The CC in this game has never been this bad

Actually it’s nice method: on my bm I played one lobby this season on 2650mmr with 4-2, so now I’m treated like 2700 player and by current rankings I’m legit top1 and can any throw any fried take without any objections from anyone :thinking:


CC has been in the game for 15+ years much more powerful than it is now.

It doesn’t take 1k iq to realize it’s not the cc being problem but the current gameplay.

CC has dropped in priority and value only so damage / Mana is the top priority in DF gameplay.

Notice how every CC that is either casted or can be dispelled is just not worth going for because you are missing out on you M+ rotation. Also it breaks to aoe.

Healers no longer need to cast, everything is instant. Most of the damage is instant and also ranged from melee classes? lol.

Classes have 50 cds to go through so it is much better to just oom healers.

So only outliners left are effortless instant ccs like entire rogue and dh toolkit. Or a cyclone.

I think the game is just too piss for this to be fixed but if they wanna try something about it they either have to buff casted cc so it does not last 1sec and also it needs to not break instantly.

Or they have to nerf instant low cd piss as well like gouge, kidney, cheap shot, and entire demonhunter toolkit. Cyclone probably needs adjust then.

You will just make the game fully pve but that’s what it is basicly now.

Edit: Also this is a 3v3 point of view idc about shuffle.

Exactly! :slight_smile:

Bit over the top there. It’s not “really” low.

Arenas feels like mythic+ and people think that the problem is cc. Every comp in 3s is only about doing most dmg/hps.

Im really not amazed why this game turned to crap, when majority of playerbase thinks that problem is cc.

In mop i could go for drink to my kitchen downstaris and i would still be in cc when i would come back and it was best pvp expansion.


Lmao what.

A big problem is the CC. There’s TOO MUCH of it. How’s that hard to understand?

Funny, because CC currently is the worst it’s ever been. As for MoP being the best expansion. :joy: Nice troll attempt, 7/10.

Just done a solo shuffle on my Priest and was against a Mistweaver, DK, Ele shaman. I swear I was just me sitting wanting to play the game…

I would get silenced (4 seconds) > stun (5 seconds) > song of chi ji (6 seconds) > Hex (8 Seconds). From there is was just Micro/DR’d CC the entire time till DRs were reset. Outside of Trinket that is 23 seconds where you cannot do a single thing.

There absolutely is, if they have this much CC then they need to start bringing in ways to remove it… Even bloody polymorph removes all dots now to make it braindead…

I don’t fully expect anything to change though, the devs are spread far too thin between Retail, MoP Remix, Classic, new expansion and Season of Discovery. The game needs new players and cause the devs can’t/won’t/don’t have time to actually balance the game, it’s sadly dying, in all honesty they need to just let these all these gimmicks be as they are (unbalanced) or get rid of them entirely. Once that is done, then I think we would actually start to see some balance. As it is, Retail is just forgotton about completely.

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The solution is to make everything DR with everything.

Make people have to think about when they CC people, make people have to press their interrupts instead of CCing to stop casts.

Trying to play PvP now is basically like trying to play a tank in OW before they pruned CC. Not fun at all.

Was trying to play some blitz BGs earlier and it was just dumb.

Wanted to cast ultimate penitence. Got stunned. Started casting it again. Got stunned. Started casting it again. Got stunned. Started casting it again. Got dragon’s breathed. Started casting it again. Got polymorphed and it broke instantly. Cast again. Polymorph. Cast again. I get pushed. Cast again. I get gripped. Cast again. I get gripped. Cast again. I get pushed. Cast again. I get feared for it to break instantly. Cast again. Feared, breaks instantly again. Cast again. Stunned. Cast again. Stunned. Cast again. Stunned. Cast again. Gripped. Cast again. Pushed. Cast again. Gripped. Cast again. Silenced.

It’s just insane. How does anyone actually enjoy this gameplay? I couldn’t cast ultimate penitence, any time I tried to cast it people just threw stuff at me to stop it, they weren’t even interrupting it with kicks.

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it is

Ofc it does even at high rating.

Just stop. u got so much backlash on this suggestion, and u still cant see why it is bad.

Being able to play the game is bad now?

“got so much backlash”, no, a few posters said they don’t like it, lmao. Let’s just say I know more people that think it should all go on same DR than the amount of people who’s responsible for the “so much backlash”.

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? these peoples said, why it is bad, they even FULLY explained to you, why it is bad to make every cc on the same dr LMAO

game beeing fully PVE fight is good or what?

CC exist since CLASSIC in pvp, and people are not complaining about NORMAL cc, because it´s a part of PVP peoples are complaing about the high amount of Micro CC what only exist since Dragonflight, and this have to be removed/nerfed NOTHING ELSE, but you just don’t understand it, or don’t want to understand it

Havent found one, on this forum.

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You’re basically 6 people posting here, lmao.

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There isn’t a single decently rated and decently experienced player that believes every CC should be on one DR. Not a single one. I will copy and paste my earlier questions to you from another thread since you decided to not reply:

'Just to get this straight, a Hunter that Intim stuns a healer and then traps the healer would have that trap halved? If a Rogue Stuns a healer, Polymorph off it will be half duration? Sheep after a DB would be half duration? So you render the CC chains to being done by one player in many compositions. A Demo Warlock triple Fears to peel (something you frequently complain you don’t receive when people train you btw), but then can’t do their own setup with Axe Toss? If an Assa Rogue Garottes you, is their Cheap Shot half duration?

Do you not think this massively reduces the quality of gameplay?

I’m all for reducing the amount of CC in the game, particularly short CD stuns (and the quantity: Warrior 2 stuns, DH 2 stuns, Druid 3 Stuns, Shaman 2 stuns etc) but putting everything on one DR seems very silly!’

Seems like you just want to play a very passive, scripted mode of content. This clearly has nothing to do with ‘choosing when to CC correctly’, since you, as a Holy Priest, have multiple answers to either avoid incoming CC or to respond to CC when you’re in it.


All cc on the same dr is a horrendous idea for obvious reasons. The problem is with the amount of micro cc, turning the game into an m+ circus. The proposed cc change would only make setup comps even more garbage than they are now.

Just read the post above mine, it accurately explains why your cc idea is bad.

Blizzard ruined PVP by making anyone feel powerfull, some classes are dangeorus no matter if my mother play them or R1, booth can kill when do their rotation, some classes are impossible to play bad. And yea classes are bloated with POWER and CC

But dogma holiest of above all dogmas in gaming is
“Because a game for everyone is a game for no one”

Since blizzard sterred away from that dogma trouble begun for their game

No it isn’t.

No it doesn’t. Mythic+ is completely different. :tipping_hand_man:

Well I’m one of them, I mean not ALL cc’s, but I get their point.

So “high rated” people enjoy sitting in constant CC throughout their games. Good for them man, honestly, I’m glad they’re enjoying it. Doesn’t mean that there’s not too much CC in the game, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t ruin the game for many people. Many high rated players don’t even post on the forums. There is nothing fun about being pushed around, rooted, feared, stunned 24/7 without being able to do much. Not everyone can avoid ridiculous amounts of CC in one go. Take a lock for example… All it takes is a simple deathcoil to put you way out of the open, then spam fear, or constant stuns then spam fear.

Micro cc’s is a big problem, because there’s far too much of it. It doesn’t make the game fun for me to play at all. I play PvE mostly because PvP at the moment is a sh!tshow.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Can’t tell if you’re being a strawman, deliberately missing/ignoring the point just to argue, or just aren’t very bright.

How on EARTH do you read me say:

And respond with:

How on Earth have you come up with these argumentative responses after I EXPLICITLY SAID I am all for REMOVING CC but putting it all on one DR is nonsensical.

Some of you people can’t be for real, I refuse to believe it for your own sakes.

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Not really. Just the way you came across. I admit I thought that way as well, as you did clearly say you’re “for” removing some CC’s. I apologise about that for reading it wrong.

it is, maybe it´s for you the end level.

yeah u dont understand the metaphor behind it but it´s good, maybe you find it out soon!

yeah checked xp/ rating and i know why u think that way, i dont want to rating bash, but thats a simple prove why low rated lfg players suffer under the The Dunning–Kruger effect, and think that their idea is the right one to make pvp better while they are dont even know the normal basics about the game

Well you are. You’re not exactly the best yourself, so I don’t see why you would. :tipping_hand_man: I never claimed to be very good. Doesn’t stop the fact that CC is out of control. I mean this is coming from a druid… A CC god.