The empty server experience - depopulating flamelash horde

Dear Wmill,

We’re surprised to see you making this post on the official forums.

Seeing as most people here are unaware of the dynamics and situation of our server Flamelash, I’m here to bring some context to you all.

Let’s start with his guild DB, short for Digital Brotherhood. It used to be quite a large guild on our server. It, however, refused to contribute to the AQ War Effort (which took us almost half a year of farming mats by the way!). The much smaller guilds in the end had contributed so much more than them. What did DB do instead you ask? Well, they decided to abuse the situation to make a lot of profit. Everyone has the right to play the game they see fit you might say and with that, we agree. What was not okay however was his guild openly calling all the War Effort farmers “server slaves” all the time and afterward grinded for a scarab lord like the leeches they are. They are one of the people responsible for having the gate opening delayed and as you can imagine, they’re not well-liked by us.

To ensure that the raids have world buffs all the guilds on the server work together and coordinate them. DB however almost never contributes any world buffs. Instead, they just pop theirs unannounced at random times which sometimes results in ninja pops. We’re too small of a server to consistently lock the buff timers.

Currently, the server is holding a project to revive the Alliance through a fresh reroll experience. We have more than a thousand low-level alliance players leveling right now and the project is doing so well that we’re finally a medium server again. So what is DB doing right now? They seem to have some weird pent up frustrations because they’re consistently attempting to ruin the project by constantly trying to gank low-level alliance players, forcing the few lvl 60 alliance players we have to come and defend them.

Digital Brotherhood as a guild is currently dieing. Soon they’ll no longer be able to raid. Wmill knows that the other guilds will not assist them which is why merging is not an option for them anymore. This is the result of having a negative reputation on a small server where your actions matter. And so he now tries to get a server merge so that he can somehow recruit new people into his roster. We’re watching with glee to see DB implode. Theirs is the fate of all selfish guilds on the server.

A server merge would be an insult by the way for all the hard work the other guilds put in the server. We have a rich history and culture that we do not wish to lose. We’ll save and keep the server alive with our own hands as we always have, we do not need Blizzard’s assistance for this.

Much love, Flamelash.


Like you said. Guys from his guild are the only ones camping low level players trying to do a really cool thing for a dead faction on a server. What the frustration those “superb pvp players” must have, to spend their entire sunday ganking lvl10-20 players… Like how do you live with such frustrations…
Edit: Thanks to all normal horde players for supporting this project in my name and i bet the names of many… there will be more than enough time for having fun pvping once ppl reach 60:)


Well now I know mine first targets as I reach 60.

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Fair enough and valid opinion.

Dont see any reason to bring your opinion of DB into this discussion about servers, not guilds.


Always make me laugh when people chat s&@t about the war effort most people didn’t give you the info on what they farmed so your stats are not accurate :joy::joy:

Except we do have almost accurate info on what everyone farmed Shifthapends. The guilds involved have continuously kept track of all the mats that were contributed by comparing the data given in-game of what was submitted with our spreadsheets. Anything you could have contributed without submitting the data to us and us not noticing would have been so insignificant it’s close to nothing. You’re not going to talk yourself out of this so easily when for months all the guilds were asked to do their part. You can laugh all you want but you will be laughing by yourselves.

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Well if your guild is a cause of the problem you now experience, it is quite relevant. Now I am just reading what is posted here as I am obviously from another server. But if what they say is right, you guys deserve everything that is coming your way now.

Camping the low levels doing the re population of alliance side. while complaining here about it being a dead server… sigh

Reinforcements now has 2 guilds running due to the amount of players joining the project and I didn’t know DB was actively ganking our members all I can say they will face backlash once we reach 60 just like they’ve received from the majority of Horde over not participating in the War Effort so I hope they are ready I’ll make it my personal mission to make sure this guild is killed on sight and will hunt them in Orgrimmar/UC/Gates of AQ or wherever else they choose to hide just remember your roster of less than 40 players is nothing in comparison to the players that have rerolled I hope you enjoy the ganking while we try to level because I can promise you your not going to like it once we hit max level.

I’ll see you in a few weeks, hugs and kisses.

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You do know your discord is ran by a number of horde players activly trying to trashtalk our guild for months?

You even have your guildranks named after their members.

Most our guild been offline during this whole allyfiesta playing other games.

They took over your project mate before you even started leveling.

If I was you they would be my target not DB. Its easy. Just check who is active from horde on your discord.

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Wmill, thank you for showing the Alliance your true colors and proving our point. It really isn’t difficult for them to see the DB tag beneath the gankers their names.

Dear Wmill,
a few things about these blatant lies:
1: Their discord is not run by any of us, some of us rerolled with them because we love the idea of the project and want to see world pvp & the alliance side repopulated even if we end up the minority faction here.

2: Your guild being “trash talked” is your own doing, between the war effort, camping level 1s for 9 hours straight till leftovers level 60 alliance come gank you, it’s very much been brought on yourselves by yourselves I don’t know why you are even remotely surprised.

3: Last screenshot I saw of your guilds discord has an entire channel and event planned for saturday to gank the alliance lowbies…

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Give me one good reason for you as a hordeguild to operate on their discord for them to be able to run their project. Ill wait.

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Just did, some of us are leveling among them and rather then ganking them have been supporting them since they first spoke about their project.

So this is your server? As you claim admin status for your guildmembers from what ive heard.
asking for a friend

What are you even on about lmao. where did I say this is my server and what does admin status even mean, you’re honestly just embarrassing yourself at this point.

Point proven.

If i was ally i would make a separate guild. Break out from that discord and form my own opinion of how to do stuff and whats good and bad on the server.
Healthy advice from someone whos played here since
autumn last year.

So instead of defending your claims that you’re innocent and the Alliance should be hating on us instead, you’re now going to make baseless claims about something else? That stuff is really not going to work with us.

Here is a screenshot from digital brotherhoods discord:

You seen any of them online? Ill wait.

Your spreading propaganda for your own motives. Im just bringing it to light for the alliance.

Back to the discussion.
Id still like to se a servermerge as one of the oldest horde guild just quit playing last week.

Leftovers ganked them till they rage quit. but it’s weird since you claim you guys weren’t ganking them.
Also what propaganda haha unreal man. I literally just showed proof of who you guys really are.

Keep up with these weird mental gymnastics man

We have numerous screenshots of you guys ganking them/them complaining you ganked their level 10s for 8 hours in redridge