The inflation must be dealth with

Game world has too much gold in it, plz do something about it. Ratio between gold that average player has and cost of NPC-provided services is completely off. This will keep getting worse and worse unless you do something about it. NO changes, rather just gold purge. And ban bots because they make the inflation even bigger.


So people who play properly are just going to have their gold purged because of others mistakes? Sounds like a great way to keep people playing, I’m sure they’ll get right on it.


Ban bots is the answer.

For non-GDKPers or gold buyers a gold purge would destroy them.

Also, I believe that, bots being in place, prices would go back to their status way faster than we believe.

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No it will not. So while I do think that botting is an even bigger problem than the inflation, we already know the solution to that, that one is up to Blizzard.

Regarding the inflation, the core of the problem is the fact that more and more gold comes into circulation the longer the servers run. It’s the same like printing money IRL. The bots accelerate the inflation but prices will not go back to normal, never again even after banning each and every one of them. The game (Vanilla) was never designed to run for longer than two years.

Also, the only real issue with inflation is the balance between player gold and NPC-offered services like repairs, training/respec costs, mounts etc. This also impacts players that are used to grinding gold by simply killing mobs and vendoring the items. This is not rewarding anymore so strategy is forced to change to farming trade materials and selling those on the AH.

What I mean with a gold purge is for example halving all the gold on every character. This will not make a difference for trades between players but it will balance out the game more normal again. There could be a gold purge for example once a year on a scheduled date. And the amount is to be decided by Blizzard, depending on the current status of the economy.

Of course this method is far from perfect. But maybe someone else has a better idea?

It’s not like ‘people who play properly’ don’t profit from the situation. You can do some orbruns in Strat live and afford your epic mount in a day.

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  1. Keep banning bots
  2. Ban boosting
  3. Ban GDKP

= Problem solved.

Until then Classic Era will keep being absolute dogshiet.


You forget about the inflation which this topic is about and which is a problem on it’s own even if they would tackle the problems mentioned by you.

Classic era is more alive than retail right now. poin 1 and 2-yes , 3 -no . GDKP is for casual players

Bots,gold selling and all theise type of things are tighly connected with the whole company structure, you think they down own theise ? its their product ofc they do, the more gold you by u make blizzard money. its all connected boyz, bots and gold selling will never be gone bcz ur making Bizzard money . You really think if you own a game like this you wont also have idea to make external websites to sell the gold for the game and make even more money ? really ? :smiley:

Another thread about how abusive people can be when it comes to the way they want to play the game.
This person is actually asking for a gold purge disregarding everyone who worked hard to farm their gold.
I guess this is now the state of our society, instead of working hard to achieve something, it’s easier to just start a campaign to bring others down.


You don’t understand.

And what is your idea to combat the inflation? Come up with something then.

An idea… multi talents for 1k gold you can unlock one talent tab and have multispecs you can buy as many as you want and have unlimited per char for 1k gold each. Swaping talent back and forth on the fly wherever you are, costs 5g.

You have to up your grind game. crying for purges is very sad.
Work harder.

With the current inflation, you basically already have multi talent specs because the respec cost cap of 50g is nothing nowadays. Just farm 1 essence of air and you can respec 4 times lol.

Respeccing in Vanilla is a big thing. You commit to a spec, that’s how the game always was and should stay. Dual or multi spec has no place in the game and even if you make the cost extremely high, in the end it will pay off which will again make the inflation higher.

Ok, another idea to combat the inflation.

What if we have the cost of all NPC-provided services in the game scale with the total amount of gold in circulation. This could start taking effect of everything above lvl 20 so that the lowlevel characters that don’t get gold from trading yet are not affected. Also, the scaling could be scaled itself so that it’s like a linear curve between lvl 20 and lvl 60, slowly building up while you level.

What I mean is that for example, say that the amount of gold in the game world is two times that of what would be considered ‘baseline’. Everything in the game at level 60 (fast mount, respec costs, Chronoboon displacer, trade mats, repair costs for lvl 60 items) will be double the price. For a lvl 20 character and lower, the price will be still normal. For a lvl 22 character (repairing lvl 22 item, lvl 22 spell costs, trade mats around lvl 22) the price will be 2*(100/40) = 5% more expensive than normal.

Of course this is not gonna be easy to implement and will require work and even maintenance to tweak the system after launching it. But with a system like this it is possible to create deflation and bring back prices to normal eventually.

Nice try but I raid goldbid and make 20K in a night, sorry bro. Also I can make 2K in a evening just clicking enchants for people.

Stop thinking I am writing this for my own benefit I just want the game to be healthly again.

Now this just gave you away.
Keep trying.

If you read your own thread I already posted there I was raiding goldbid, so I don’t really understand what you’re talking about.

I think you need to go on wikipedia a bit and learn what inflation stands for. Maybe then you can come up with useful ideas yourself instead of hating on other people’s ideas.

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Personally id pay 1k to store my talents setup, and swap whenever i wanted at the cost of gold, but walking down to trainer, reset talents reallocate them, train weapon skill all over? No thanks man its time wasting, and besides you consider only firemaw what makes you thing all other clusters r like this? I think dual talent now is a must, its QoL thing not a game change…

it isn’t retail has more players but it feels less because of 2 kapitals and phasing.

what’s your solution against the inflation?

OK so the ban Bots and your average raider would have to farm everything himself, or what is more likely will try to buy it. Farming players will then rise up AH prices unable to supply market needs. So we would have mid 2000s situation where 3rd world countries players played WoW to farm gold, because it was still better than average salary they had home.

Boosting ban can be done safely.

Banning GDKPs will have same effect on economy like 2022 stock market / bank crash. First you have huge summs sitting in your bank (GDKP gold), but then you are unable to invest them (buy items), so to preserver your purchasing power, knowing that inflation is imminent you go to real goods market and start buying out something like cars or energy (consumables, mats) creating even bigger inflation loop.

sold a spell flask for 200 gold
don’t change anything !