The game have changed me

In 10 years I have been in many guilds and communities and I never talked in voice chat not even once. I also raid mythic without talking in voice chat, just listening. And I have never been treated bad.
The OP’s tale doesn’t sound very belieavable to me. I don’t want to throw accusations, but it’s not always others’ fault. There are a lot of rotten apples, but claiming that the community is that bad, is a straight up lie.

bad game, bad community
didn’t used to be this way tho, it got worse with time, like all games.
It’s not just gaming communities either, it mirrors the IRL, signalling a shift of huge importance. Which means, things irl will soon kick off. Soon being the blizzard soon tm ofc.

Honest advice to you: don’t be too personal with people in the game, unless they prove to be trustworthy.

It’s better to have very few friends, but truthful. Also online dating fails most of the time. It takes A LOT of sacrifice from both partners to make it work. Very few people are up to the task.

My husband and I were in a 9 years relationship before we got married. All this time we’ve been on different continents. It’s tough, don’t really recommend it.

And as a last advice: focus on real life first, there’s much more fun and enjoyment in having a real boyfriend, a real group of friends, a family.

Take it easy and don’t bother yourself with people on the internet.

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Sorry if I find hard to believe that someone is being treated bad by everyone because the world is evil and everyone hates him and dare to suggest that maybe, just maybe, it’s not other’s fault and we don’t know the full story, mr. gnome. It’s called being realistic.

It’s still going but its not as alive as before. but its still at 1k members but not smth i’d recommend in this scenario.

there is no secret that wow is full of bad influnce and rotten players. there are some great ppl as well!. but most are infact trash…

and sadly wow is a game that makes u very selfish in most cases. and the length ppl go to secure loot/armor/mounts/pets and so on is extreme. and harder content makes ppl more extreme.

its the paytowin/paytoskip generation that ruins it all. im sorry to ever have been a booster. as i said driven by greed but the damage has been unleashed and its no way back to a nice community. money speaks.

did you just assume my gender??? :rofl: :rofl:

I can sympathise, OP.
Had my fair share of bad experiences also.
On perspective though, I can see a few of those experiences weren’t helped by my own actions at the time.

One particular one that sticks in my mind is when my old guild broke up, I thought a certain good friend of mine didn’t want to talk to me anymore. So I didn’t talk to him either. This went on quite a few months before I was clearing old conversations and noticed a message from said friend that I had missed months earlier. I can’t even explain how horrible I felt. Putting that friend in the same situation I was in.

Its not always as it seems. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people who haven’t messaged you back, or you haven’t spoken to in a while, there’s always two sides to the story, make sure you hear them out too. Sure that friend wants to do mythic content, but maybe they’ll chill questing with you when they’ve got the time?

For all the bad and stupid things that have happened to me in this game, there’s always something great and memorable to counteract it. You keep playing cause you know there are good people here. Don’t be afraid to go and look for them.

I see a few folks commenting on not getting too close to the people you know in game. Its no different from real life, tbh. Some are bad eggs, you use your intuition.

Did you ever meet your boyfriend, OP? Don’t let one guy getcha down. Me and my man do the LDR thing (for now) and we met on WoW. There’s actually a lot of people who’ve met their SO this way :slight_smile:


No, most people are good, the toxic are just a minority that gets noticed a lot more because people always tend to remember the bad experiences forever while not giving much weight to the good ones.

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I feel bad for you OP, but it seems like you open yourself for to many people maybe? Remember to be careful and that people have to earn your trust overtime. I did that mistake aswell ^^
Good stable guild also will be a good start for a friendly community, not the people around you, they can be fishy af.

i never played horde, perhaps horde are more gentle. nice cute ppl who hide behind ugly beasts. but alliance is a terrible place man.

I think somebody else said on this thread yesterday as well that toxic people are a minority - it just doesn’t seem that way because the toxic people are just louder and have a way of getting people to remember them. There’s probably something to be said for that, too. Doesn’t make it any better though.

I just want to say i love u all folks. simple words to say, but i truly love u. i dont like the game and the community any more. but atleast here on the forum most appear nice. the masses dont bother to come here =).

Imagine having all this happen, and then have someone say it didn’t happen.


I can’t imagine even half of it really happened. Im playing for a while now and none of these things happened to me, nothing negative really so I don’t know if you are unlucky or just doing something that makes people do this to you.

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You suffer from Asperger and Social Anxiety? I feel you, i really do. Making friends, having normal conversations, joining groups and communities, stuff that is natural and easy to others for me is like climbing a vertical cliff with bare hands.

Usually, i don’t face much problems when dealing with people in this game, because i don’t talk too much, i’m too shy to do it. I used to play this game as a solo game, until i asked to join a guild and i had the luck to be invited to it’s first Mythic raid, they didn’t looked at IO score, progress, parses, none of that. I had a opportunity to show my capabilities, and i took it. Asperger may have ruined my social abilities, but not my abilities to play a video game.

After that i found a place as a Raider, here i am judged by my capabilities in the game, not by my relationships. They want me because they need me, and i good with that, having a place, even if is in a raid team, feels good, because in real life i feel i don’t have.

As someone who have similar troubles than you, i advice you to try pushing for higher end content, the more competitive and professional the guilds are, the more likely they will respect and want you by your capabilities, if they need you, they will keep you close.

If you don’t have interest on that, avoid being with groups of people based on interpersonal relationships, “communities” as they call, people that aren’t cool and social like to me are left to the side and cast out.

I wish the best for you, hope you overcome this!


I can vouch for FFXIV too.

The main difference is how the game is executed and plays. It doesnt evolve around kill 10 mobs style quests :stuck_out_tongue:

This sounds like a very sad situation, you had to go through. :heart: And I want it only the best for you. We all have unfortunately had to face on these negative people in the game. Who has clearly have a plans just to try sink us into the same level as them… But anyways! you should just be glad you don’t have to meet these people in real life . Maybe break from the game will probably help you? or whatever you prefer to do with your situation right now.

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To the OP; I understand you fully. A lot of those things that you are talking about have or still are happening to me as well. Like today the “game” made me realize that you are always the last choice for everything (or not even a choice at all). In the game and IRL; no matter how much you try or how good you get. It kinda gets to you a bit…so I simply stopped caring about most of the “not important” things of life. In short a lot of things in life suck and nothing lasts. Everything is bound to end at some point. Sad but true.

Edit: I found that around 80% of all the people you meet in your life will be jerks, will only try to use you for their own gains and will never consider your feelings and emotions. They will only show interest in you if they need something from you. There are VERY few truly nice and good people. Or im just having really bad luck…


That’s why I’m a lone wolf. Guilds are nothing but trouble if you ask me.