The death of the Zandalari Empire

And Genn, Talanji and Sylvanas! They will all die!

Also, don’t forget this one:

Pandaren suck.

Seriously, how many times do the two of you have to post the exact same thing, in a single thread?

The Zandalari have been on a downward spiral since the rise of the Kaldorei empire, witht he sundering and the cataclysm also being colossal blows due to lost landmass. Talanji’s story has only just begun, but she is one of the most vocal leaders against the Aliance so far having avoided infection by Anduinitus.


Rastakhan was beloved by the people. Talanji had to deal with a full blown rebellion since the beginning of her journey. I know which leader would I take instead. We should take Zul’s plan and bring Dazar back to replace her.

Zul’s plan was ooga booga old god slug thing… Not a great plan.

Rastakhan also had to quench his fair share of unrest. The reason i don’t necessarily mind his death is because it can be a catalyst toward future storytelling. A rallying cry for the trolls to unite, under a single banner and something to make the lives of those infected with Anduinitus a little harder.

To be fair, I wasn’t ok with Rastakhan’s death, whilst Katherine Proudmoore still got to live on.

I’d say she should have died as well.

Talanji will die eventually just like Rasatkhan. Why? Because if you are anti alliance in this game then you are wrong by default. Baine and Thrall will talk her out of her revenge and she will become yet another boring peace monger. Blizzard made it clear in Bfa that the alliance will always come out on top while the Horde gets broken beyond repair. The Horde is dead and if Blizzard doesn’t implement my changes then it will stay that way eventually.

Your changes include displacing the Blood Elves from their rightful home. :woman_shrugging: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ashenvale > Quel’thalas.
Kael’thas > Bob

What does Ashenvale do for me, exactly?

And how does it relate to the all-dead sunstrider line?

Quel’Thalas does everything for me and the Blood Elf race. Quel’Thalas is the Blood Elves and the Blood Elves are Quel’Thalas.

EDIT: Tell you what - why don’t you make a youtube video, explaining this to me and the Blood Elf fanbase as a whole. Tell me, how the Night Elves getting Quel’Thalas, Silvermoon and the Sunwell is somehow a benefit to the Blood Elves losing all of that and only getting Ashenvale and nothing else.

Having Rastakhan on the Horde would have been amazing. Sure he didn’t exactly shine as a leader but he was an exciting and charismatic character. The whole Battle of Dazar’alor thing was utterly humiliating and I hope Talanji will remain hostile towards the Alliance, alongside Gey’arah

He was charismatic because he was old, mainly…more than 200 which is impossible for all other Trolls, but thanks to Rezan he could, I guess…

(but still, Loa or not, living so long it’s an elven feature that he stole. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been so legendary if he was in the normal Troll age)

He saw some Blood Elves being involved in the Azshara questlines (mainly winning against the Shen’dralar), so now he wants the Blood Elves to help the Orcs and take over Ashenvale, too. (which Lorash already did in some way, he killed quite a lot of Night Elves there during the War of Thorns)

Against the Nightborne?

I don’t remember seeing them in Azshara.

But one agent, who now resides in Lordaeron, doesn’t equate to an entire nation’s move to Ashenvale.

Plus - why Ashenvale? Why not Eldre’Thalas? Also - why do we have to wait for the Forsaken and Night Elves to have satisfactory conclusions?

Blood elves have just lost their home and they have to wait for anything substantial to happen, whereas Forsaken and Night Elves got a Warfront against each other and the former got a storyline with Derek Proudmoore and the latter got some extra stuff in Nazjatar.

To me - all this “Move the Blood Elves out of Quel’Thalas” doesn’t actually give them any further additional lore because the Blood Elves are then made to wait for other races to get lore attention.
Erevien/Kalibas: Move them to Ashenvale!
Me: And…? Do what…?
Erevien/Kalibas: Build a new city, but Forsaken and Night Elves come first!
Me: So, Blood Elves are homeless for no reason then?

Once again just shows your simple minded and arrogant world view. Other races don’t matter for you as long as they are not willing vicarious agents for your own personal goals. You are truly an awful person.

The world is split into two. And Pandaren refuse to pick a side still. Garrosh had the right idea. Dominate them is the best way to make them bent.

my goal is to make the Horde strong.

Sorry I meant Shen’dralar Highborne…all these kinds of name variants coming from the Kaldorei family are a bit confusing for me sometimes…

To be fair both Ashenvale and Feralas would ruin the Blood Elf fantasy. Even Eldre’thalas would need to get a complete overhaul and update in the Sin’dorei style and ways of life before they could settle down there permanently. Also they would need a new source of power if they move to Kalimdor, meaning only Hyjal and the Well of Eternity are likely a possibility if they need to create a new Sunwell on Kalimdor anyway.

And also, Ashenvale, Hyjal, Feralas, all these places are just “common” forests. The Blood Elves would need a powerful spell like the Highborne of Dath’Remar in order to enchant them in a perpetual spring, and make them magically infused. I don’t want them to live in a “natural” forest as they are such a magically-focused race, Feralas, Ashenvale or Hyjal need to be enchanted and look like Eversong and Quel’Danas if the Blood Elves really move there and live there permanently.

Well Kalibas at least despite being a super Night Elf fan, he does not act like Erevien with the Horde dominance and bias, right?

He likely means only the Alliance pandaren (Tushui). Or maybe he means the Horde ones too because he doesn’t see them fighting for the Horde (or he just does not see them anywhere, anyway :sweat_smile: )

He does - but with an extreme night elf bias.

Dear Brigante called it correct when he said that what Kalibas wanted was for the Night Elves to have a direct “I win” button.
We were getting into the stages of the Shen’dralar Highborne were the creators of the Arcane Elven Empire because it was noted that they were Azshara’s “revered” arcanists and that they are far more advanced than the Blood Elves.
Big deals were made about the Moon Guard and in a round-about way, Night Elves should beat the Blood Elves in the field of the arcane. (Talk was also mentioned that the Arcane was not a core aspect of the Blood Elves and that the only unique trait of the Blood Elves were the Farstriders. He likes them the most, so it was only natural he’d say that they were a core Blood Elf aspect.

They would ruin the fantasy. Everything we know and hold dear about the Blood Elves is Silvermoon, Quel’Thalas - the Sunwell.

The Kaldorei forests in North West Kalimdor are sacred to those Elves. Not even Feralas is all that important to them as it has become a dense jungle. Not even the Shen’dralar have gone back as the only night elf presence in Dire Maul was that of wailing ghosts and banshees. (Those who Tortheldrin slain and then later, the Horde.)

Here you have his racist idea for people who don’t want to march in line for his idiotic ideology.

Chen sided with the Darkspear rebellion. So I say it is not a far shot to predict that the Pandaren might more leaning in favor of the Horde if things get serious.

You know the pandaren woud refused to be dominated because they know it beforehand by the Mogu.
The won’t let that happen again, so the would seek help by the alliance, your whole action woud be completely backfire because pandaren of the island, both factions and the of Pandaria would stand united against you alongside the alliance.