My biggest flaw with the Current Groupfinder is not being able to Filter (Class/Specs).
As a returning player (having only played 1-2 month in BFA and quit early WoD before), I have a big struggle as Monk finding partners. I lost contact with 99% of friends and Guilds, this had let the struggle begin.
I am not a Gladiator, I had 2k+ on multiple chars, on my Warrior I even played against 2400 mmr decently in MoP, but thats old xp. And now at 1400 there are sometimes enemies that play like 2.5k+ in WoD (from a skill level).
The next thing is, Alliance has way to few healers. And it seems healers get more or less carried with this system. They are so scarce, that lets say 2k players are happy to even find a 1650 healer.
Next point is, the community got different with the first Realmwide addon. Now as soon as you think, you found a permanent partner, the very next day you see them playing with others. Sure this is fine, but this makes it extremely difficult to make friends to play with in the first place.
The point is, some specs need a heal to work properly, if you want to take it more serious.
The next thing is gear. People are focussing on numbers. Does not matter if you play better than others in a healers queue, they will take 99% always the most FotM + highest Ilvl, but its not my point to judge.
The next thing is broken burst of some classes. While for example Mages feel more like tanks now, they still have the top of the tops burst.
WW has good damage but its survival sucks a**:
DH do feel average, but good luck if one of your teammates drops to 50% and “The Hunt” crits… anyways, I drift away…
I am either for a solo Queue or let me filter properly for F*** Sake!
Opening my own group, writing LF Heal xy in the description and only seeing DK/War etc in my group Queue lets me lose hope about the sanity of this community.
And one question is: How do you find permanent arena mates?
The thing is, I do find some people who are nice. but how should I stick with them, if they never improve? If they still forget to dispell polymorphs after the 20 loss because of that etc.?
How do you mentally bear with that, if you see you cant progress.
The only thing for me is, spend another multiple hours to finally find some new ones, where you end up the same.
(And trust me, I analyze critique myself much more than others)
This whole PvP seems like a big big waste of time.
Almost 0 pvp guilds on my realmpool not many pvpers and the few PvP guilds have like 2.4xp entry.
Community channels are all dead, or again ridiculous entry requirements like 2,4k achieve.