The current loot system will fail - here's why

In two resets, the conquest ceiling will be 2200, which means you could get a 200 weapon literally just for being dead in random BGs. Higher ilvl if you are capable of pressing buttons in an Arena (and trust me, if I got to Combatant in a couple days, anyone with opposable thumbs can do it).

In a month or so, the quest items that you get from your covenant campaign - literally free gear awarded for using flight points and clicking stuff on your screen - will scale to 197, so functionally Normal raid loot. Same with Honor gear that you can again get by putting people in a random BG on follow. We don’t know what will be the cap for World Quest gear scaling but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 197 as well. In a month, two months tops, 200 average item level will be essentially free for everyone and that is something that all of the gear whiners don’t seem to realize - free endgame gear is still a thing, it’s just timegated so you don’t have the silly situation of Legion and BfA where even Little Timmy that never did an instance in his life was technically outgearing raid content the day of the tier opening.

If you want to have that gear right now… Well, you gotta work for it. Being ahead of the gear curve doesn’t come for free and never did, even in the hayday of Titanforging and welfare gear, because all that did was move the curve for everyone. What you should be wondering about isn’t whether it is fair you have to work to be ahead of the gear curve, but whether the content you are doing warrants the effort of being ahead of the gear curve instead of taking it easy and going with the curve. Because after a cursory glance at your armory, I’m not entirely convinced you really need to go this hard to do the stuff you are doing.

That’s the point. Working for it is not the same as working to have a CHANCE for it. And that chance is really small actually right now.

Would you do your job for a 10% CHANCE to get paid for each day?

CHANCE is fine when it’s extra (you work, you get paid, but you also have a chance to get some bonus) - but baseline should be made of effort so you KNOW that effort will pay off. Not “maybe” will pay off. Grind is less painful when results can be predicted at least to some degree. In current WoW only thing you can predict is PVP gear. But what if someone doesn’t like PVP? Loot shower is pretty bad too, but at least increases this “maybe” chance.

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Not a valid analogy. A valid analogy would be: “would you work twice as hard as usual to have a chance of getting paid a couple weeks early instead of at the end of the month”. To which my response would be “probably not, unless I really really needed the money right now for something very specific”. Which is my point.

Thats the thing, the game has evolved too much and presents 2 major issues with the idea of loot feeling epic.

The first issue is that we consume content way faster now, with loot taking so long to aquire most people feel that they are not progressing as fast as others and are beeing left behind. People got used to the idea that they can get decked out in epics in day (or atleast in high lvl epics), which i do not really see a problem with because that is the way Blizzard have conditioned us in the past expansions.

The second issue is that essentially M+ was created to be a loot piniata. I cant say all but most people generally play M+ to gear up fast, I am not saying they do not enjoy it but lets be honest how many people push keys past the max gear tresh hold ( like 16s etc). So if M+ is not as good for gearing then its esentially pointless atm.

And before anyone starts chewing my head off, I dont particularly have a side on the matter “loot should be scarese or not”, everything i said are observations on what people are complaining about and i do understand their issues with the system.

It also depends of the chance. If it was like 80% it’s gonna pay off - that’s probalby ok I guess. So basically that tells you - “it has a chance to fail, but you will most likely succeed”.

But if you do the math in current WoW gearing system you are not going to like these numbers of how much effort you would need to reach this 80% certainity. And then you basically have the opposite conclusion “you have a chance to succeed, but basically you are going to fail” (you will burn out of the grind and just leave the game, it’s better to just let it go - but if you let it go it feels bad too, because, well - it just feels bad, that you gave up on something that you wanted). And that kills your enthusiasm and makes it pretty depressing.

Chance for satisfactory result / effort curve is pretty bad right now.

Lucky you! you get excited by getting a 200ivl weapon… can’t wait to see you excited to get a 203 ilvl weapon to replace it in 40 +more mythic + right ? ^^’

Basically, the thing you don’t word very well is : in classic, loots are meaningful because all raids are relevant.
Retail only the last raid is relevant and everything is basically catch up mechanics because blizz don’t want to have a classic naxx again. (can’t remember how many % actually cleaned or entered the thing but it was litteraly insignificant for the work required…)

Plus in classic you had only a single difficulty, so an item would stay relevant until next tier. Well with 3 difficulties of raids and +3ilvl increments from M+ obviously that’s different…

Now, problem is you’ve grinded a lot of hours to get a kinda bad weapon 26 ilvl below the best available atm.

Items will be devaluated in the future… They won’t change that… Imagine the whines from everyone if they have to clean castle Nathria before getting in second raid ? you gotta ignore this castle, i mean you’ve seen it ? it’s red and full of vampires xD

Oh while i’m at it … I still hate this chest (great vault whatever). I’d rather have an actual possibility to farm the stuff (even if i wouldn’t be able to (yeah see elitists i’m fine with not being 226 incredible i know))

And no won’t grind 10 15+ for the incredible privilege to chose between 3 items.

Btw loot isn’t meaningful when you know there’s a +3 ilvl upgrade in the next M+ or way more in a stupid chest at reset… So yeah meaningless loots can’t wait to get more of those !

the drop rate is the same for everybody. If you have some lower slots you can’t fill with random drops, there’s a lot of mechanics to counter-balance that. ilvl 200 pvp gear is super fast to grind a piece. Also with all the runs you claimed to have run, your weekly vault will give you a lot of selection.
You want your gear to matter in the next season too? Well, then also the OP gear of elite PVEer and PVPer will count, and you will by behind from the start.

Loot scarcity worked in TBC because many items from the first raid tier (T4) were still decent 2 raids later. For comparison the difference between a Karazhan weapon and a Black Temple weapon was 16ilvl, and most people progressed the content as one continuous stream (rather than like modern wow in “seasonal” patch cycles).

The comparative difference between a M0 weapon and a Mythic 7 (ilvl200) is a big dps difference, and yet there are 33ilvl worth of weapon still available above that within this tier, massive difference, a whole expansion pack worth of gear progression within one tier.

Friend of mine did over 40+ for a weapon too, and it’s still subpar compared to raid drop. I still have my ilvl 184 M0 though most of my gear is 200+

I’m not reading that bulbous post but I guess you are saying it will fail because people don’t get something useful every time they try, well guess what, do it again.

The feeling when you finally got it kinda proves the system works, you get more excited for loot now than before. It acutally means more now than before.

Loot rewards does not worth time investment anymore, its simple as that.
You don’t even get something special, all you get is copy of item with exact same stats but overtuned based on ilvl, at this point why we have items at all, just put ilvl on top of characters head, and if desired variable procs BOOM +3 ilvl.

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I’m just gonna add to this that I did today the ardenweald world boss and it dropped a 207 waist.
A world boss, with no difficulty, that took 5 minutes in a random pug party dropped better than a +10.

Gearing is a joke now.

No it doesn’t, what content you do determine what loot you get. If you only do 3 bosses on normal raid, you get a normal raid ilevel. If you do 10/10 normal and 7/10 heroic, you get 1 heroic item and 2 normal items. It’s solely based on what content you’re doing and what ilevel that content drops.

That’s WoW to be honest. I farmed my living life out of certain dungeons in both TBC and Wrath to get the piece of item I wanted. Never dropped, and went until the raid befor I upgraded. That’s the nature of a loot driven game.

Before you actually had to have more luck and depended more on RNG than now. Because before you could farm a piece of gear, but it had to first drop, then it had to roll an upgrade, then it had to roll the exact right tertiary on it (mainly a socket). It was RNG on RNG and RNG. And since they mucked up on main stat as well at a point, it wasn’t guaranteed that the upgrade was an upgrade, since secondary stats were weighted heavier than main stats for some classes.

Now you can farm a certain amount of dungeons and hope you get the upgrade you need. And when it drops it’s actually the upgrade you’ve farmed. It’s not like “Ah it didn’t upgrade”. The upgrade system was a terrible joke, that added more RNG than was good. They’ve toned down the RNG considerably now.

But then you talk about min max

If you’re looking for alternative you will do almost just as fine.

Gingi took 40+ sspires +10+ wiuth two other hunters to get a hun (Because that dungean drops less gear for hunters compared to dos)

Min max is for a lot of people, quite important. They want to get the most of the class they play. In Legion and BfA that was close to impossible because of the infernal RNG system and upgrade system. You would never get your max potential because farming the specific gear for it, didn’t exist. Now it does.

valid point of view.

However, I do believe this is a necessary step towards a better future for the game.

Those who managed to rush things and effortlessly gear up in a span of a few weeks, now need to take their time. You don’t Have to grind endlessly, unless you’re obsessed with gear. The vault provides you with multiple options each week if you direct your strategy of grinding towards the pieces you want from the instances you choose.

The vault is your primary source of gear. Not the loot that drops from the end of the dungeon. The whole Mythic loot drop was supposed to be a once per week thing, same way as raids. And if mythic+ is giving people the chance for a loot each time, then it must have limited chance for drop. Otherwise, we’re back to BFA. You get so much loot that you don’t feel anything about any of it.

I’ve been saying the whole “seasons” aspects of the game sucks since it was first added in Wrath (or the Sunwell patch if you want to count that BoJ vendor as a precursor).

But that was 12 years ago. People have gotten used to the seasonal nature of the game. It’ll just be business as usual.

Current loot system is garbage, all they needed to do was get rid of all the RNG sockets, titanforging ect.

But no, Blizzard being Blizzard decided to take it a step further and artificially make loot more “meaningful” by having none drop.

Blizzard is telling people that you shall just do 1 weekly M+ to get your vault loot next week. There is no point to do more than 1 M+ per week because you won’t get any loot from it.

It is good thing. Blizzard is trying to tell players that sitting in front of PC for long time and playing excessively is not good for a person’s health.

Taking wow moderate and doing more physical exercise at home is important for customers’ health, especially during this covid time. Blizzard has great sense of corporate social responsibility.

Gear isnt an end goal, but a means to get there.
There were plently of heroic geared players with no actual chance to get into plus 15 group who can time it or curve raid who can kill last boss.

Fixating on ilvl and not on guild or community is a biggest mistake.

On launch week 150+ ilvl geared 5 friends did m0 runs, but now on 3rd or is 4th week you solo most likely wont be invited to m0 unless you overgear it.

Gear wont replace other people in mmo.