The game have changed me

Sounds like you joined one of those guilds that advertise themselves as “banter friendly”. Regardless, this is the internet climate in general these days. I had a guild survive on a dead realm for literal years until Discord became the norm. Suddenly old ‘veterans’ joined that Discord, only to bring back to life the inner circle elitism, literally reducing the WoW discussion for those still playing to one channel of eight.

Being social online has changed. If anything, mmorpgs are one of the last places to be affected by this. There is very little incentive to do any long-term investment in guilds, groups, or people, if not you directly derive something positive from them. There are so many ways to find new people to hang out with that you gain literally nothing from ‘braving the storm’ in hopes of it turning out better on the other side.

You literally pay money to play this game and you choose to spend your time with people you don’t personally benefit from? Normal people quit playing games the second they don’t enjoy them, which is uncommon for WoW players for some reason.

Groups are made and disbanded in days at this point, and more often than not, by people who like the idea of being a person in control more than actually exercising the duty of a person in control, ie. moderating and leading.

If anyone with any kind of power lead you to discomfort, you leave. Nothing in the world is worth a miserable existence, not even a job.


Yo! That’s bad…
Anyways if you ever need someone to play with on horde side hit me up in-game Godzeela#2411, I usually play 21:00-00:00 (if there is time for games) due to work family etc …
Also, take a small break from the game if playing has become a chore, it’s not gonna go anywhere :yum:
Take care!

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This is bad ,but nothing game related this happens to many people in real life as well.

You have social phobia? yet you tell people you have aspergers, social phobia and anxiety? or do you only have it when you talk to people in real life and not when typing?

And last but not least why talk about this on a game forums?

I can’t speak strictly for the OP here so excuse me, but I also have Aspergers and anxiety so I can maybe explain this. I’m not sure what they mean by a social phobia - if they mean a genuine fear of having to interact with people, well I don’t have that, but I digress.

I know for me personally I find it much easier to behave and be more presentable on an online forum or game. In RL I tend to stutter, say the wrong thing, mumble, refuse to make eye contact, or operate off of scripts I have prepared for situations only to find it’s the wrong kind of situation etc. or I just avoid people altogether because sometimes going through the process of mentally preparing to exchange a few words with somebody just feels like too much effort.

Online it takes a fraction of this effort - speaking on these forums, in the game itself and to my RL friends online via messaging apps etc. is the most “normal” I can personally feel and act. It could be a similar story for OP here.


I disagree with some saying that online friends aren’t real friends. I have the most amazing network of online friends and they are as real as any IRL friendship I have. Obviously I’m not close to every single person I know online.

Online relationships are tricky some end well but it’s hard work and distance is usually the issue. Having said that I know several married couples who met in WoW. One even had to move to America as he played on NA servers.


I Strongly agree OP.

Peoples say that the Community hasn’t changed.

but it truly has, I’ve been playing WoW since patch 2.1 The opening of the Black Temple.

So I’ve been extremely loyal to WoW since i was 12, im now 25.
The comminity has changed, and not at all for the better.

The community has changed so much that i don’t even wanna do Group content anymore, which is Sad as WoW is an MMO and not a single player game, but the Community isn’t good.

I tried Final Fantasy 14 like a week ago, and peoples were all kind and helpful.
Even if im a noob at it, they could explain stuff.

The wont kick you if you say you’re new to example healing, if you tell them that you are new to healing.
They will take it easy, easy enough for you to keep up.

And its hard for me to tell that FFXIV has a way better community than WoW,
As i’ve been playing the game and grown up with WoW since i was 12.
It hurts so much seeing the community get worse and worse with time.

OP if you want a better community, maybe you should try FFXIV?
And maybe do like me?, Switch between the two?.
(Damn this hurt to ask)

I’m kinda alarmed by the amount of people who are recommending FF to OP. The community there is part of the reason I quit that game and moved here full time. I had experiences that were on par with OP’s own there.

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We all have different experiences of the community in games, a recommendation is after all one persons. I played FF personally, had a great time there, but its true with both life and game communities. It is very much swings and roundabouts, sometimes it goes great, other times not so much.


We all have different experiences and I think that is what is important to bear in mind. My first experiences with wow were terrible, the player base was rude, elitist, unkind, downright rotten to me yet this is at the same time period as another recommending FF says that Wow was in it’s hay day.

I have a fantastic time in modern wow compared to back in TBC when I found people were very toxic.

You just can’t tar everyone with the same brush.


It’s different per experience, FFXIV is way more strict when it comes to the Rules compare to WoW.

The community there has been extremely friendly.

If you tell someone in low level dungeons that you’re new to tanking, they get unsure and does Vote Kick.
WoW is not really the " Best " Newbie friendly MMO out there.

I love WoW as F, but the community have gotten WAAAAAY Worse with the years, and it saddens me to see.

I appreciate you and Sunwake’s outlook, that puts me at ease a little. I need to remember of course that everyone’s experiences are unique. I just worry for OP because they seem similar to me in a few ways and I panicked that if I had such an awful time there, they might too. Of course, I don’t know that for definite, though. Thank you.

Zion I agree with you that the community is overall more welcoming! And up until Shadowbringers I had the ride of my life actually. As soon as that expansion dropped it was like a coin flipped and suddenly I couldn’t get a group for anything that didn’t seem to just be a copy of your typical group in WoW. Toxicity, people leaving, yadda yadda. I ended up leaving because I felt like I was signing on literally to be abused. I’m glad other people have better experiences with it, I do miss the game a little.

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well, let me just say this, there are still good people around, but are few

this generation is filled with awful people, unlike 15 years ago, you have to be strong and endure, but most importantly don’t let this change who you are, be thankful you are not one of them, you are better, and move on

if you let this affect you negatively. you might join them soon without noticing

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Players who use the forums, always differ from those who dont.

I can’t speak for Shadowbringers Experience, as im still a Noob at the game, beated ARR Story-line like a few days ago and jumped into Heavensward yesterday i believe.

Im not that super interested in like Savage raiding or so,
im the same in FFXIV as i am in WoW a - Transmog / Glamour Hunter.

I love taking pictures with some nice Glamour w
Im more into " RP " so to say in FFXIV, but in order to progress further into ARR or the expansion’s storyline you have to do Dungeons or Trials or Raids.
(The 8-man Dungeons)

And every Dungeon - Trials - Raids have been really pleasuring to be a part of peoples have been friendly and talk active, kinda nostalgia for me.

  • Might be worth to mention that im not in a FC yet, as i wanna make my own FC whenever i’ve learned the game better and hit reach max lvl with 1 Job.

With topics like these its always hard to see if we are missing the other side of the story. There certainly are toxic people out there, can’t say i have met that many tho. then again i’m on low pop servers

But i also had someone get very upset and leave a guild because i made the old “there are no girls on the internet” joke after saying dude to someone wich appearently was a girl.

the best you can do is keep trying to find a guild or community until you find a good one

But also as retributor said

it will save you alot of trolls, or people not taking it as serious as you do

It can be that bad if you don’t fit in perfectly.

I’ve been treated very poorly by guilds, communities and ingame friends just because I won’t sit in voice all day every day. Eventually I chose not to bother trying to be part of any groups and play solo instead.

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Making friends can be tricky but like Barry says it feels like we’re only getting part of the story.

lmao :rofl:

He cheated on you in game?

Bukachu got it right there. Also, if you like dungeons then im not sure if Bukachu’s community for chill runs is still going. if it isnt, then i could recommend Scared Of Dungeons community. Sinaaki is a member there, as is myself and a few other forum regulars. We’re all mad as a box of frogs, but its real good fun at the same time.
Sure, there are some bad eggs in the community, but thats the same for every game out there. If you want someone to level and do other content with, then my Bnet is MajorTom#2609 to go with the others that have offered to do same

Dont add my GF mate.

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