The death of the Zandalari Empire

Blame Blizz for trying to set up Shadowlands instead of trying to tell an actual story. They’ve had long term grievances they had to simply capitalise on, but chose to abandon all of it, in favor of same of’ defecations.

Ashenvale is worthless to basically all of the Highborne splinter groups…

It has lots of natural resources and is as big as Eversong and Ghostlands combined. It is perfect for a settlement program.

Somehow it means something to the Blood Elves because Malfurion kicked their ancestors out…not sure how that relates to the Blood Elves, since none of them were alive during that period.

It’s like saying they should be put in Zin-Azshari because Dath’Remar lived there…

So how does that compare to an actual city and a fount of power?

Sunwell > Ashenvale foliage.

Half of Silvermoon is in ruins and the Scourge is strong in Ghostlands. Blood elves have literally done nothing to heal their land since TBC. Why would you want to fight for land that isn’t even inhabitated?

Because the zone is still timelocked and hasn’t been updated.

The entire Quel’Danas has been changed in the lore. Artifacts such as Thori’dal, the Coif of Alleria, Apolyon, the Soul-Render - all stored in the museum which is now Magister’s Terrace.
The Dead Scar won’t be healed, that is confirmed - but change has happened to Quel’Thalas and the Blood Elves are doing what they can with the resources they’ve been given. We just have to see the update in-game.

And what is Ashenvale other than a destroyed forest, with fire infernals and demons?

Again - your still not able to provide me with any sort of reason why I should campaign for my favorite race to be displaced and then have to wait until undead and night elfs are sorted.
EDIT: Lets keep that last part as a reminder. Displace the Blood Elves and make the fanbase wait until undead and night elfs are sorted.

It has trees and next to no natural obstacles, with ways of approach from just about everywhere. There are logistical reasons Night Elves lose it every wensday…

Silvermoon is built on an intersection of leylines only really matched by Kharazan, in Deadwind Pass, which is whole next level of screwed. IF you don’t put them in Suramar or Coldarra.

Ashenvale could provide the Horde with an endless supply on lumber. That way we can giv the Orcs a new capital that doesn’t suck unlike Orgrimmar. That was the plan of garrosh too which is why he attacked.

So we’re on about Orcs.

So what happens to Blood Elves and Night Elves now?
Blood Elves remain in Quel’Thalas?
Night Elves move to Hyjal and Winterspring?

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Literally only Orcs struggle for lumber and that’s because Thrall was in one of his stupid moods, because he thought Orcs had to pay penance…

Garrosh did attack for Lumber, but he never intended to make a new city there…

Wrong. He speaks about that in Wolfheart. He wanted to builda new city in Ashenvale.

Night elves can grow a new world tree with their seed which they got from the Winter Queen. And Blood elves don’t need anything since they are doing fine. A race that doesn’t face any problems.

We need and deserve an updated Quel’Thalas, like the rest of the races got.

They like to reference the Blood Elves fight for Quel’Thalas - it would be nice for Quel’Thalas itself to actually get some love.

That will not happen while Bob is in charge. We need a change of leadership first.

What are you talking about?

Blizzard gives zone updates, regardless of who is in charge. Draenei got nothing with Bob the Priest as leader.

EDIT: And let me be clear. Blood Elves should get lore, irrespective of undead and night elves. It’s not for forsaken and night elf fans to tell Blood Elf fans what we should and shouldn’t get because their feelings are hurt.

No they don’t. It isn’t an update if they give the victory to one faction while the other faction is left in the dust. Bfa was an alliance only expansion. If you were Horde the story didn’t matter for you because we lost every single battle. That is why we need another faction war expansion. One were the Horde wins for a change and reverses the siutation of Bfa which treated them unfairly.

I’m not talking about BfA. What has some past expansion got to do with updating a zone for future?

I’m talking about an updated Quel’Thalas for the Sin’dorei/Horde… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Like Kalibas - your way too caught up with 1 expansion. He’s too obsessive over Legion, your too obsessive over BfA…when, I’m not at all interested in BfA…nor do my points relate to BfA…what are we talking about again? Oh yes, Quel’Thalas future and updates to it.
I do not care about BfA when I’m talking about the future updates for Blood Elves and Nightborne.

I am obsessed with Bfa because it was the expansion that killed the Horde beyond repair. If the Horde wants to get fixed all of which happened in Bfa need to be reversed. That is the only way for the Horde to develop itself.

Blood elves aren’t the only Horde race that deserve development. Orcs lost Draenor twice by now. We need an expansion were we go to AU again and kick the everliving crap out of Yrel.

They are the only Horde race that I currently care about because their home is still stuck in TBC 2007 era.

And I should care about that because…bfa was always crap, just like shadowlands, just like WoD.

The sooner they are all forgotten, the better. Best place to start - give the most popular Horde race an update to their city and land.

Well I care about the entire Horde not just the elves. And I believe the Orcs and Trolls deserve to get their due. Amani want revenge on the high elves. Gurubashi want to take revenge on the Stormwind humans. And Zandalari want to take it on the night elves. Every nemesis the trolls had to face until now is part of the alliance. Not to mention the Orcs who still don’t control Draenor as it is torn between rivaling Ogre clans and the Naaru. There is alot of unused potential to untap. And if Blizzard actually starts caring about the Horde we will have a glorious future ahead of us.

Blood Elves - hence why they were hostile to the Horde, even in BFA.
It’s also why they are not part of the Horde anymore.

They have wanted revenge on the Elves of Quel’Thalas. This dates back to the Highborne, through the High Elves, now it’s the Blood Elves.

The Highborne - some of which are Nightborne, and both Zandalari and Nightborne are on decent terms.

And I only care about the Horde Elves, with a few extras like Night Elf Druids, Mag’har Shaman, Warrior and Hunter, Lightforged Warriors and Void Elf Hunters.

The night elves. They are the historical sucessor of the Kaldorei Empire. So the Zandalari vengeance would fall on Tyrande and all her followers.

High elves. Who are part of the alliance. Especially troll hunters like Alleria and Vereesa. They have a uncounted death toll.

They will join the Horde again due to diplomacy. And then we take the fighzt to Stormwind and make them pay for all transgressions since the great troll war.