The Fireside Gathering [Horde Social RP]

Citizens of the Horde!

Too long has the city of Ogrimmar fallen silent. Let us meet once again and reforge old bonds. Around a bonfire will we share our stories, games will be held and brawls will be hosted to test our strength. Together, we will work to reignite a sense of community that has long since been snuffed out by our past tribulations.

Join us at the fireside gathering!

What is the Fireside Gathering?

The Fireside Gathering is a horde social event based in Orgrimmar. Its goal is to breathe life back into the city by promoting roleplay.

The Gathering hosts several mini-events, including:

  • Bonfire Gatherings for people to socialise and share stories.

  • Mini-games.

  • A brawlers tournament.

How to Join

If this community sounds like something that you want to get involved in, feel free to join our community discord server, below.

Discord Server Link:

Argent Dawn Forum Link: The Fireside Gathering [Horde Social RP]


I am happy to talk though more details and planning too as time goes on. The aim is a small scale gathering that can grow as interest does.

This is a community event so it would be wonderful to hear whatever ideas people want to get. This way we can try and ensure that everyone has something to do.

Any questions would and should be welcomed. Even a stray thought could be something great down the line.

We want to do this annually, so if we can start learning what to do sooner, we can hopefully make the next one even better.

Thank you.


I think it’s a solid concept to promote interaction with the members of the community and give people a fixed ‘anchor’ to have them meet in Orgrimmar. Neat idea!

I think you could welcome anybody at the bonfire and then ask for sign ups for the events that require a more logistical approach such as brawling tournaments, vendor’s spots and recruitment stalls.

Additionally, I would advertise the event in the Argent Archives. And for the first event, additionally, I’d advertise with alts/grunts/criers in Horde hubs such as Crossroads, Dalaran and Orgrimmar to expand the popularity of the event!


Horde side seems to have a few things about to start kicking off big time, nice to see given they have been struggling on that front for a while, between this and the gladiator pits thing I can see Ogrimmar becoming lit af again, hopefully, finally have a use for my Orc warrior other than just getting mogs for my other plate users lol.


Thank you for your suggestion! :grin:

We also need a means to alert people that an event is due. Currently, we have two ideas. Either we make an in-game community, or we create a discord server specifically for the event. The former is the easier option, however we will need to look into how we can invite people to it. The latter has its own benefits, such as a means to acquire feedback and suggestions for future events.


I wonder if we could also do some minor events in the city. Make a flyer in TRP extended. Then offer them around?

Would use that feature and give a reminder and maybe a little more depth too. Partly as I want to wander around the city and five out fliers.

Can also put all the info we have on them too.


This sounds like a nice change of pace, would be happy to be there.



I’d go for a discord for three reasons:

  1. it has a wider reach than active players
  2. it has more customization options, allowing you to create different channels/areas. To name a couple of ideas: it makes it easier to create a channel for an IC notice-board, one for an OOC general chat, one for coordination between officers, and reserved to claim certain spots during the market
  3. very few people use communities

Thats very true! Thank you again for your input. :grin:

You’ll be most welcome! :grinning:

I’d join the discord in an instant tbf!

This whole idea sounds great.


Night elf DK comes to mostly traditional Orcish fire place/story telling setting, should be interesting to see what happens next.

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Oh shhh!! I’d be on my Hordie haha.



Was gunna say haha, n same I’ll 100% be there with my Orc adventurer-hobo, and heh I wouldnt suggest turning up with a Night Elf hahaha, Orcs have a habit of…killing them, and I doubt numbers will be on the side of the Nelf.




Community Server Link:

Hey, everyone!

We have finally got our community discord server up and running, feel free to join it!


this is a very much needed and wonderfull idea!
Its a great start let’s hope others will get inspired by it :slight_smile:


Thank you!

Great idea! I hope the initiative is successful - I enjoyed Horde roleplay in Orgrimmar a few years ago…

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Horde RP definitely needs some life breathed back into it.
Count on us Dusties to give some of that sigature fuzziness to this event, and then hopefully the city as a whole !