it opens and u can loot it, should be enough to engage during that time ?
hes gonna blind you and pick it
back at release we had problems like this in ungoro over devilsaur skins fighting vs people with scripts that was auto clicking and making it faster for them to skin the devilsaur but we worked together and found ways, if we needed 2 people then we bring 2
thats simply not viable with lotus. its only viable if you yourself use multiple accounts.
2 people doesnt sound bad , but there are 10 spawn points on a 45-75 min timer, and only the bots know when the last one was picked.
Flasks will never be a “necessity”. If you want to make your Naxx progression smoother, you can farm a few hundred gold. If you don’t even have a few hundred, what were you doing in Classic for all these months?
If people will stop buying black lotus its price will drop.
There is no reason to flask.
At the worst you will finish the raid 10 min later.
Pff, making the spawn so short that it could just be a common herb.
Just farm gold and buy them if you cant contest the farmers, save them for when you actually want to use them (Progress and certain bosses in Naxx)
You dont need to flask in MC and BWL if the price is so high that you cannot affort it, you are not entitled to be able to flask, its a bonus that need effort to be able to use.
Thats what smart guilds are doing anyway, save flasks for when they are needed if they cannot afford to buy enough lotuses to flask for easy farm content.
Price is high not cause of farmers, but cause of how it is used like it was worth nothing. Once Naxx is released, expect to see the price double, since then the more casual guilds will also want to use flasks.
Just make it work like fel lotus or arcane crystal.
Upping the spawn rate wont fix the mafia.
I made a character on squints Pyrewood Village out of curiosity and your lotus prices are at 110g and the server isn’t even layered. So thanks for your input but it’s worthless here.
why do you need black lotus to begin with … a flask ?
why do you need a flask ? to make raiding easier ?
Why do you want to raid easely on a game that’s 15 years old and had the easiest raid of wow history ?..
maybe y’all should try getting some skill
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So you went out of arguments?
You want pretty much free lotuses with your 10-15min respawn suggestion because of a player made problem on your server.
Go camp them yourself or suck it up
Do you not see how lotus that costs twice as much when there is twice as much supply is an issue? Lotus on your server is dirt cheap. It’s either small or very casual, your perspective isn’t helpful here.
Active respawn should have been added to every resource. But this would mean less money for BlizzVision.