The edge of quitting - Please can we have solo queue

This entire post is just an illustration of you not understanding what rating is about. How difficult is it to understand that you’d be playing with and against people around your own rating?

If you don’t like solo queue just don’t play it. Simple as that darling.

Post on main or shush.


Only people with high mmr.

Low rated people would be stuck in endless loop of having to play with people without trinkets,items,proper builds.

If you want all that,you have random bg’s solo queue.

Rated bg’s require more coordination than random bg’s.

Target caller and voice communication is a must.

But you woul’ve know that if you had more than 300 rating.

You’re lvl 56, you know nothing about arena or rbg. Go hit lvl 60 first. Post on main or shush.

You don’t understand how rating works. Over several games you average out to land exactly where you ought to be but rated content gives you a chance to push for something.

If nobody has voice then nobody has the advantage.

But you would’ve know that if you had more than 30 IQ.

Post on main or shush.

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I know more than you,that’s for sure.

You have that account for more than 11 years,and highest you achieved is 1750 rating,and that was back in 2009.

You just started playing rated bg’s.

So i am 1000% positive,you have no ability to contribute rated bg solo queue whatsoever.

That’s why you asking for solo rated queue,to get carried,but don’t worry,its not just you.Its everyone who asks for solo rated queue.

I just started playing rbg’s and got 1600 with 62 win ratio.

That’s more than you gonna ever achieve.

1600 is nothing,but compared to you,its gladiator rating.

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102 honor level,one would think you learned something by now.

I feel like crap for doing this,but you asked for it.I never judge people based on their online achievements,but you literally forced me.

Hainvg lowr rating doesnt mean you are bad person,nor having high rating doesn’t mean you are good person…but you and every other person who’s asking for solo rated queue are people who are stuck at 20% win lose ratio.

So instead of learning how to play first,you would rather join other 9 players and ruin their game.

You can literally make your own group in 3 minutes on lfg.But no!Its much better joining solo rated queue and hoping you get good players on your side so you get carried.

Hoping everyone has enchants,trinkets,gems,proper pvp builds and actual pvp gear.

WoW isn’t a game arena soloq would work too well in. Others have already said it (this isn’t a moba/shooter and classes you get would be a defining factor since everyone is locked into just one), and I absolutely agree with it. People are saying “but everyone would get bad comps!!!”, however getting something like mage-mm-mw where more or less all your cc shares dr on setup-oriented specs against dh-warrior-hpriest is still a matchup heavily in favour of the latter because they can just win with pressure. Note how both the comps I picked are off-meta. Even between those you see a clear difference.


I think solo queue would work great if:

In 2v2: People can choose to be paired with a healer or a dps

In 3v3: dps classes with the same spammable cc dont get paired with eachother.

I think that means most comps will be somewhat balanced. Perfect? Far from it, but neither are todays arena.

Soloque is a stupid idea, just make groups with no cr or exp requirement, you’ll have fast ques full of dumb players, I assure you.

Yup. Pikaboo, Xaryu, Bahjeera and Savix are low rated players who know nothing about pvp.

You’re better than me at pushing buttons on a video game. Congratulations. You’ve really achieved great things in your life. They will write about you up there with Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar in the history books.

Again, how are you people not getting this? Do you have exceptionally low IQ or something? It’s >> RATED << solo queue. That means that over a large amount of games you CANNOT be carried because you will on an average lose against better players - you will sit exactly where you should sit. And I will be rated very low. I don’t care. I don’t want to ‘learn how to play’. I want to relax and have fun while still having some kind of goal to work towards. Maybe I’d get 1400 at the end of S1. Maybe 1600 at the end of S2. That’s all fine and dandy by me. I just want to be able to log in when I feel like it and instatly knock out some games.

When you get kids of your own, a family to feed and a job to take care off you’ll realize that there are more important things in life than video games too. Don’t worry kid. You don’t have to play solo queue if you don’t want to.

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Whats my honor lvl? My current rating? W/l ratio mb? I am for solo q. And all people who want this game to be fun vote for it.
Stop bashing people with “you want to get carried” arguments. The only thing you show here is how clueless you are when we talk about solo q MMR.
With your logic any overwatch player can be carried by his 5 other teammates from bronze to gm.



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100% with you. I’m so sad the way shadowlands turned out for casual pvp’ers. Also having kids, I can play maybe 2 hours a day. Before that was more than enough to play some BGs and dominate people (when you were on more equal footing). No it’s just embarrassing to see how the game turned out. I fell sorry for the devs that worked on the game before, only to see it turn into this.


You have solo queue.

Random bg’s.

And that’s the only thing that should be solo queue.

If you spent more time playing,rather than listening to rank 1 players,you might’ve get more than 500 rating in rated bg’s.

You specifically can’t win in premade,why do you think you can win in solo queue?oh wait,you gonna queue with expectations to get carried.

Tbh , I’d be more than okay with solo que…

Assume that

  1. It has it’s own rating separate from other pvp ranked
  2. Any kinda titles it gives are locked into that specific ranking.

I cant see how the above would really change anything other than for the people who want it

Like I am fortunate enough to have time however- I understand the point made for this , when you have like a few hours to log and play, going though lfg isn’t really gonna help you progress or play . It basically becomes unavailable content to you, you guys who are saying "hay maybe if you just " with some crap about not getting far are kinda forgetting how long it can realistically take to get into some arenas or ranked bgs


Yes please to solo q. All the arguments against it are braindead. Imagine logging in and with your short precious time just getting to jump into the game right away.


So there we go. Your argument that only low rated players want solo queue got demolished so now you’re changing tracks. I watch a 5 minute pvp video every few days on youtube while I’m waiting for a meeting to start or something at work. That’s not a major time investment.

I can win premade just fine, I just cba to create groups. All of my rbg games have been with 9 or 10 dps and I literately name the groups ‘quick losses for weekly quest’. Full of recently dinged people to get the weekly rbg quest for the conquest points. We were actually all laughing at the fact that we managed to win agains teams with 3 healers.
It takes too long to put a team together. I have other commitments in life. If I spend 40 mins putting a group together I might have 20 mins left to play before my kids want food or attention. You’ll understand when you grow up.

If you don’t like solo queue, don’t play solo queue. It takes nothing away from you if it exists. It only adds for people who can’t sit down for several hours and play video games.


No you really can’t win any games.

You have 1069 rating in 2s,with 159 games played.

Problem is that only people with your ‘‘skill’’ level are asking for solo queue for obvious reasons.

To get carried.

You cant win in premade,because in RBG you have 13 games played and 3 wins only.

With what you actually can contribute in solo rated queue?

You are playing this game for 12 years,if not more,and you weren’t able to achieve 1800 in anything,ever,and you are crying for solo rated queue.

First learn how to play in premade,because solo queue is going to be 10 times harder,because only people you gonna play with are people without any items,trinkets,arcane mages,wm monks,fury warriors etc etc etc…

My biggest flaw with the Current Groupfinder is not being able to Filter (Class/Specs).

As a returning player (having only played 1-2 month in BFA and quit early WoD before), I have a big struggle as Monk finding partners. I lost contact with 99% of friends and Guilds, this had let the struggle begin.

I am not a Gladiator, I had 2k+ on multiple chars, on my Warrior I even played against 2400 mmr decently in MoP, but thats old xp. And now at 1400 there are sometimes enemies that play like 2.5k+ in WoD (from a skill level).

The next thing is, Alliance has way to few healers. And it seems healers get more or less carried with this system. They are so scarce, that lets say 2k players are happy to even find a 1650 healer.

Next point is, the community got different with the first Realmwide addon. Now as soon as you think, you found a permanent partner, the very next day you see them playing with others. Sure this is fine, but this makes it extremely difficult to make friends to play with in the first place.

The point is, some specs need a heal to work properly, if you want to take it more serious.

The next thing is gear. People are focussing on numbers. Does not matter if you play better than others in a healers queue, they will take 99% always the most FotM + highest Ilvl, but its not my point to judge.

The next thing is broken burst of some classes. While for example Mages feel more like tanks now, they still have the top of the tops burst.
WW has good damage but its survival sucks a**:
DH do feel average, but good luck if one of your teammates drops to 50% and “The Hunt” crits… anyways, I drift away…

I am either for a solo Queue or let me filter properly for F*** Sake!

Opening my own group, writing LF Heal xy in the description and only seeing DK/War etc in my group Queue lets me lose hope about the sanity of this community.

And one question is: How do you find permanent arena mates?
The thing is, I do find some people who are nice. but how should I stick with them, if they never improve? If they still forget to dispell polymorphs after the 20 loss because of that etc.?
How do you mentally bear with that, if you see you cant progress.
The only thing for me is, spend another multiple hours to finally find some new ones, where you end up the same.
(And trust me, I analyze critique myself much more than others)

This whole PvP seems like a big big waste of time.
Almost 0 pvp guilds on my realmpool not many pvpers and the few PvP guilds have like 2.4xp entry.

Community channels are all dead, or again ridiculous entry requirements like 2,4k achieve.

You have completely missed the point of the post.