The end of Wow classic for normal players?

This is a bit odd… as PvP servers have a lot more queues than PvE servers do.
So you should have just rolled on a PvE server like you originally wanted to.

When you are a company with a subscription game, your goal is to keep subscribers. Leaving them with no content to play risks those subscriptions and therefore the future of their games could be in jeopardy if they lose significant numbers.

I gotta love that kind of immature reaction… and of course it comes from a horde character.
If allies get tired of being steamrolled by the overpopulated horde faction and stop playing, YOU will be screwed and won’t get any honor.
Because yes, ganking is part of PvP, definitely. But not being able to do anything because you have the other faction which outnumbers you big time and is everywhere is ridiculous, and people won’t pay to not play the game.


The current “OMG Panic of The Week” is

XXX streamer said everyone should roll on a PvP server.
I rolled on a PvP server and got killed by another player
I am VERY ANGRY the game is ruined for ever

Popcorn will be provided, fizzy drinks are on tap. Ejoy the show.

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Are we still doing the “true vanilla players are still level 15 and only no lifers are level 60 already”? It’s been 3 months since launch lol.

“lmao, why do you play on a PvP server then? I’m not lvl 60 and had a blast pvping yesterday, it’s a part of a wpvp experience, literally not 1 day went by and already you people cry about it… change zones if you’re getting camped or go do dungeons…”

I rolled on a rp/pvp server. When Blizz started this Classic stuff they had not enough realms, everyone knows that.

This rp/pvp server got swamped with pvpers with no respect to the rp community, and they never transferred to other realms when they were released.

I tried switching zones, but it’s a gankfest everywhere. I can’t run dungeons ,since our guild is too small to get parties for dungeons. So I should pug ? Pugs are not the fun and joy people claim it to be, so there is that.

Please tell me how should I have a blast being outganked at least 3 to 1? lvl 60’s against a 54, and getting camped.
How do you, as a lvl 47 manage that, how is that a blast?
just curious .

Im playing on Zandalari tribe, and my experience is different, there is an RP PVE server btw, which is not full, in retail my main server was Defias bortherhood and back in a day before war mode/realm mixing I remember it was well being a mix of non rp and rp players.
Want pure RP go to RP pve server where people can organize and flag to still pvp if they want to.

And not running dungeons because your guild is small? 95% of runs I do are with random people… you create problems for yourself

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ah I see. You are in Gravediggers. which is a rather big guild led by streamer yes ?

I also play on Zandalari tribe, as horde. our guild is indeed too small, we are trying to merge with another one, but it doesnt give me high hopes.

I came to this server because my former retail guild was to play here, but that went bust. so I got stuck and left behind so to speak. I joined a new small guild. but seemingly this is all my fault then ? that’s…interesting, seriously.

not a streamer guild, at least what they advertise themselves as of now, and again whats it matter if I’m saying I don’t play with them most of the time, if no ones running anything my lvl I just get randoms or join a group…

Again you say “small guild” like it’s a problem you can’t overcome by simply playing with other people on the server…

They don’t get honor for killing someone as low lvl as you. They could’ve done the same thing in phase 1…

This sure depends on which PvE and PvP servers.

I am Level 39 and got killed konstantly yesterday around kargath by Level 47+ players. It Was impossible to quest which is a pitty cause as a casual I only have limited time. I like pvp and played pvp in vanilla so dont tell me things like “this is how it used to be”. The Problem is that people get in a blood frenzy and dont care about dishonorable kills. Like in RL at the street: It is enough if one Guy throws a a stone, the Rest will follow. Because people rushed to 60 you know have a bored community of people spending their time with ganking.

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I’ve been playing on Mirage Raceway since launch and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a queue except maybe once in August.

Even if blizz waited 1 year with pvp,people would still come to forums and cry.You had over two months to get to 60.If you have leveled one level a day,you would have been there."but i dont have time,blabla…"well if you dont why on earth are you paying for something you are not really using.

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“i play twice a week,pls blizz go with my standards”

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The main problem is how bad wpvp is because of the lag in big battles.

It’s WORSE than 15 years ago which is INSANE. And the players all have pcs and internet so much better than in vanilla and yet blizzards tech has DOWNGRADED.

That’s the part that makes people mad. Of course wpvp was always a big ol laggy mess, but it was playable on garbage toasters and dial up trash internet…

These forums are so full of blizzard apostles that the only way to fix them would be to sub the toon names for the posters full names, age, occupation and credit card numbers retroactively.

People like you make me lose hope in humanity… Like how stupid are you?
Most of us played on PvP servers since back in the day. Yes, there will be PvP and people are okay with it. But getting corpsecamped where ever you are 24/7 was never really a thing back then. People got corpsecamped sometimes and we lived with it til we got to another zone or til we got some backup from our faction. But it was never like this. Ofcourse casuals are gonna rage about it. You can’t do anything. No farming gold, no doing dungeons or raids. NOTHING. Except PvP.

This was never the case in Vanilla. Now, I’m a PvPer myself and I don’t mind since I move around with a large raid group. But I totally understand the backlash from casuals who just wanna level their characters to 60 and still be able to take part in PvP. Are you seriously too dumb to see their perspective?


TBF most “true vanilla players” have stuff like kids, spouses and mortgages. They make up about 1% of this “community” of tryhards, edgelords and manchildren.

the reply shows the iq level of 100% of gankers…most likely only pvps when his in a group of 10 + with the rest of his low intellect friends…to thick to understand sitting on a fp or camp an instance entrance with 20 people is not pvp…20v1 imo is not pvp its just rep farming for the intellectually challenged…