The end of Wow classic for normal players?

Good to come back from one week at work and log on wow classic and get pissed on…
What the fu** did you guys do with the game?

Have you decided that normal player aint welcome anymore?
Shoud have set at date…and told us “if ur not 60 befor 14/11, dont pay to play”!


You could roll on a PvE realm. Aside of that it will calm down. People had no PvE choice on pservers and yet it wasn’t a grind house.


I said this already in another thread but here you go:

" Phase progression is too fast I agree.

Blizzard will ruin Classic, (one way or the other) they should be smarter, the longer Classic last the more money they get after all, but for that, smart people would have to decide about these things not marketing magicians who have no idea about games at all.

You being surprised that Blizzard pleases youtubers and streamers (ppl they don’t even ban when they break ToS many times) and ignores masses of most players. How is this a surprise for you?

Enjoy Classic while it is still Classic, if things keep up like this (fast progression and ppl wanting more and more Retail stuff added in Classic) it will transform into something like Retail pretty soon.

Then back to pservers I guess, even tho I personally never played on pservers, after Blizzard messes up (and this we can count as a 2nd time since they originally ruined Retail back in the day expansion after expansion untill it became as it is now no wonder everyone wanted Classic so bad!) even I will play on pservers and never look back. "


What are we ranting about now? Did i miss something?


I think a lot of people were NOT ready for an early phase 2.

I don’t care that much cuz i play on PvE and solo, but still I understand their pain.


No problem with PVP servers…played this game from the start, and yes you get killed now and then…but now the lvl 60 are bored…runninga around slaughtering player whos abit slow on the trigger:D

When there is “no content” there is no interest to play. You can’t extent content progression without people getting bored. Right now for many players any progression is MC once per week. They already have gold and pre-raid BiS.

What masses? When I was doing my alt for alchemy I was pretty much solo-questing aside few people in Crossroads. If you are level 15 you are way way behind.

Nothing outside of Vanilla is added to Classic so stop spreading FUD.

To a more competitive content progression? If you can’t handle Classic you will be shocked by things like this: - and there is only PvP realm, 24/7 and you can always find a diehard lowbie farmer just line in Classic.


Stop with your fragile ego stroking and roll pve server.


To be honest I’m lvl 28 right now on this char and lvl 31 on another, so I dunno why it won’t load my current lvl but it is not important now, what is important however is that true vanilla fans have waited for many years for Classic, you think we waited to play a few months and be done with it?

After so many years waiting?

People who are bored can go play Retail while they wait for next phase or whatever. WE will not get another Classic!

Blizzard should at least stick to the plans they made and progress according to that.

It is true it will not affect me on a PvE server playing solo, but unlike most egoistic people on these forums I actually care about others and understand their reasons and see the truth, which side is correct in an argument.


u roll onto a PvP server and complain about being killed? :stuck_out_tongue:

nothing to do with “normal players arent welcome” its the fact in Classic u had to Primarily amuse yourself.

THere aint no Dailies, no World Quests, No M+, no constant Content, no Grind. theres Nothing for these players to do with the game after the Raid clears. WoW Classic gave u a Game to Enjoy your time in your own way.

but playing a game which Has no Set tasks… or any true Reason to Complete things… Means Players had to effectively create their own content because the End game is entirely on ur Own Enjoyment and making… theres No Set path through classic WoW.

Slaughtering Masses of People… Storming Zones… World PvP… Raiding Towns/Cities etc etc was apart of the experience… because Players Didnt have Daily chores to abide by… or Infinite grinds to keep up with.

this is why these things Now exist. Because it gives People reason to continously stay active in progression… and Not Spending 50% of the time offline, 25% of the time raiding and 25% Ganking some poor noob trying to complete a Quest.

introducing World PvP isnt “killing classic”… its actually if anything keeping it alive, PvP is one of the few things in Vanilla WoW Which can continously live… PvE Content dies get farmed… PvE Content wont keep a game stuck in time a Forever end game…

PvP however is Endless… u can PvP contiously forever… because Someone will always be better then you… and you will always have Someone to get better then. It holds a Stronger Presence in a game like Vanilla, where the PvE Experience has a actual Fixed cap. PvP… is the only way Vanillas going to survive forever

u can argue private servers, but alot of these private servers Changed things in vanilla WoW to intentionally make it harder… or To make it feel Newer to keep players raiding against it. this Isnt a Private server… no ones toggling things to Make people go back into the raids.

People will become BiS Equipt… and the end game from that moment on is strictly PvP.


You aren’t more entitled to Classic than any other player playing it. Some will be done with it after a moth, a year or a decade. Your playtime isn’t special. People will clear raids, move to TBC or play alongside with Shadowlands or go D4.

If you are having fun then play as you did but please don’t force people to play as you do. Classic when compared to retail is an open sandbox and every player can play the game completely differently. Trying to narrate one way of playing Classic makes it just Classic Retail.

No dates ever have been given to when each phase launches and as of now the timing mimics Vanilla rather well.

You are afraid of loosing some sort of a safe zone / status as The player of Classic by being overshadowed by level 60 with rank 14 or Scarab Lord title. People that picked PvP realms are flagged for PvP since day one and if first days of P2 are full of farm group - just wait it out. It happened before, it will happen now and will happen again the future. On PvE Nethergarde people went to Tarren Mill and also PvPed old style. And it’s not those players that enabled P2/single layers.

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Why would I be entitled?

If progression is too fast it can not be undone.

If progression is at least normal as planned by Blizzard, I guess it is fair to everyone, they all have been “warned”.

What part of that is entitled?

You just pick and choose things I wrote and tryed to spin it around and make it look entitled, I never said that progression should be set to my pace lol, what you did, trying to make it look like that was pathetic :laughing:


But why can’t people that have nothing to do just go play other games whilst the next phase comes out? People will come back. Doesn’t have to be none stop.

I love classic and we all waited a long time for it. Can’t help but feel we are rushing through it and before we know it it will be over :disappointed:

It’s like opening all of your presents at Christmas in 10 mins flat then being bored. Open one, go have a piss and eat a god damn Pop Tart then come and open your big present! :upside_down_face:


Exactly what I was talking about earlier before, well said.

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This topic is really stupid. Normal players don’t pretend that they’re PVP Gods, and they also don’t pretend like they’re raid gods.

Addendum: If all of the casual pvpers went to PVE realms, then guess what, you’d all be able to enjoy casual pvp. Knowing that in truth that you’re a casual and just admitting that, but there’s a lot of narcissism and entitlement from the community. “Classic is dead”

It’s not dead, you’re just dead inside and can’t even make your own fun or admit that you’re just trash.

Yeah that is funny cuz there are some threads about “Classic is dead” and I see a ton of players playing the game whatever I’m doing questing, farming, fishing, etc, I always see a lot of other players!

Well maybe not at 3:00AM or 6:00AM but even then I see a few!
But I’m on a PvE server so dunno what it is like on PvP.

However I thought this thread is more about the phase progression being too fast not really about the game being dead.


Honor system was added on 8 April 2005. EU WoW was launched on 6 December 2004, so at worse you have now 1 month sooner than in vanilla. Vanilla since PvP system had 2 months till BWL and it’s very likely we will have such timespan if not more in Classic (holidays break, then Patch 8.3 launch in retail) so the progression speed looks good/accurate.

No dates were ever revealed. Only general descriptions of their plans.

Vanilla lasted bit less than 2 years. It will be similar here but with the difference than Classic realms won’t be converted to TBC and will be Classic even after that progression timespan. They may even do what pservers did - launch new realms starting from P1 for people to reroll FRESH and start the adventure once again (while maybe also giving the option to move to TBC/WoTLK…MoP to players that want to go there).

I warned you but everyone was like muuuhh it will be ok. Its a good thing tho, maybe Blizzzard will give more attention to the real players after wie got rid of casuals in this phase.

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I honestly hope you are right.

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It was 11 February 2005.