The fresh reroll experience - Repopulating Flamelash Alliance

Yeah more and more people joining the discord and filling the character spreadsheet. I’m pretty sure we’ll reach 100 till 24th!

Everyone who might be interested - feel free to join our project!

Will be a blast! :slight_smile:

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We already have 150 active users on our discord! Feel free to check out the discord and see if this is a project you are interested in :). We are very hyped an are invested into this project. Come check us out!


The community is growing incredibly rapid. Even NA players are joining in on this project. It will be almost like starting on a new realm cause there are basically nothing on AH and no one there to boost you or pug with. This will create a tight-knit community where we have to cooperate and help eachother doing dungeons, gathering materials and crafting. The long term goal is to have several raidteams within the guild so we can tend to everyones need and experience when it comes to end-game content. We will definetly bring life to the server.


I think a lot of the appeal for re-rolling is exactly that, most servers leveling has been taken over by the boosting meta. I’ve been leveling a character on Earthshaker and despite it being the biggest PVP server for Alliance, can’t get a full group for a dungeon. Everyone uses boosts.

A server with none of that, where you have to depend on each other for teamwork, is very appealing as that’s what Classic is (or, was) all about.


Yeah I think that’s the main reason this project getting some attention. Teamwork apparently works way better on the small servers, where everybody knows everyone and depends on each other.

It’s kinda the “true” vanilla experience.

Good luck with the project! Been following since the first post here. Looks interesting.


Great idea, and could be really fun. I’m up for this.


Getting so hyped for this! Starting to get a great base of players, and with this tight community its gonna be great<3

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We’re doing our best to make sure everyone gets the best experience possible, come say hi in our discord to check us out

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Would be great to have some world pvp action again when u guys reach 60 just dont dare to come to grief us then the history will repeat itself for sure


I see a lot of reactions (here and other places this was advertised) from people thinking we will be griefed away the same way people were starting P2…

I didn’t really talk with anyone on the server but from an outside perspective my 2 cents:

  • There is maybe 20% left of the total population it had back in P2 -> less players = less gankers
  • Atleast a large portion of those that griefed so much in P2 are also gone from quitting the game and/or migrating (because well… see point above)
  • Worldpvp in P2 was very extreme on all servers (from both factions) largely because of ranking…
  • With the current HPH min/maxing worldpvp isn’t viable and going out of your way for days on end just to kill a bunch of lvl 20’s in Duskwood?? Yes for sure there will be a few players enjoying this, but if it is literally 5-10 hordes doing this to 100 lvling Alliance, it won’t be more than an inconvience due to the size of the world and how widely spread the lvl ranges will be within a few days
  • The downfall started with just a few guilds transferring, however this caused an extreme downward spiral which let to the servers current state

And even if there is some (or a lot of griefing)… On my main server I also have my hearthstone in another nearby town because hs’ing or teleporting into Stormwind on a raidnight means insta dispell. We have to get summons to weird places as close to AQ40 portals as possible in order to get in with WB due to horde camping portals 24/7.

Griefing is the meta on Classic pvp servers… from both sides…

Also the comment about, they get their info from Warcraft Logs… meaning that if someone did not participate in a logged raid, they do not show up…From what I’ve read there is an alliance population of about 70-100 players, so we’d be doubling the Alliance pop and bringing server balance back to around 30-70 which is not uncommon for pvp servers…

All in all I think this is as close as it gets to a fresh experience on current Classic… yes there will be some griefing early on and yes there will be worldpvp at max lvl but I highly doubt that 500 hordes will en mass start killing quest NPC’s, flightmasters and literally taking over major cities again for en extended period of time… and if they do big gz on them for finally executing the server.


Agree with all of that.

Tbh I don’t feel that there are even 500 (active) horde player left on the server. Last time I did /who 60 and /who 1-59 there were like 25 ppl leveling and some more than 50 60s online. Server is pretty low populated on both fractions. Might be different on raid times though.

100+ allies griefing thousands of horde? How do you think thats gonna be possible?

More and more are joining the project, this is fascinating. Warm and cozy place. :slight_smile:

You can still blow us

We just hit the 100 registered Players mark. Im so excited!

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Let’s make it double, still a week to go. :slight_smile:

Just one week left and we are at 115 signups already!

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This will be EPIC!

I’ve made my character and I’m ready to go.

6 days to go!