The CC in this game has never been this bad

Tbf theres no real “tactical” if you make every CC the same DR.
All it would do is lead to even more based on who deals the most dmg and who has the longest instant CC and noone else is allowed to use any of theirs.

I enjoy more when the PvP are more based around CC control than zugzug.
The only “real” issue is the amount of micro-ccs, not rly the amount of hard-ccs.

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Yes it does, because it completely obliterates setup comps in particular and makes the entire game dependent on doing max damage and max healing until either healer runs out of mana and loses. It would be anything BUT tactical.

E.g. Jungle: With your suggestion Intim would be full duration, Freezing Trap would be half, and Fear out of it would be triple DR? Seriously?

A Demo Lock Axe Tosses a healer, Fear off it would be half? Seriously?

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Of course there is. You can’t just mindlessly spam it at people to stop them from casting. People are barely even interrupting because they just CC you to stop the cast. You’d have to actually interrupt instead of using CCs to stop casts.

You are talking about the micro-ccs ppl spam to interrupt in its current state.
Because you are mad about that you want to ruin every single CC for it. Thats not a good way of arguing for your case.

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The solution therefore isn’t to put everything on one DR it’s to remove some of the existing CC’s, which actually would be a good idea. E.g. the classes with 2 and 3 stuns.

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We both know they’re not going to do that.

because it have nothing to do with more tactical

u just try to get the healer in the opener into the cc, and u will force instantly his trinket, or every defensive cd

u also dont understand, if u have less cc, they balance around more dmg, so this game will be even more dps, otherwise classes with less cc have a big disadvantage

we are already at a point where the game feels like m+

did u played against dh dk at 2.2 in 3s? have fun to heal this

I WANT less micro cc, like dk pet stun, or like Shokweave, or like dh stun, or holy priest stun,

just less cc, which prevents you from playing your character for a second

yes, THATS even the Tactic behind it, when your mate stun the enemy healer, u use a cc on him, to have him in a cc chain while u burst the enemy dps to get the “kill pressure”

if every cc is on the same dr, it is first less tactical, and also u dont rely on your team mate anymore, to bring cc plays

They’re more likely to do that than put every single CC in the game on the same DR rofl.

Oh btw curious, would your ‘one DR’ suggestion also apply to PvE?

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I personally wouldnt even say that would make any difference for majority of players and only make a difference for ppl who play with veng DH at the very top.

While it would make a huge difference for majority of players in PvP and destroy the control factor.

Do you know what m+ actually is like at the higher key levels? Like a 26? I’ve done a 26( back in sl, attempted 27 in DF and did several 25) and attempted a 28 at the highest(back in sl). You shut the mobs down so hard that they can’t cast or they will wipe the floor with you, no defensives will save you, no amount of healing will save you. They will straight up murder you if they get to cast, you either CC them into oblivion or the key is depleted.

“zug zug pve fest”? It’s a CC fest, just like PvP.

hm, it dont have to be the top, even in higher keys like 15 u need the high amount of micro cc in some m+

i played in season 2 a bit of m+ and i can understand why they need it, but they just could make m+ talents instead

calling be brain rot, but doesnt even understand what i meant with that.

m+ is pve

and some comps already do most likely pve in 3s pvp and cleave someone down :man_facepalming:

u mean last season which was a joke, and even the worst players what click their abilities could do a 26 key because it was so inflated?

Last seasons 15 or this seasons 15?
Last seasons you didnt.
If you use a veng DH you need less micro ccs and just more dmg.

this season, i know this new change is confusing, i also think everytime that 15/20 key is low, but not in this season cuz they changed how m+ works

lol last season i know a druid what moved with a and d had no keybinds and using wrong talents got 27 with her m+ grp

There are people that beat games like dark souls by pressing on bananas.

Yea its difficult to rly know what season they talk about in general if they dont state it. Atleast it is for me so I always ask.
I got a group that will try to like half push while having fun with no meta comp. fistweaver who basically just got to 70 like a week ago or less and already doing 10s. Just finding one more player before we might start doing it. Not serious though but it will be fun to test it.

I did a 23 last season without even knowing anything and I didnt even think about pushing to begin with. Wasnt amazing but wasnt terrible either I were just surprised over how easy it was.

Just as ppl can get carried in PvP ppl can also get carried in PvE xd

well, the difference, they are skilled and hardcore gamers, but she´s not.

yeah all good, i think it needs some time, maybe 1-2 season and then it´s back to the normal :smiley:

isnt mw still good? or top, last season it was meta, now its rdrood if im not wrong, idk havent checked this season i only know, that last season everyone was a mw :smiley:

thats nice as long as u having fun with it

the meta thing is anyway cringe, people already looking mdi meta for low keys

many peoples are buying currently boosts to gear their shadow priest as fast as possible in pve

last season was crazy inflated, i havent played it, but everyone in my friendlist did, and told me that

OH LOL and thats for sure, she is playing with 2 guys what got m+ r1 in season 2

i dont want to call names because it would be toxic, but yeah, she is carried by them :smiley:

the difference is really big when you are a heal and play with dps/tanks what know how to use cc and kicks :smiley:

Last season MW were the vast majority. But he basically just started playing it, so was just fun to see him struggle while we joked about him during the 10s we did with him. He jumped from doing 5s to 10s ^^
But I enjoy ppl who are willing to learn.

Yes, we are basing the entire thing about being fun otherwise we see no point of it. It will be serious but it wont be without not having fun. We all know we will make mistakes but thats part of the fun!

Last season were just joke dungeons. This season seems to be quite close except a few bosses that requires some focusing etc.
The difference is how good gear you can get this season compared to last one. So ppl climb faster this season.

As long as ppl understand they are being carried for the most part I dont rly care.
The issue is when the ppl who did get carried or bought w/e they have start writing with massive ego.
Good for you that you got what you wanted, just dont expect me to respect you for it. :person_shrugging:

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happens most of the time in wow

MoP was the worst.
Every class/spec had 2 form of CC.
Warrior was able to stun lock you for more than 10 seconds and it was not on DR.

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