The death of the Zandalari Empire

By making them Fel addicts - we’ve seen what that did to the Orcs! Luckily, Blizzard has already sentenced Kael’thas for his crimes.

Exactly! So everybody has to die, since everybody was at peace with the Alliance at some point, including Kael’thas and Sylvanas!

Their leaders were killed, they are weak! There is no place for weakness in the Horde!

Serving Demons or simping Jaina. At least, Lor’themar found his love interest in the Horde! Lok’tar!

Of course I am, I told you, I am your mirror image! Pay attention! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And I will fight even harder for I love the Horde even more and I don’t have an Erevien bias!

And I will be your mirror, showing you, that I am the last true Horde patriot!

What a pathetic weakling, tempted by Fel magic and slain for it. Good we got rid of him.
Even Sylvanas said “There’s no place for weakness in our ranks.”, and she also was weak for forging an alliance! He was the weakest of the weak.

Kael’thas was the best. There is nothing you can say or do to make me think otherwise. Go back to Stormwind where you belong filthy high elf traitor.

Thalyssra is yet another pathetic weakling who deserves to die. Anyone who makes peace with the alliance should be killed off. She has no place in MY Horde.

And just to remind everyone what Blizzard did in Bfa:

Blizzard will pay for what they did to the Zandalari. Ion will have no sleep because he will know I am hunting for him.

I bet he has constant nightmares about a random 220 Itemlevel b11 fire mage who doesn’t even play the game and pays for numerous accounts to troll the forums constantly with copy&paste threads and to bypass bans. :upside_down_face:

so, basicly 90% of the horde …
slow handclap
great, after purge the whole leadership and most part opf population (who`s sick of the war) going with an even weaker and smaler horde against the alliance…
absolutly brilliant.

The entire Horde council is guilty of betraying their allies by making a treaty with the alliance. A slow and suffering death is what they all deserve. Once the trash council is gone we will attack the alliance again and make them pay for everything they did.

A true horde fan would know that Kael’thas screwed up. Like all of us, he sought power, yet the power was too much for him to handle. But no hard feelings, it’s my job as your mirror to point these things out! If you consider yourself a true Kael’thas fan, you hold traitors in high regard anyway. Even you completed quests for this new Horde council.

The Horde needs powerful sorcerers and spellweavers to be able to stand against the Powerhouses in the Alliance! Lor’themar is wise to be in a relationship with such a powerful mage. She has also great knowledge and her own magic well. There’s just no need for self-absorbed weaklings like Kael’thas to be around anymore.

But since we’re fighting for the same cause - you still haven’t told me who supports our Horde. :thinking: Who is it? How many people are fighting for our cause?

That’s right! This also happened:

Wait. And then we… will continue to pay for playing the game and buy new expansions? I’m confused. :confused:

Oh, great! Tell me everything! What do we do?! Dox him? Write Hatemails? Give Blizzard a bad review on Google? Tell me, how do we destroy his life?

Absolutely! And we will kill anyone who supported them! Horde leaders! Alliance leaders! The whole population of Azeroth! And in the end, we will kill each other, because even we, although involuntarily, have aided the Council and the Alliance leaders for years by simply playing the game! We will not rest until life in Azeroth is wiped out! :smiling_imp:

If you are among those fools like Baal and Skoll who pretended to feel faction pride I am sorry for you. At least Saurfang is dead now. He can’t harm the Horde any longer. Sylvanas did good. Now Baine and Thrall need to follow.

She ran away from Jaina like the true coward she is. I feel nothing for her. We need Elisande. She would have stomped the ice witch into the ground.

For that see my list for alternate leaders in the other thread. I am sure you saw it.

He didn’t do anything wrong. He was the victim of bad writing. Shadowlands cleared that up.

And I will be their executioner.

We call him Bob. That filth doesen’t deserve to be announced with his full name.

I was just finishing what you started, you only linked a few of the BfA cinematics.
And I do not know a Baal or a Skoll. But you’re right, Baine and Thrall need to die. As well as every other NPC on Azeroth.

As your mirror, I have the duty to point out that this was actually a good decision. At that time, their mission was an exfiltration, they couldn’t risk for their target to be harmed. So escaping the enemy territory was the best strategy.

Of course, but they’re B-Listers without significant power as well. For true equality, everybody must die.

Careful! As your mirror image, I have to point out that this argument could easily be turned against you, especially when you don’t use it to criticise the way something is told, but the act itself.

Why would you kill people on their behalf?

His full name would be "Lor’themar Theron, so we’re good. :slight_smile:

I specifically linke those were the Zandalari got utterly bamboozled by the alliance. So I don’t know why you need the urge to post the one were Saurfang was ousted. Like he means nothing to me. He is just on the same par as Baine and Thrall are. Filthy traitors who got what they deserved.

The group outnumbered Jaina. Yet they chose to run away. That is a clear message. That Jaina was far too powerful to be defeated. Another faction pride moment for the alliance in a scenario that is about the Horde. Just shows much much Blizzard sucks at giving the Horde any reason to fight the alliance in an expansion that is about faction war.

They are A-Listers. They are far superior to the trash that is currently in charge of the faction.

Kael’thas turned bad because Blizzard needed a filler raid before Illidan came in. That’s it. There was no reason behind it. It was a PvE decision for which they butchered good lore. But while Illidan got his redemption arc in Legion and is among the living again, Kael’thas is now in the afterlife without purpose. If Blizzard wants to give the blood elf community a treat they should bring him back and help us kick out Bob since he is the most incompetent leader we ever had. Nobody feels pride for that failure. Ghostlands and half of Silvermoon are still in ruins during his reign.

I would kill THEM to give the Horde something better in return.

I will also not call him Lor’themar.

Because as your mirror image, I know that you learned to love Sylvanas through these cinematics. Every good hero needs a good villain.

There it is, your terrific sense of humor! :rofl: To say that they outnumbered her, when they were barely a handful, with the army of Stormwind, Genn and Anduin breathing down their necks! Only a fool would have made a stand under this circumstances - maybe some stupid alliance spy. The Horde would never sacrifice the mission for a useless last stand. I mean: A five man Horde team managed to walk into the very core of the Alliance capitol, break into their prison, free its prisoners and then, on their way out, fought several Alliance leaders and its entire army - just to leave the city successfully and without a scratch! To not feel faction pride for that, you’d need to be an Alliance player, am i right? LOK’TAR!

In the end, it doesn’t matter. We will kill all of them, then it will be fair again.

I couldn’t agree more.

Death for all of them and then a swift and clean death for the Horde.
Glad we agree.


Yeah you are trolling. I have no further itention of interacting with you now. Goodbye.

No. Not the Horde. Just their leaders. Once they are gone the faction can be great again.

I’ll be waiting for you in the next mirror! Don’t worry, in the end, Blizzard will do what we want! :slight_smile: LOK’TAR OGAR!

It is rather obvious you don’t take my ideas serious. I have no gain in writing to you if all answers only intend to mock what I want for the Horde. There are more then enough other people here who are willing to contribute. So don’t hit your head on the way out.

But I am contributing!
I’m improving your train of thoughts by announcing the final train station, which, sometimes, even you can’t see.

For example, I explained to everyone that brilliant joke about the Horde exfiltration!
And showed them that the Horde doesn’t need weaklings in need of Allies (like Talanji, Baine, Sylvanas or Kael’thas).

And don’t worry, I’ll keep our handsome head safe! :slight_smile:

Posting these again so that nobody forgets the crimes of the alliance.

we will take our revenge in due time.

and Donctcarevien will not stop me. I will storm their offices in Irvine.

Rastakhan was a pitiful fool and he died like one he was a written as a fool way back in cata but you wouldn’t know you don’t know the lore of this game after all and you’ve proven it time and again wish brig was still alive to set you straight

And again people, don’t forget these:

He’s right, Donctcarevien won’t stop us!

These doesn’t matter. What matters is that the Zandalari got shafted and Blizzard gave us no compensation for that because Jaina is still alive.