The empty server experience - depopulating flamelash horde

Please stop talking in my thread.

did you just claim admin status?

The majority of the server right now does not wish for a server merge. It undermines all the hard work of the guilds who did contribute to the server. Besides, Blizzard is not going to merge a medium server (thank you Alliance! ^^).

The only reason you want a server merge is because you’re not going to receive any assistance from the other guilds and they do not wish to merge with you either. Your only option to continue raiding is most likely to transfer away and join another guild where you won’t have any power as a normal raider. The innocent players from your guild that do not wish to transfer are welcome to supplement the rosters of the other guilds.

Also which old major guild had quit last week? Because I sure missed that one then. And seriously if you can’t handle taking the heat here for spreading blatant lies then you shouldn’t have started the fire.

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Wmill, i see youre as clown as ever, first of all i wouldnt mind a server merge, but definitely not now (too late into classic, and too soon after aq release) hopefuly once tbc comes out, also just a mention, if u will show ur face with ur pig guild into our zones and gank lowbies, ill personally KOS and camp every one of u till u end up like alliance players in phase 2. stop being a clown of flamelash for such a long time, and start thinking straight, or leave the server.

That’s a shame my first guild collapsed due to lack of people. My present guild combined with another guild for the same reasons and our numbers are good right now, but I don’t know how long people will be up for doing AQ40 until they get bored of it. I’m already bored of it, but that probably because there just isn’t much for Holy Paladins in AQ40 compared to other classes.

Talk about a negative nancy. You couldn’t show any support for someone who’s trying to make a difference?

Wow, this is interesting 

Some generall advice from my local pizzeria.

â€Șimgshare. io/image/NhwXxf‬

Edit: sorry think the link is broken its a quote saying ”be a flamingo in a pack of pigeons”

Im very curious about this situation, because it feels like some personal vendetta between Wmill and whole server and it is weird that he has managed to get even other hordes to hate their guild. Is it because they do honorless things and act toxic and selfish all the time and justify it with some
random “badass” rules

What i saw was DIgital Brotherhood camping lowlevels and whatever was their reason, it was and is low. It might hinder leveling and even stop some people playing because its not honorable, but it mostly hurts themselves and will backfire eventually.

Sosiopathic behaviour in some form.

It’s a long list of small things in the history of our server but most of that we don’t care about really and on a normal server would have gone unnoticed. Even the ganking of the low-level Alliance is not something that bothers us too much because we have plenty of capable level 60 Alliance players on the server to defend them and they too seek DB blood.

But what we absolutely do not accept however is them calling the rest of the server during the war effort their server slaves in world chat all the time while they refused to do their part. They can say it was only a few of their members who did so but since their leadership refused to do anything about it or even speak up about it, they are complicit. Their toxic behavior in world chat is one of the major reasons for being disliked and since we’re a small community they feel the consequences of their actions more heavily. Don’t even get me started about the time that a couple of their members were constantly banning everyone from world chat when they had the chance just to act toxic and stir drama.

Wmill now falsely pretending to be the voice of the server to request a server merge from Blizzard while the rest of the server spent so much time and effort to keep it alive through all the hard times is a massive insult to us. And now that we’re in the middle of successfully reviving our server with the fresh reroll Alliance event while they attempt to sabotage it we have had enough and thus we are speaking out against him and their guild publicly.

The fact that they do not defend their false claims after we called them out but instead try to deflect by making new baseless claims constantly should be enough of a sign of what is going on honestly.

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Im sorry but i have no idea who you are.

We as a guild like to keep to ourselfs. Why is that a problem?
If you have some issue with one of the guildmembers you should write to them about it.

You had your say. You dont agree on what i think. Some valid points. Now leave it be.

That’s okay, soon this will be mutual.

That’s not how the world works. You can’t make false claims and then expect people to stay quiet after you make more to deflect from your old ones when they get shot down.

As for a guild keeping to yourselves while claiming to have spoken with the other guilds to request a server merge and actively attempting to sabotage a server event you sure show another contradiction here.

Please quote me on the false claim if you think its important for people on blizzards forums to read about it.

Alright, I guess you need a little help remembering what you wrote here.

You were not involved as you refused to farm and contribute. Instead, your guild called us your server slaves!

That is untrue since it has been the topic of the week. Almost everyone is talking about it and we most certainly care for it. Already thanks to this project we also have a few new players rolling horde on our server that we are currently recruiting.

We have the data that is quite accurate and you didn’t contribute. There is no denying this. And yes, I know this is not you Wmill but he is your guildie so the same accusations apply.

The trash-talking has honestly only started recently. We mostly kept the trash-talking between ourselves except when your members were sperging out in world chat again. If someone talks bad about you it might be because of them. If a lot of people are talking bad about you like in the game and on discord then perhaps it is on you.

We have not taken over, instead, some of our members simply participate in it. Assistance has been given of course to help them succeed with the project by providing them all the information they need about the server but it’s completely in their own hands. The only reason you see them not hating on us is that we have been diplomatic with them. A skill you and your guild always lacked.

Why the f would they target us if we’re the ones that helped and welcomed them? You’re just trying to deflect here again. The people that are active on their discord also participate with the leveling on their Alliance alts. This quote of yours made absolutely zero sense and was meant to manipulate and turn the Alliance against us instead of you.

We do not view this as our server. The thing however is that if you piss everyone off is that you should not be surprised that people openly turn against you and that you’re left to your own demise. This was just an embarrassing point you were trying to make.

Why should they leave their project discord? Again we do not control them or have influence there. They dislike you because of your actions on the server not because we told them to.

We literally have screenshots of your guildmembers ganking the low-level Alliance players. We also have screenshots of them getting completely recked when the Leftovers come and defend by the way. Lemony even posted a link to a screenshot of your guild Discord planning to disrupt the Saturday event and to gank them. You can’t get out of this when we have picture proof even. And yes, not all of your members seem to be as loyal and agree with you as you might expect.

No guild has quit last week. This is another blatant lie.

You do not keep to yourselves. Your guild acts toxic in the game and now you attempt to falsely represent the server by requesting a server merge. This is anything but keeping to yourselves.

There you go, enough reading material about your claims to keep people busy. I’m done here since I have made my point that we do not wish for a server merge and that you and you’re guild are selfish, toxic, and spreading false information. And if you don’t think people agree with me perhaps you should count the number of likes my first post got and also count the different guilds they’re from.

The thing about holding onto lies is that you keep contradicting yourself which makes them easy to spot.

Good luck with still trying to get a server merge to save your hide from your actions when the server is doing better than before. You’re better of just transferring at this point. You sure lost the last bit of credibility and respect from me and others with this stunt. I’m out.

~ Temiru.


This is the funniest thread ive ever read. You guys are so salty its unreal. Speak trash about WTF or Warlords and your hit immediately with a chat ban due to their colluding and abuse of the system (happened to me countless times, in fact i coudln’t even reply to this thread due to a ban i received, all cause i called out lemony in world chat. Ill probably get another one from this if they can figure out how to mass report on the forums too). The slaves comment was a joke only made funnier by posts like this, and how seriously yous took it. Thank yous though for opening AQ for us without us doing much work, whilst we made a killing off selling mats to you guys to turn in. Bought me a lot of consumes and such on my new server!
In all serious though, unlodge your head from your nether region and get some perspective. Its hilarious that you can write about how you “understand everyone can play how they want” then write endless paragraphs about how upset you are we didn’t contribute, and how we had the audacity to get not on, but two! (2) scarb mounts. WTF and Warlords have acted like they own the server since day one, and anyone who dares not stroke the ego of their leadership is not playing the game correctly.

Also should clarify, i don’t speak for DB or anyone in it. Never have. I’ve been here for stuff like this and the reactions that ensue since day 1

Mounts are cool i guess.
To be fair, a fair amount of guilds on server, got 2 mounts back then.

Such leeches putting in all that farming time to do it! how dare we!

Blizzard take action against anyone abusing the report system, so if you did get banned, you must have deserved it, judging from a neutral perspective and the tune of your post you do appear toxic and seem to have some sort of chip on your shoulder. As for asking for a ban here, naming people in your posts is against the forums rules, so yeah you probably will get banned here as well :joy:

Blockquote This is the funniest thread ive ever read. You guys are so salty its unreal. Speak trash about WTF or Warlords and your hit immediately with a chat ban due to their colluding and abuse of the system (happened to me countless times, in fact i coudln’t even reply to this thread due to a ban i received, all cause i called out lemony in world chat. Ill probably get another one from this if they can figure out how to mass report on the forums too). The slaves comment was a joke only made funnier by posts like this, and how seriously yous took it. Thank yous though for opening AQ for us without us doing much work, whilst we made a killing off selling mats to you guys to turn in. Bought me a lot of consumes and such on my new server!
In all serious though, unlodge your head from your nether region and get some perspective. Its hilarious that you can write about how you “understand everyone can play how they want” then write endless paragraphs about how upset you are we didn’t contribute, and how we had the audacity to get not on, but two! (2) scarb mounts. WTF and Warlords have acted like they own the server since day one, and anyone who dares not stroke the ego of their leadership is not playing the game correctly.
Also should clarify, i don’t speak for DB or anyone in it. Never have. I’ve been here for stuff like this and the reactions that ensue since day 1

Hi Mimics/Pee

I think it’s rather comical to call anyone else salty looking at your reply

First off no you weren’t banned in world chat for “calling me out” you got banned in world chat on numerous occasions for calling people slaves and adding racial connotations to them, of these I have many screenshots. Interestingly though the reports weren’t from WTF as I deliberately told the people in WTF to just put you on ignore, they were from everyone else in world who doesn’t enjoy casual racism :slight_smile:

It’s also rather odd you choose to bring up this of all things, considering how long you spent banning WTF/Warlords from world chat every opportunity you got.

Don’t worry about the gold mate we have plenty :slight_smile:

PS: Love the bit you added at the end about not representing DB, when you came from that guild before server migrating, you’re also on their discord making comments about this thread last screenshot I saw too, how odd.

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Those warlords getting hunted and farmed by some high warlords soon enough.

No, that isn’t how bans work.

If you get mass reported, you get a temporary silence whilst a GM investigates the report and the offense.

If you get a ban after the investigation, it’s because you actually broke the rules and did something ban worthy.

Like that.