The game needs more humour

suffer well brother

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We have a similar drink here it’s called Kokta the same sugar free cola that’s even more poison then the real thing.

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Sugar free stuff is quite frequently worse, especially since people tend to consume more of it because it’s “healthier”, when it’s just as bad or worse in the first place. Something being 1000 times sweeter than sugar should ring warning bells.

This isn’t always the case of course, but it’s common enough.


tbf, anything artificially made is bad for you,
i love the full sugar content and im not fat in the slightiest

nothing beats an ice cold Pepsi or Cola on a summers day ( other than Cider )

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You mean Lunk…?

Searing Gorge, and it’s a reference to the Oxhorn character ‘‘Thunk’’. :slight_smile:

Yes that one thank you :grin:

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I often wondered if they got the inspiration for that from Monty Python…

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It’s nice that the off-hand fish will probably become transmogrifiable now.

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Darkmoon rabbit is a monty python reference

Here in WoW community, “fun” is forbidden word

A lot of those people who grew up on South Park turned into fake woke, virtue signalling ‘pick me’s’ who feel gratification through the validation of strangers on the internet.


the sword of a thousand truths

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WoW’s modern tone was set in WoD, by its original writers. Legion, BFA and Shadowlands simply continued down that line. Not everybody can pull off a Sands of Time trilogy, where every entry in the series has a different tone reflecting the Prince’s mental state - starting from lighthearted and magical, going through dark and depressing and finishing with a more balanced worldview.

I think Blizz got burnt on the humor when they announced MoP - which still has my favorite cinematic in the whole game, precisely due to how humorous it is. But people thrashed that expansion when it was announced.

This type of trauma takes ages to recover from. Blizzard is only now recovering from their Cata/MoP trauma.

And I’m assuming as Dragonflight is basically a reset on the whole game, maybe we can get some good humor in it as well.

yes. because all those social/media forms and games and whatnot are privately owned.

freedom of speech only exists between you and the government, at least in the usa.

even outside of the usa. pretty much every platform or game or whatever is owned by someone and if this someone doesnt want you to say x or censor y then its the law on said platform.

its kind of ridiculous to think that people who use the internet think they have true freedom of speech.


But muh dummocracy…

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Twitter In a nutshell XD

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I learned that lesson the hard way xD.Always in life i learned the hard way it’s my curse :sweat_smile:.

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There’s a similar chain in Stormsong Valley, where you play in memories of some pirates there that just get funnier/wierder as it goes on. Could be Alliance exclusive, I don’t remember.