The inflation must be dealth with

Only complete reset of economy and then ban if GDKPs and boosting will solve the situation for 2-3 years.

Purge 90% of the gold on everyone’s inventory? Sounds like a solution the worst but at least a solution


These angry players are unable to farm gold and want ways to bring down wealthy players because they aren’t as good when it comes to self-sufficient skills.

GDKPs don’t create inflation, in fact they take gold from the wealthier and give it to the poorer.

Boosting shouldn’t even be mentioned. If a player is skilled and is able to solo dungeons to help lower players, he is totally entitled to a reward.

The problem are the bots and cheaters, they should be removed from the game.

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Bro please
 save ur credit card, we dont need ur money.

These mobs are always farmed by a lot of people and we have only 1 layer and 1 spot to farm it and very little drop chance, but yes it is easy to say “just farm”, i think you are either not playing classic or buying gold.

Price capping, presumably?

Can you imagine that? Every time you put up an item for sale the AH automatically lowers it to what it thinks should be the right price. That would royally suck.

That won’t help, in 1 week they would be farming for full again. What you need to do is to start to permaban gold buyers. They care if their x amount of years account get banned, gold botters don’t. Start with the highest goldbuyers and permaban a bunch of them. If that doesn’t help, ban another bunch, and add in the odd one, buying a lower amount of gold too and keep it going until people realize that buying any amount of gold might get them permabanned, and the more gold you buy the higher the chance you get banned. This will DRASTICALLY reduce the goldbuyer market, and if the market disappear, so will the botters that supply the market. As long as people will buy gold, there will be people botters supplying them, and there is no way Blizzard can ban all the botters, they tried it doesn’t work, you must destroy the market and they will go away by themselves.

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While I agree with you and I’d love to see a full blown list of all the banned gold buyers I do think that permaban might cause so much bans that it literally guts the game of players.

Even a short ban, bit of a shot across the bow type deal. Let them all know that they’ve been seen/caught buying gold and that one more time is a permaban.

Love to see all the character names, their guilds and battlenet ID posted though. Bit like how old school MMO’s used to do when posting ban lists.

Guys I understand that banning bots etc will help but none of the stuff you mention will really tackle the inflation problem.

The core of the problem is that the servers are running for longer than normal Vanilla time, more and more gold gets into circulation no matter if there are bots or not. So if you only keep bringing more gold into the world and you never take it out, of course prices are going to inflate and they will keep doing so.

Yes, you are right, but what “if” we add quality of life chances into the game, that can be purchased with in game gold as the example of multi talent i have mentioned. What if we can get extra more bag slots in the bank with gold, what if we can buy say a second hearthstone, or use hearthstone even on cooldown at the cost of gold? QoL changes that can be purchased with gold, so gold can be purged and ppl feel content they got somethin for the gold they have in return. Because the alternative is gonna be gold delete
 nobody wants this

No, in march/april/may of this year when classic started reborning, prices were MUCH lower then now, lower in 5-10 times, why in classic era we have 5-10 times inflation in 6 months, but in classic 2019-2021, we had much lower inflation in 2 years? Yes, because bot programs became much more advanced then in classic 2019-2021, when 1 bot was farming about 30 gph pickpocketing in brd, and now 120 gph flyhacking in stratholme, and almost no bans. And also because of only 1 layer for so much people and deficit of open-world resources.

Not no, yes it is.

More reasons are characters transfered from SoM/Hardcore servers to Classic, bringing gold with them. Prices are a result of supply/demand.

The gold sinks in the game are not sufficient because they were never designed for server uptime of more than 2 years, this and only this we must find a solution for in a way that does not affect the core of the game.

@Everstorm, I understand your thinking but it is exactly those quality of life changes that helped ruining the game for the people that liked the original. Even if you implement QoL stuff that can be bought for a high price one time, ultimately the inflation will simply come back. So you need to have a mechanism that will keep it under control. But your examples are pretty massive changes to the game imo, dual spec is something that was not in the original game for a reason, I mean it’s not like they couldnt have implemented that straight at release in 2004, but yet they didnt. Same with the cooldown on hearthstone, it is one hour for a reason, in later version of WoW the cooldown got nerfed. I don’t like those later versions as much as the original so I don’t want those things in the game.

What is the real problem with purging gold? The only thing noticable is that suddenly NPC-offered services will feel more expensive again and grinding mobs will be more rewarding again. Transactions between players will not be affected because if you simply take away 90% of gold, stuff will become 90% ‘cheaper’ overall.

Vanilla does not need any further gold sinks.
It has plenty of that already. It is not like you get all enchants /gear possible and then that’s it, no more gold spending? No.
Consumables are far too strong in vanilla. Unless your goal is to be a fashion object in a capital city: that is a constant drain on you always. So for either pve (less so) or pvp you have to get them still, either farm or pay, unless you enjoy sucking.

Any further added gold sinks will only add to the pressure on buying gold.

Or as of late run gdkps and get gold indirectly of bots and gold sellers.
Imo If you run or take part of gdkps you are as scummy as the guys running bots.
Convenient/ time saving for you; but destroying the game.
So effectively the very same I would say, as the player who bots has the same reasoning behind his actions as you.

What classic needs is a 0 tolerance on bots and gold buyers. In such an environment gdkps would actually be unproblematic. As at its core there really is nothing wrong with it; if the source of the gold did not come from buying/botting. But we all know it does.
And sadly that is also something I doubt we will see changed.

It is an issue that will follow any blizzard fresh going forward. Unless blizzard decides to address it properly (IE not just a token).
As no matter what excuse you tell yourself when you buy gold/ run gdkps: the fact is It is engrained in your culture/mindset by now, you collectively, are by and large gold buying scum.

There is one problem with the ‘gold sinks’ you are mentioning. Namely, when you buy those things on the AH or directly from another player, your gold does not disappear, it simply transfers to the other player. The gold stays in the game world.

When you buy something from a vendor, the gold actually is destroyed. It disappears from the economy.

This exactly is where the inflation comes from; more gold is created than is destroyed so the total amount of gold in circulation (and per character) only increases.

But yet it does, the ah takes a cut. Gold is constantly being siphoned off.

My whole point is those sipphons are not enough. But yeah, they should ban bots first to see what will happen ofc.

Inflation is normal on server existing this long.
QoL features for gold is just pure non sense because then the poor players will start crying and this forum will be spammed with topics claiming discrimination because some of these QoL features are impossible for them.
At the moment inflation cannot be stopped and it is here, the only way to make things easier for players is to distribute the existing gold, and for that we have GDKP.

SoM was over in Feb but there was no inflation until May/June (when bots started farming strat and dm)
From HC majority of people transfered to era on low lvl, not 60, and they had not a lot of gold.

I repeat, 6 months ago prices were approximately at the level of early classic MC/BWL phase, infaltion on era took 6 months, not 2 years.
And solution is fix fly hack and add more layers depending of server population.

Sorry but layering is never a solution imo. One of the most game breaking changes they made in Classic.

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You are funny
 it is always boiling down to “gimme gdkp runs” no you are wrong, QoL will help alot and will make market better gold will go away. As for

its a joke
 u can farm and get those QoL features too, i can hear more complains for gdkp runs and boosting and goldbuying, rather than QoL that we dont have and how expensive will be
 there is plenty ppl that want those QoL changes and they will be glad to pay and this will help with inflation, i wouldnt give my gold to gdkp runs, i would give my gold for multi-talents or bigger bank per char. Heck they could even sell scrolls of raid instance resets, so we can do more than 1 raid per week, better buy that and do more runs having the chance to get more gear rather gdkp.