The gear disparity is absurd

Imagine thinking that no gear difference will make wow pvp more approachable
You can hand out best pvp gear to new players and they will still struggle vs ppl in honor gear

You cant go the gear route cause its a dead end

The only way they can help wow pvp is to bake ingame educational pvp clips n explain the way pvp operates here, basic logic, gearing routes n recommendations

Then, when a player knows basics, let him play in a sandbox aka bgs skirmishes n develop
If the player likes it and wants rewards, he either learn n practice or go on forums asking for some equality


You could be right. Im more talking from my casual friends perspective, its hard to keep them playing, cos its all that complicated. Addons, boosters farming, skilled+ geared players just delete them, then all the information what have to gather, learn about pvp, enemy skills ect. Most of the blame obviously is a about gear, not the skill issue:d
Skilled players anyways will stomp noobsters.
Im just happy some returned to play rated BGs.

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This is why the iLevel difference between honor and conquest gear should be only about 3 or 4 levels.

Double facepalm.

If there’s no power gain, what’s the point?

WoW already failed as esport, trying to balance things, not working
Then Blizz eased the pvp gearing process - the result is boosting services n glad selling tripled if not more

I swear just bring the game back when you get conq that scales with rating, higher you are - faster you progress, just like in m+

Why theres literally equal gearing process for a player who plays 1.6 arena and 2.5 arena?

Let the game be mmoRPG with all the perks it had, and gear diff it had, wotlk had a rly good arena gear acquisition, transfer it to tww n Im happy
Or nah, SL s1 still rocks for me as the best pvp patch

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Play a stealth class
Spam RP walk in stealth in bgs

Not a stealth class?
Get killed in bg
Then go RP walk in dead ghost form in bgs

no it didnt

because people moved to soloq

so people dont have to waste their time and win a game based on how good they are instead of some stupid gear

the whole point of any pvp game is having a fair matchup based on your skill level and not outside factors

the answer is the same as to why many games dont have pay-to win gear for pvp gamemmodes and instead simply have cosmetics which are only that - cosmetics

like do u even think what ur writing

if a duelist player has better gear than you as a rival player, and hes already better in skill, what hope do you have to win?

are you seriously asking for the gap between people of each rank to increase in power level outside of skill as well?

just let everybody play with same gear and lose / win based on how they play

people want to log in and gear fast and start playing, not waste their time on MMO stuff, because pvp players dont care about MMO stuff anyway, they just wanna go kill other players because that’s fun

I talk about fast gearing= more characters to sell n advanced fast boosting
If you dont see the relation between those idk

You sound like a Fortnite kid, wow NEVER been this way, gear always mattered, and closer we are to EQUALITY in gear - less pvp participation we have
Legion been all “equality” likers asked - n not succeed, actually it was that bad that blizz decided to get back to gearing

If you want pvp with equality, there are tons of games, but wow is THE ONLY game without p2w with a sane pvp system that have some character development, not only skill progression

Yes, thats how it should be

If youre better player you prove it with your skill, then you get gear and grow higher

You cant win a 2.4 geared guy with a fresh char, only if you hella outplayer, and its how it should be
What’s the logic that an average bobby in a fantasy world have the same shiny armor as Maximus the galaxy owner?
It is called RPG, you must not win from the bat, in pvp you develop your character into owning machine with your skill n gear

Gear is an integral part of mmorpg pvp, equality is for Fortnite kids and let em have it in other games

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Shadowlands (and earlier expansions) have shown that good players will win either way, while bad players will lose. We also have seen what happens to the player base if gear is given out free.

No it’s not. And it definitely is not in a MMORPG.
Also, WoW is primarily a MMORPG, not a PvP game.

You seem to confuse different genres and some terms. Even managed to drop p2w into this.

Just like a Duelist can and will win vs multi glads. Did you forget about Shadowlands and how all the streamers were boosting? From the top of my head, I won vs Trille and Snupy, several times. Also, which you should know, usually if a Rival player is meeting a Duelist, then it means that the Rival is so good that his MMR skyrocketed or the Duelist so garbage, that he dropped a lot. Or the MMR is scuffed af. The little gear difference is the least relevant factor here.

Yes, because this is how MMRPGS work.
Yes, because this has proven to be healthier for the game.
Yes, because this resulted in larger player base in the past.
Yes, because the other way, which we have now, did not make people play more.

They won’t play. It’s that simple. This is not League or any shooter/BR game where people log in for a few matches. This is a MMORPG game, where people want to work on their character, they want the grind and a reason to play. Why do we even argue this? We literally had different expansions with different systems in place and we know now how some failed in terms of playerbase.

Heck Classic was the most unbalanced bs with the worst PvP modes (basically none) and the most annoying grind in WoW, yet the private servers were so popular that Blizzard started classic expansions all over again.

Every time gearing was too easy, people quit. How can you argue otherwise? What is your claim based on? On some whiny forum posters who barely play anyway?

That’s wrong. Sure, there are some but that’s not the majority. Or how come Shadowlands had higher participation than DF? Not just speaking of S1. Was Shadowlands less grindy? Were the chores so good? lmao… Was the balance much better? Was the gameplay somehow more fun? You know just like I know that nothing of this is true.

Ye in the first week, maybe even month. Then they quit because there is nothing else to do and it’s boring due to lack of incentives and goals. We have seen this in several expansions, why would you argue against this historical fact?
In Shadowlands there were some people arguing how dead it is and some guy brought up a forum post from Legion where a guy asked if the participation number is high or low. It was around 25 times lower than SL. WoD had similar issues. You noticed that in DF too I hope and didn’t forget it already.

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No no and no.

What is the point of PvP if gear is pretty much the only factor?

If I wanted to grind gear, I’d play PvE instead.

Gear never been the only factor

The main factor for OG pvpers were pvp clips where cool players where able to kill multiple players in one go thanks to their skill n gear

It looked cool, it felt great, it forced lots of players to learn n become strong as their idols

To reck ppl, no matter the number

Now you just the same as the others, not matter how you invest
Thats wrong in mmorpg

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Someone understood.

Also loved the SL system, only expansion that made me invested in the game for a long time. The ilvl differance could have been a little lower though.
Play Dota, CS etc. to measure pure skill.

The prime reason for this is the high damage meta and the power creep Blizzard has introduced since Cataclysm.

PvP was like chess back then, now it is more like tekken. Gear, stuns, cooldowns and crits are the only factors.

Back then I was able to defeat far better geared opponents with my blue geared rogue because I knew what I was doing. There’s no chance to do anything like that anymore.

PvP needs PvP gear. Your PvE catch up gear is practically junk compared to honor gear, even. You’re also missing a lot of stats for not having the trinkets.
A full honor set is like a bit over 13k honor which you can farm in a couple of epic BGs.

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Yes. Yes it is.

Fixed it for you


What? I am not sure if I understand your comment correctly but are you truly saying that Classic, TBC and WotLK was played like chess? I have to be understanding this wrong because these specific expansions were the definition of faceroll where you did not have to think at all and could faceroll down your opponents. A friend of mine played at 2,7k in TBC (back then) on Rogue and couldn’t hit 1,8k in SL… this should tell you everything.

Gear mattered much more back then, especially in classic. It did matter less over the expansions but still mattered a lot. I’d argue even more than in SL. I don’t know how you can claim otherwise. And on top of that professions and usables were more than just annoying af and ruined these expansions even more imo.

Thats 100% informative since theres a 15 years gap between tbc in sl
Its like you compare 15 y old school boy with tons of time n a dad tired of responsibilities

Tho I’m not sure if a guy with 2.5 df 3s xp can ez get 2.5 in wotlk - cata 3s