The Blood Elf Customization Thread

He uses a 2h greatsword? I imagined he’d be fond of smaller weapons with dualwield, but never really took the time to check him.

I know about a 1h mace from BfA that roughly matches the heritage armor, it has the same red-gold-black colors, but is more of a troll style. Also a bow from Shattered Halls, and a BoE, Blood Knight Maul (?) from TBC content that can be found on AH sometimes.

i have the blood knight maul on paladin and the bows from shattered halls/kara on my hunter
the former belf starting area white gear would be nice to add for tmog

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Those weapons could easily get added to the TBC timewalking vendor, if nothing else.

For Horde players, they have Blood Elf styled weapons and shields and for the Alliance players, they have Draenei styled weapons and shields.

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well there is also maraad hammer from gruul and the crystalforge paladin tier that fits draenei
and of course gorehowl from kara/the orange belf bow from there?
also i think cataclysm edge from hyjal and its versions from the HFC raid suitable for belf
but mostly the green and blue colours

They have implemented recolours for some of those blood elf bows.

The Shattered Sun Marksmen use a black and red version of the Sunfury Bow of the Pheonix.
Then we’ve got the Hunter vendor in ICC who uses a purple version of the Golden Bow of Quel’Thalas.

Again - probably, should be added to the TBC timewalking vendor, if nothing else.

aye i would very much like those recolours

Isn’t there a Blue/Silvery version as well? Could’ve sworn I’ve seen that.

Would love to see tattoo and jewelry options - would love warm-coloured farstrider tattoos while wering big earrings


It could be one that Sylvanas uses during the Blood elf heritage armor questline

Just a reminder for Blizzard, in case they ever scout the EU forum…

…Blood elves could use some braided hair, and body tattoos would be muuuuuch more appreciated than the jewelry items we got!

Although seriously, tattoos/body paints and scarring layers should be available for all races.


I can see why tattoos would be more popular. But Tbh I like the body/hand jewelry too. It matches the Middle Eastern aesthetic blood elves have


Oh, I’m not saying the jewelry doesn’t work for them. It can be nice!

Just, tattoos were on a player wishlist long before anyone at Blizzard got the idea to add jewelry.

Honestly speaking, I am afraid they wouldn’t add the tattoos to avoid arguments with high/void elves fans… but then again, I have nothing against void elves getting tattoos as well. We can all win. :wink:

—- edit —-

Actually I just found your post and I like your idea!

Yea, those colors would work.

As for Brigs… he will be missed, and very much so on this thread.


Blood Elf Markings/Warpaint concepts by Ramavatarama on Twitter:

Too bad I cannot embed images.




My favorite is the scarring effect, if I must be honest.


My favorite is the bottom left one.

Symbolic of the blood elf on the TBC box art.

Very -Mage- like.


Looks like you two agree.

And yeah, that’s a very cool one!


The top tattoos look cool, but I think their is a slight crossover between that and the Night Elven facial tattoos.

I’d be alright if the Alliance Elves had tattoos like those on the top row - symbolic to the “Farstrider” and “ranger” vibes which are seemingly more prevalent with the Alliance Elves, whilst the Horde Elves gained more “Mage” and “Paladin” like tattoos, like the bottom left and the bottom right. (Obviously, Nightborne have their own thing.)


top left the first one is amazing
if we get those can we have ones in blue aswell just incase?

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Love the tattoos they look great. Nice colors too that matches the Blood elves

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