The CC in this game has never been this bad

What happened was that there were 2 DHs in a shuffle that just went me every round they faced me and the DPS on my team went the DHs that went me too(including the DHs when they were against each other) and then we lost due to me having to like double-triple the enemy healers healing because we were getting cleaved into oblivion, I kept us up until dampening hit 60-70% and then I started going oom and we just died. 5 rounds of every dps just lumping together on me, the last round both DHs were on my team, then everyone on the enemy team were dying pretty much at the same time, before we even hit 30% dampening. I donā€™t think the enemy healer even deserved that win because he couldnā€™t even handle it at all, with them all dying before dampening even got to 50%, with him still having plenty of mana left. He was also a priest.

Then I had a mage that:

First round he dies without iceblocking. Says Iā€™m trolling.

Second round with him he uses iceblock when heā€™s got ray of hope for 2 million on him. Twice. So he wasted his iceblocks on nothing and then he dies to getting bursted into oblivion with no iceblocks left.

Third round with him he stood still to type out ā€œGUARDIAN?ā€ when he was low with ray of hope on him that was going to heal him to full.

I went 3-3, because he died the same on the enemy healers team. Twice without blocking.

ā€œwatch u go 0-6ā€, lmao.

So much for him being 2300 at his highest, dying 3 times without blocking and 2 times he used his blocks for nothing.

There you go, date and exact time. I assume you know how reflex works.

The world is just so against you, isnā€™t it? :cry:

Never your fault is it? :cry:

Everyone elseā€™s fault you have 1 Duelist in 10 seasons :cry:

You ever considered it might be time to stop deflecting and itā€™s time to start reflecting?

If you, as a Holy Priest, are making yourself a viable training dummy target (and losing), youā€™re doing something terribly wrong, hate to break it to you.

I do, unsure why you didnā€™t show it in the first one. I assume you know what accountability for your own shortcomings isā€¦nvm ofc you donā€™t.

Itā€™s so easy for you to sit there writing excuse after excuse, blaming everything and anyone but yourself for losing. Show me video proof of how itā€™s everyone but you. Itā€™s allllll too convenient. You can call it toxic but your PvP history speaks for itself.

Youā€™re a PvEā€™r as well, right? If I sat around crying that I canā€™t get anything higher than a +5 because of my teammates, surely youā€™d laugh in my face?

I was a duelist first season that arena was in the game, as a holy priest. I was also a duelist 2nd season, as a frost mage.

I donā€™t even play to get duelist except last season where I wanted the enchant and thus I got duelist and got the enchant that I wanted.

I mostly PvP to get mogs/rewards.

If I actually went for it, with rating gain in mind rather than rewards, I would probably be capped out at like 2300ish at the highest. Thatā€™s my limit.

So get your mogs and stop crying about how hard youā€™ve got it when you play lol? Comes across very counter-intuitive that you whinge so much whilst only playing for very low level rewards. Seems like youā€™re just projecting your frustrations that you canā€™t get much further.

What even is this take.

If I played for rating gains I could get to 2300 and thatā€™s probably my limit. Iā€™m well aware that it gets too rough after that. Just like Iā€™m well aware that my limit in m+ is around 26 keys(now 16), because it gets too rough after that.

This is like the people on the OW forums when I complained about people playing bad when I was playing ā€œlol you just whining because you gold, canā€™t get higherā€. Then the same people when Iā€™m almost masters, ā€œlol you just whining because you diamond, canā€™t get higherā€.

Naaaaaaaaaaaaah. You people are just toxic.

You claim you only play for mogs/rewards. Since your peak is Duelist I assume that the ā€˜rewardā€™ is the illusion. These are very low level rewards. You whinge about the teammates you have and the frustrations of playing your character more than anybody on this forum. Seems to go deeper. Itā€™s either that or you just love complaining and removing accountability from yourself.

Actually it gets smoother for healers as they get higher. You will get put with more competent DPS and one of the only ā€˜roughā€™ parts is if you get absolutely gapped by the other healer.

I donā€™t care about a tabard or a mount or weapons. Iā€™m not gonna spend time getting good enough to get those when I have no interest in them in the first place. My most used mount is one obtained from RAF and that will be my most used mount for the rest of the game most likely. Iā€™ll likely sport my artifact weapons forever as the weapon mogs too.

I cared about the duelist enchant last season because I wanted it to couple with druid mogs, so I went and got it. If I didnā€™t have a druid, I wouldnā€™t have bothered.

Right. Well, Iā€™m off in the sun so gl hf in your shuffles.

youā€™ve never played mop to say that
but yes there is too much stun, but the problem is the CDs which are too short

they do, or atleast the ā€œcdā€ is way too short, means u have for more goĀ“s an answer until u die on pve dmg while your heal isnt in a cc, because your pve dmg was lower than from the opponent

i just woander if we can get wow logs for wow pvp soon!

why are you here then, or why do you care about the balance in the first place?


Because itā€™s not fun to play when the game is in the state it is in?

I donā€™t understand how this is a hard concept for people to understand. You donā€™t need to push for the highest rank possible for issues to cause the game to be not fun.

Take Overwatch: Pharah was a non-issue in high ranks in overwatch because people can actaully shoot her down but in lower ranks she was a menace because few could shoot her down, they redesigned her and now sheā€™s less oppressive and the game is more fun.

Take Hearthstone battlegrounds: Leapfrogger was absurdly strong and made it boring as hell to be in a lobby with beasts. They removed it from the game, game is more fun as a result.

Do you think only people playing at the highest ranks should be allowed to post on the forums about issues they find with the game that makes it less fun?

Yes only high exp players should post and only their opinions should matter for Blizzard if we want balanced game.Not talking about fun,talking about balance in PvP(3s bracket mainly)

ā€œWhy is the game dead?ā€ Personified.

Donā€™t play it then? Nobody is forcing you to play.

Except the things that YOU complain about ultimately comes down to not being very good, and thatā€™s a difficult thing for you to accept, I think.

Ofc not but there is a very clear and direct correlation between people that are not very good and the opinions and complaints they have being rooted in inaccuracy and inexperience.

As a PvEā€™r are you more inclined to take seriously the complaints on spec balance for instance when they come from a guy that completes +20ā€™s or a guy that completes +4ā€™s?

Depends entirely on what the complaint actually is.

Yeah, no.

I donā€™t like the amount of ways to stop people from casting even when Iā€™m doing it to others and winning by doing so. I think itā€™s dumb as hell. I think you should have to think when you throw stuff at people to stop their casts, not be able to spam them with no repercussion.

This has absolutely nothing to do with anyoneā€™s skill level. Itā€™s playing a tank in OW all over again and they cut down on it a lot because people were leaving.

Exactly, just like when itā€™s low level players talking about arenas! :slight_smile:

I agree, but you complain incessantly about how YOU are being stopped from casting. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen you talking about an arena game where your partners are unable to do anything, itā€™s always me me me me me me.

Pretty sure I made a thread related to that:

He couldnā€™t get out of melee, couldnā€™t cast, couldnā€™t do anything. Everyone just trained him into the ground.

Very fun shuffle. Very cool game design.

dont think any caster is automatically 0:6 just because of a melee cleave lobby. In the end it comes down to ā€œplaying goodā€ again.

What was the caster and what were the melees?

Destro warlock vs havoc dh, outlaw rogue & arms warrior.