The guy is a decent player and I met him in a game that requires much more skill than WoW. The faceroll of TBC was just extreme and he obviously had no idea about CDs trading in SL, all he was doing is simply doing as much damage as possible in his stun and didn’t know what to do outside of that. Even after I explained to him what to do in specific scenarios, it was just too much for him. TBC and WotLK were just much simpler.
Also, there is no RL argument to be made that affects this gap. But I don’t want to talk bad about him.
What 15 year old has tons of time? When I was 15 I came home from school at like 16:40ish and then I was too tired to even do much for the rest of the day.
I played the game a lot more after school was done than when I was in school, I started playing in high school, because it was impossible to keep up with the game while still maintaining attendance at school. After finishing school I got to decide what I do with my time fully and thus had more time to game.
Normal ones.
Teenagers have 200% more energy than grown ups, thats a fact
Healthy ones
Even then, you are legally obliged to attend school.
You have maybe 4-5 hours after school before you have to sleep if you’re to get up for school the next day unless you want to deprive yourself of sleep or skip school, those hours include having to do chores.
Now as an adult, I could sit and play 24 hours in a day without having to worry about anything like that, if I felt like it.
Idk, I came from school n played till my parents wept my *ss of the computer
I could play whole weekends non stop
Now 3/4 weekends are occupied with family stuff n things I need to do when I’m not at work, my gametime is at best 24hrs in a week
And even if I have spare time, sometimes all I want is to lay n not think for a moment
I think this is kinda in common among early 30s ppl
So you were either depriving yourself of sleep or skipping school, then?
As a kid I could sleep for 5 hours n still operate just fine
Also I did some swimming n football so even more energy wasted between the gaming gos
N not sure sleep deprivation is a problem for a teen
It’s a huge problem. It’s probably the main reason for low performance by teens in school.
It’s been studied a lot.
Here’s an article about it:
It just doesn’t work out well with having to get up at 6 am to be able to be at school at 8 am when it starts.
I mean, its a problem for a good school results - ofc, cause teenagers tend to waste energy on more interesting young things thay can do
Did I care? Nah, like any average child, I spend my childhood not in love with school stuff
idk where im from school was from 8 to 13-16 and after that i could possible play all day if my parents didnt intervene or i had other plans. On weekends the normal 15 year old could possible play up to 20 hours if parents allow it.
If you are in school you have plenty of time.
School was mostly from 8-16 where I live.
But you had to get up at 6 am to catch the bus at like 7 am to be at school when it starts, if you took a later bus you would be late. You’d come home at like 16:40-17:00 depending on where you lived and try to be in bed by 21-22 and you have chores to do as well.
You’re not gonna stay up to midnight and then sleep only 6 hours and perform well in school.
Doesn’t leave much time to play games unless you deprive yourself of sleep, don’t do chores or skip school.
Not sure whats more questionable your 9 Hours long school or my which lasted since 8 till 13:30 or something (when i was 14-15 yo).
Seems like it differs heavily between countries. I had around 25-30h of school in my childhood and just a little time needed for doing homework so plenty of time left to game.
A rival at 2080 CR is still a rival and he can definitely face a 2100 duelist
if the duelist has better gear and that ends up being the determining factor of winning, then the rival will drop and will have it even harder to get to duelist
it’s an artificial creation of a gap that nobody asked for, except losers who need a bonus reason to win other than their own skill
you really think people play less cause of gear?
people play less because of 20 other reasons
some of which are
- button bloat
- bad LFG system design
- lack of proper class tuning
- lack of properly distributed rewards between ranks and game modes
so your whole arguement is stupid, people played a lot in S1 of SL because PvE players were forced to play PvP for gear. keyword “forced”. this is like saying Torghast was fantastic for the game because everybody did it, when in reality everybody HAD TO DO IT.
oh wow mmorpg, you throw this word around with empty meaning. the true MMORPG factor is socializing and playing with other people and winning and having fun together. that’s the core principle of an MMORPG. People who main WoW pvp play the same way that people in League and shooters do - they max out their character as a means to an end, and then they grind and kill other players to gain ranks. Basically its bonus steps to reach the same standpoint - which is why back in the day people from WoW PvP quit TO play those games, they didn’t want to deal with GEAR anymore or annoying systems, they just wanted to log in and QUEUE UP.
oh now u bring up Classic
Classic has absolutely NOTHING to do with any expansions. The moment TBC came out, the PvP became all about INSTANCED PvP. Same as games u mentioned like League. You queue up, and fight a specific number of players, 1 team wins, match is over, end.
I am so sorry that you can no longer play your WOTLK DK with Shadowmourne and DBW and faceroll people because of an unfair advantage and think you’re better than anybody
again the same stupid arguement
do you not realize people simply want to max out their character as fast as possible so they can start pressing queue and not think about the other annoying grinds?
do you honestly think that because Blizzard forced everybody to grind these things that people WANTED to grind them? of course not.
that’s the whole point of PvP in ANY game.
the incentive is getting rewards and proving that you are better than others via rankings
only losers think they are better players because they beat somebody while having a gear advantage, this applies to every game
this is no different than being a lvl 80 rogue in stranglethorn vale killing lvl 36 people - congratulations, you are max level and the other guy isn’t, and now you can feel good about yourself by killing him on cd, because you don’t want to admit that you are an insecure loser for doing that
that’s just how it is
you can sugarcoat it and say “OH BUT MMORPG” " OH PARTICIPATION". no.
participation went down because of other things
if a small percentage of players left because of not being able to gank and abuse lowbies or low geared players because they are insecure losers, I say good riddance
but that percentage is not even relevant
MMORPG is about getting to socialize and play with others and win and do things together. Solo playing and only caring about gear and character is RPG, a solo game with no PvP’s goal.
I’d really like to answer you and explain everything more in detail but I cba right now since forum bs is pointless and I am enjoying the game right now too much. I will give you one example tho since you put a lot of effort in your wall.
As you can see you were not able to find a single reason based on facts.
BfA or DF had increased button bloat compared to SL? That’s factually wrong.
DF or BfA LFG system was better designed than in SL? Factually wrong as well.
Lack of proper class tuning? Really? You wanna say SL was the peak of balance? Come on…
Lack of rewards?.. ye… which rewards are we speaking about?
And while it’s true that people were “forced” to play PvP in S1 for PvE, we had still much more games played outside of S1. This is a documented fact.
So while you try to make this old boring argument, you keep bringing up same stuff that WoW suffers pretty much forever. Yet you can’t explain the numbers difference, while I am using my own experience (which obviously is a poor argument here) and a simple method of elimination.
So, think again about the reasons why people quit and then ask yourself if it was truly different in SL, than in DF, as an example.
My argument stays, people like putting effort in MMORPGs to become stronger and actually benefit from it. You think this is wrong? Ok, sure but try to come with a reason that’s actually based on facts and not a random forum/twitch/youtube cryhard opinion. Literally every single point you named is wrong and was already a thing in SL. It was not something exclusive to DF.
As I said, I’d like to respond to the rest as well but right now I simply cba, having too much fun, sorry.
Stoped reading after a few sentences. Youre wrong imo.
I still remember one big reason for why that is. Do you remember?
It was not gear related.
That’s fine, if you’re going to project your only arguement about S1 participation, which as I said, was solely based around start of expansion + PvE players being forced to do PvP for gear + people wanting to play a non-BFA system, because they were sick and tired of many BFA things, sure.
But the reality is that
Season 2 lasted over a year, therefore making ranks, rewards, and “max xp” meaningless for the future, up until today, but people hard abused that because they though it wouldn’t be.
S3 and S4 came after, people saw that now they had to play against actual Glad players for Glad, Duelist players for Duelist, etc. They saw they don’t have infinite time for it. Many quit, because they realized the ranks and xp they got in S2 were not real.
So have your fun, the current system has been in play for years so far and very few people are complaining about it like you do.
Just because you can no longer log in on your max geared char, invite some guy to boost for rival or challenger and make the enemy team have less than 0 chance by default, doesn’t mean it’s a bad system.