The CC in this game has never been this bad

That is not a 0-6 Destro Lobby on paper.

I guess he just sucked then. Even when he ported they were pretty much on top of him instantly again, lol.

i dont said that only peoples with a high ranks should be allowed to post, everyone can post.

but u complain really often about issues what is a “skill issue” like your positioning, a 2.5 disc is in less cc´s than a 1.8 disc

also your suggestions would make the game even worse, because you just lack of game understanding (what is normal, and i dont flame u because of it)

best example for me would be League of legends, i played it only for 3 weeks and stuck at gold there, im complaining all time about riven top lane, while "better players know to outplay riven, or why she is so strong in the first place)

do you think a gold player in league have any game knowledge to a point who knows what needs to be changed and what doesn’t? ofc now, plat players would laugh at me

and this is the same with wow in some terms, and sorry if i have to say it, yes we have too much annoying micro cc because of m+ everyone knows that, but the suggestion to make every cc on the same dr is just troll, and would make the game even more “pve”


You should have to think when you use your CC, not just throw it at people.

If you CC at the wrong time, that should mean you don’t have more for later because you made them immune.

Let’s take a shuffle I played earlier as an example:

Feral druid was just spamming cyclone at people in rotation. Constantly. “cyclone”, “cyclone”, “cyclone”. Someone was in a cyclone almost the whole game. Then stuns and so on top of that. It’s dumb as hell.

Interrupted cyclone? He just shifts bear then goes back to casting cyclone. DUMB AS HELL.

Everyne should just have gotten Dr immunity from all the spamming of cyclone.

u just dont understand it, it´s fine

so if u make cc on every dr category, this means, bash on druid is useless, means everything is useless, except long cc

so some classes have a big advantage above other classes, dh stun would be useless, stormbolt from warri would be useless, then blizzard balance around it, so classes with less cc have even MORE dmg, then u have a meta, with 1 class what have broken cc´s and the other class what have broken dmg

you would kill a lot of comps with that, and if these classes with less cc getting a dmg buff to counterbalance it, would do unhealable dmg.

so nice u get a poly, use trinket, spam your heal, and in the next go your mate is dead if u getting cc again

and your suggestion wouldnt make cc “more” meaningful, cuz u just wait for the dr, and then cc and the other guy does unhealable dmg in this time, so u can rename the game basically in world of warcraft arena of rmp

everyone player with a knowledge above 2k knows, that it would be better for the game, if micro cc getting nerfed/removed or only for pve like why do a warri need short stormbolt + shockweave? why does a mage need so much mobility that even a dh have trouble to stick on him sometimes?

People just want LONGER CC back, just to revert longer cc to be meaningful again, nerf micro cc, tune the dmg back around setup go´s instead of beeing full pve

the problem is, that u can currently kill someone while his heal isnt in a cc thanks to pve and solo shuffle designe

well u play on a low mmr in shuffle, where people dont even know what kick is, so classes like ferals are a bigger problem, because if a feral is be able to clone, he can controll the game

The gameplay is dumb, thats because of the current feral designe, and pvp talent

but if u remove stuns from a feral or clone, he would be unplayable, feral have close to zero overall dmg, he have to spam clone, to make a snowball effect, and also to have dmg in the first place, otherwise u dont have enough combo points/ energy to do dmg

and feral have cyclone since Tbc and guess what in previous xpac cyclone was a instant cast

cyclone is just a problem, because every other cc got nerfed, and because it´s in the ferals main dmg rotation, feral bleeds do nothing when it comes to dmg, and u dont have enough energy reg to stay in catform, u run instantly out of energy u can thank pve for this gamedesigne or m+ for it.

in a time where micro cc exist u have so much to stop, this thing is more of a problem in cordinated 3v3 arena with an evoker or mage in the team

when i had placement games at 1.8-2.1 mmr in solo shuffle, most of the guys let me cast cyclone, and the positioning from the healer was so bad, that it was basically free to get a cyclone

i dont say this gameplay isnt a problem, it is, but its more of a problem in lower brackets when people dont even try to kick, or stun it

if you kick/ stun feral on clone, u have time to do counter pressure and force him into bear, he cant do dmg in this time but takes dmg.

nope best example why peoples with no experience bring most likely (not everytime) but really often bad suggestions.

2.3k is “low” now?

Did you miss this screenshot earlier from my reflex?

It’s far higher than the vast majority of people will ever obtain, lol, let’s be realistic here. If I manage to retain my mmr anywhere close while I get my CR to that rating, it’s gonna be what… top 3-5%.

healer mmr works different, currently, i litteraly had 1.9 cr Healers at 2.3 mmr which is troll. had yesterday a 1.9 rdrood in a 2.3 lobby what died 2 times in the opener

and yes solo shuffle is mmr/cr wise is a meme, and 1.7 in 2s 3s is really low. (without rating bashing, im currently 2.1/2.2 stuck / and 2.555 mmr in shuffle

na i check pvp u and this was enough, to know why u bring suggestion like this, without being self reflective

idk, solo shuffle is really inflated and u see most likely rival players on this elo.

Another reason why solo shuffle was a mistake, players have the wrong view of themselves, and think now that they have enough game knowledge, to see yourself as good

same with shadowlands season 2 gladiator, where every rival player got glad.

Just the idea that you think your suggestion would be the right one or would have no consequences is just crazy to me, and shows me, that u have many things to learn, or “to play the game longer”

best example is this

or making every cc on the same dr, u dont even think about the consequences

u go in the room, u think "oh yeah to make every cc on the same dr will fix the game

only people what have a lack of game knowledge think like that. because they have little to no experience.

and in your case i call it the Dunning Kruger effect,Definition,forms%20of%20thinking%20and%20judging.

Yet far higher than most people will ever realistically obtain.

I swear, people in this community have actual brain rot.

Let’s see from my past 3 shuffles then…

Last game:

Healer that has several elites obtained.

DPS 1 that has several elites obtained.

DPS 2 that has several duelists obtained.

DPS 3 that has legend obtained.

DPS 4 that has several duelists obtained.

Game before that:

Healer with legend & several elites obtained.

DPS 1 that has legend & several elites obtained.

DPS 2 that has several legend obtained.

DPS 3 that has several duelist obtained.

DPS 4 I can’t check because it’s in cyrillic and I can’t type that.

The game before that game:

Healer with several duelists obtained.

DPS 1 that has several elites obtained.

DPS 2 that has several duelists obtained.

DPS 3 that has several gladiators obtained & legend.

DPS 4 I can’t check because of the cyrillic letters.

But yeah, they’re rivals, SURELY.

My guy, I haven’t played 2v2/3v3 for aaaaages beyond trying to LFG a bit in season 1 DF(which I gave up on because no matter how well it was going they left after the first loss) and then playing a bit with warrior.

Last time I queued 3v3 was back in BFA and that was for weekly essence farm so a friend could get his essence. Other than that, I didn’t queue 3v3 a single time in BFA.

I queued some 2v2 in season 1 of SL and was just like “lolnope, i’m out of here” after the first comp I ran into was holy paladin + moonkin, where he got bop + aura mastery and convoked us to death. I’m not gonna play that, didn’t touch pvp for all of SL as a result of that one arena at the start, it was just too ridiculous.

I obtained 2.2k back in wrath as a feral druid and 2.1kish as a ret paladin and 2.1kish as a rogue and 2.1kish as a mage. I was a duelist season 1 & 2 in TBC.

The mmr I’m at is well within what I’ve obtained in the past(accounting for inflation), lol.

Yes, in comparison to the other people playing your specs.

Also, what rating are your DPS players? You could easily have 1.9-2k DPS players in your lobby.

My boy this was almost two decades ago.

You care too much for someone that claims they only play for low level rewards.

P.S. your ‘one dr’ suggestion is one of the most fried takes I’ve ever seen on this forum. You do realise that this would make the game a complete PvE dps and heal bot fest right?

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2.3k will literally put you in the top 239.

It’s utter brain rot to consider this to be low when it’s only a few hundred people, lol. You have no realistic view of the distribution at all it seems.

I literally listed what the DPS had obtained in the past 3 shuffles… They’re no 1.9k players.

That doesn’t mean much when not many people play.

Btw, you’re not 2.3, you’re 1900. You play at 2.2 MMR with a 47% win rate from 12 lobbies. Get to 2300 rating and then you can talk about how you’re ‘top x’.

It is low compared to the top end of the game. I’m sure you regard certain key levels as ‘low’ when it would actually put them in a high % of the people that play keys.

You’re right I’ll just enjoy my top 0.1% title whilst having no clue :frowning:

thats kinda rude

not in shuffle. it´s the rival elo. which a large proportion of players still achieve

Nice, meaningless shuffle rating, i checked pvp 2 peoples too in my shuffle cuz the healer died everytime in the opener

was duelist in solo shuffle, 1,6 in 3s and 1.7 in 2s with - stats

My mates quit retail, and playing wotlk/cata instead, so i had no more mates left because i was a “biased” only german player

i had also the scenario where rnd peoples instantly left, but i also found some peoples in the tool to play with

ofc they might have only Duelist xp, or 1 gladiator in a previous xpac, but it´s still fun to play with them, and i think some of them can be “better” if they just play more, i think some of them didnt had the opportunity

but i had peoples who left instantly, and some peoples what add me in bnet, and ask me if i want to play with them

so idk this is just an excuse, its like saying “I wrote applications and was not accepted for the job”

so keep going, it´s just a matter of time?

well there was counterplay to it, especially in lower rated

holy priest + boomkin was more of a problem, but i can understand why stuff like this scares new players away and the gameplay was kinda bad.

cant say anything about tbc/wotlk, i only know that it was something with realmpools, and % based rewards, so some players got gladiator with 1.6 on a rp server

I have a more realistic take on how the distribution look than you do.

Let’s take a look at the distribution for m+ last season:

On my recap:

Now, where would that put me? Roughly in the top 2-4% something. That’s well beyond what most people will ever obtain.

Now, let’s take a look at shuffle, if I manage to maintain my mmr close and equalize the CR:


Actual brain rot.

but your takes and suggestions are not Brain rot ?

i cant link it often enough, u should read it,Definition,forms%20of%20thinking%20and%20judging

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‘IF’ you maintain it. Your MMR is 2.2 and your max shuffle CR is 2.1. Currently playing at a negative W/L. It’s not looking promising for you. Get to that CR and then you can talk about how you’re ‘top X %’.

Right now your 1988 as Holy has you ranked #1086 for Holy and your 1864 as Disc has you ranked #860 for Disc.

So yeah, low, and if your history is anything to go by, you will continue to be low.

They align rather close with the common sentiment of the more casual players: They’re dead tired of all the CC in the game.

Just read the threads on worldofpvp.

You’re just gonna have to accept that if Blizzard wants to revive PvP and bring it back to what it was in the past in regards to popularity, they’re gonna have to make it more fun for the more casual crowd. And sitting in CC isn’t fun. Doesn’t matter how good or bad you are, it’s not fun. Fun is what is what’s important. That’s what gets people playing.

That game I talked about earlier with the feral spamming cyclones? He didn’t win. It was just annoying as hell having to play that game when he was just spamming cyclones on everyone. That’s not fun. I was considering alt f4ing at one point because it was so tiresome.

I 5-1’d a healer higher than me in my last session. Gained quite a bit of MMR from that. Though, that wasn’t his fault - the lock killed himself twice on his team, would’ve been a 3-3 if not for that lock being suicidal on his team and he would’ve lost mmr and I would’ve gained anyways.

thats just because of the pvp talent, they only can fix it if they change primal wrath. thats a other thing, this only exist since dragonflight, and was discussed to death i think the devs already know it.

but it´s fun to spam healing cuz dps are doing unhealable dmg, otherwise nothing would die, u just dont understand, if they nerf cc, they will balance the dmg around it

Feral lost in Legion for 1 xpac his clone, what happend? they buffed the dmg to oblivion and Feral did unhealable dmg, it wasnt fun to play against a feral in legion, this class was overtuned dmg wise, but this class needed it, because they removed his cc.

and every big cc, clone/poly/trap would be a 100% trinket from the heal otherwise his dps is dead, is fun gameplay?

so u think a zugzug pve fest would be more fun for pvp? lol

most of the Arena players Complain about Clone, and the high amount of micro cc that´s it.



Having to play more tactical in regards to how you use your CC means “zug zug pve fest”?

Why not say you just want to spam CC at people.