The end of Wow classic for normal players?

Literally impossible to play the game outside of dungeons right now if you are 48-59


Squads of 10-20 players running around ganking all the low leveling questing people is really the most true pvp experience ever :slight_smile: :roll_eyes:

Please define “normal” player.

the problem is paid transfer is not allowed, and only 3 normal servers.

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Listen the players who kill pre 48s get no honour and in fact get dishonourable kills which take away from their weekly honour etc

Dishonorable kills are from enemy civilian npc’s only, not players.


Imagine making a level 1 raid and running them into opposing pvp raid over and over to delete their honor gains.

Won’t work i’m afraid.

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They seriusly need to add bg,s fast or get the servers working, the slide show pvp that it is atm is boring AF becouse clearly the servers cant handle it at all. sure if it would not be a 10 sec delay on everything you do in a world pvp war it could be alot of fun but the servers are workin alot worse than they did back in the days. either activate the layers, disable the honorsystem or get the bg,s aviable. nothing good will come out of how classic works atm becouse of servers working worse than 10 years ago.


There are 8 PvE servers here in EU, what “3 normal servers” are you talking about? :no_mouth:

But that’s the point of PvP Realms though?

It would be funny if the truth were that even tho Blizzard couldn’t find the old codes for the game cuz it got wiped they still found the old servers and we are playing on those but because of time and no maintenance etc they are even more damaged and laggy then 10 years ago! :laughing:

Yes if you speak Russian, French or German. For many of us English is already 2nd or 3rd language. I cannot play in the other languages at all. 3 English PvE servers are way too few. They are fairly bursting witn players.

The problem with wpvp in current phase is that servers are way more populated than vanilla and that i think honor system should have been introduced to game with a pvp instance (Alterac Valley or AB and WSG) so it would take off some steam from wpvp.
Anyway i think things will cool down a little so give it some time and it will get better.

lmao, why do you play on a PvP server then? I’m not lvl 60 and had a blast pvping yesterday, it’s a part of a wpvp experience, literally not 1 day went by and already you people cry about it… change zones if you’re getting camped or go do dungeons…

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You guys CHOSE to roll on a PvP server, so deal with it, or re-roll on a PvE server. Don’t come here whining about being PvP’d.

You don’t see PvE players coming on here saying OMG I hate Murlocs, they’re too hard, I always get ganked by 5 at a time.


This … much clever … so much thinking … like for real ? This argument ? Are you aware of what are you even remotly comparing ? :smiley:

But prob he is just trolling … i hope so :joy:

You and players like you are not “normal players”.

You are selfentitled man-children and whiny carebears that don’t like pvp (yes ganking is PvP) because you can’t deal with negative emotions associated with being destroyed in a pvp aspect of a video game.
You also, irronically don’t want to change your situation but would rather bath in your own misery hoping for daddy Blizzard to help you.

Knowing that ganking is an everyday part of a PvP server, for some reason you rolled PvP server anyway. Well suck it up, buddy.

You guys are your own problem.

You are also your own solution (roll PvE) , but you stubbornly refuse to make your own solution.

I have no sympathy for you or any whinny man-children self made victims in game or in life.

Grow some balls and own your choices and accept the consequences of your choices.

Or change your choices.


There is no such thing as a “normal player”, everyone is allowed to play the game however they want.

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Normal players have no problem I would think? They just should not enable PvP and they can go on do their questing. PvP players who rolled on PvP servers made their choice to be there.

Hey dude,

Things are not as simple as you said.

You could choose where to play at the beginning of the game. This is not the case after 3 months. For example, I started my experience on October and on French servers. I had 1 PVE server which was totally full. I tried to go on English servers. PVE servers? Full again…

So what do you suggest? I paid and I don’t play?

I finally rolled on a PVP server. FML I know.

The only mistake we have made is to have chosen Ally xD.