The Future of World Buffs in Classic Era

This has no place in classic and is a retail convenience that belong in the abomination of retail only.

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OP states that the item “breaks apart” upon use, so I don’t think this would work. Your Chronoboon Displacer persists, but the item holding the buffs is separate and destroyed on use.

That’s not how it appears to me. Read what they wrote about it:

Also, when you release the buffs from the Chronoboon Displacer, it puts the item on a 1 hour cooldown so that you can’t toggle your buffs on for bosses and off for the rest of the raid.

So basically you buy the Chronoboon Displacer from Chromie then you get your world buffs and use the Chronoboon Displacer this create a new item “Super Charged Chronoboon Displacer” which has your buffs stored when you use the Super Charged Displacer it destroys it and you gain your buffs but you still have the original Chronoboon Displacer in your inventory that is now on a 1 hour cooldown.

Which means if you log an hour before the raid and pop the Supercharged Chronoboon Displacer your normal Chronoboon Displacer will be on a 1 hour cooldown so you log off for one hour until raid starts and by the time you log back on it’s off CD and if the raid looks like it’s going to wipe you can use it to snapshot all your buffs again they will still have the duration they had left before the wipe occurred and you’ve managed to keep the WB’s you would have lost.

There is also the possibility to abuse this in other ways such as:

-Warriors popping Reckleness, racials, battle chicken and other damage increasing effects BEFORE they use the Displacer then they use the Displacer just before a boss is pulled they will end up having Reckleness and the other buffs stored WHILE ALSO having them off CD at that point.

-Priests giving Power infusion to spell casters before they use the displacer so they can pop them just before the boss is pulled.

That’s just the tip of the ice berg, we’re playing a game where players constantly try to find exploits to use to their advantage - do you honestly think there are not going to be loads of ways players abuse this item.

It’s such a complex fix that welcomes abuse when they could just remove world buffs entirely, it’s not going to destroy Classic in fact it would make it feel MORE vanilla like.


The first method you wrote with snapshotting before wipe might be a thing. They should probably make it so its not usable inside raid instance and/or while in combat.

This second part though:

Is not possible. It only stores world buffs i.e. dragonslayer, warchiefs blessing, dmf, sf and ZG.

I’m sorry to say that this kind of thinking from Actiblizzard is exactly what makes retail what it is today. It’s quite obvious that the people in charge of making these decisions don’t play the game, never had a hand in making vanilla back in the day, and have no idea how to actually find solutions that are aligned with the target audience. They’re just milking this game dry. And get the h"ll out of here with that constant chromie bullsh"t. You’re just embarassing yourself trying to sound fun with some kind of RPG element to the “fix” all the while not understanding anything about the game. It’s like someone drawing a horse who’se only ever heard vague descriptions of one.


Ofc they can’t get everything 100% correct, and sure this should have been there from day 1(easy to say now huh?) But we will also see fresh classic servers, and I think this fix is nice… World buffs cannot just be removed since they were a part of the orginial game. Join a guild that doesn’t care about them if you want that?

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Add WCB to Stormwind

Except WB’s wasn’t used like this in Vanilla other than perhaps a few of the most hardcore guilds the majority of the player base had no clue and didn’t use them so removing these buffs in raids would actually be closer to the real vanilla experience. While the raid content in Classic isn’t exactly hard and the boss mechanics are few and rather easy the fact of having WB’s further removes any challenge and as I said makes gaining upgrades feel less rewarding.

As I said it’s not going to kill classic, when Classic was announced and people envisioned what they was looking forward to doing in the game I can only assume most people didn’t have collecting buffs very high on their list of priorities.

Imagine if a new MMORPG was released nowadays and you go into a store and pick up the game case (I know most are digital purchases nowadays but humour me) and you read the back of the case - do you think in the list of features to entice you to buy the game would read:

-Spend tedious amounts of time clearing dungeons you outgear, check discord for buff times and log out of the game to collect and preserve buffs!

Point being these buffs don’t make Classic and taking them away wouldn’t break it either.

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Warlock SAC pet save buff, Respec :slight_smile:

No I don’t buy this argument. So you mean in every part of the game where players play differently these days should be changed/removed?

World buffs existed in classic, if players didn’t utilise them back then isn’t a reason to remove them now IMO.

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Except we told them to do something about the impending Worldbuff Meta before Classic even launched.

That isn’t an argument for keeping them, unless “preservation-of-original” is suddenly more important than “good enjoyable game”, which it isn’t.

Yeah, here is the thing about this argument:
Even in a guild that “doesn’t care” :rofl: about them, when push comes to shove, and the raidlead has to decide who he will bench, guy-with-wbs is more likely to get into the roster than guy-without-wbs, simply because the former does 60% more dps, and has shown more dedication to the raid.

A potential way of making this thing really tidious is to pop ony save the buff clear dmt pop the item and gather dmt buff, save the buffs and wait an hour. Go to yojomba isle pop your item turn in HoH, save your buffs and walk to felwood for SF, wait an hour… You get the idea.

I’m not saying that though am I? I’d only like to see WB’s removed when entering a raid and I’m saying WB’s completely destroy the feel of raiding, you can go into a raid as a caster with base 18% crit with no gear on and it waters down the fun that upgrades bring. We’re playing an RPG so part of the fun of the game is increasing the power of your character over time.

Completely avoiding boss mechanics because you can blast the boss down like it’s a dungeon mob 20 levels below you is not fun, at least not to me and I can only imagine to some others as well.

There’s plenty of other things that existed in vanilla that was changed such as queue syncing for AV, mind controlling players out of BG’s etc they still saw change didn’t they?

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Most importantly it shows that there is activity ongoing on how to better wow classic.

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Now you have time to get your world buffs and keep playing the game, just use the item when the raid starts. Done.

Also Blizzard wanted much as #nochanges as possible, as did the MAJORITY of the playerbase. They cant please all, its their vision ALSO.

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Also thought I’d just point out the irony of WB’s cannot just be removed since they were a part of the original game. You wanna know what wasn’t part of the original game? Chronoboon Displacers.

Guess it’s fine to change the game in one way but not in others, eh?


Sounds horrible when put it like that… just sounds like a stagnant dead game.

You cannot understand that they have to pick the middle-ground in flawed areas of classic, and not just remove an important feature of the original game?

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Please do explain how WB’s are an “important” feature of the original game.

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These world buffs made it possible for guilds to clear some raids, it was an important feature lol… It still is for some guilds, as it helps them to clear raids…

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