The inflation must be dealth with

Why it is not solution? ANy objective reason please?

Adding more gold sinks would surely create the polar opposite of the problem you’re wanting to solve.

All it would achieve is putting even more pressure on players to buy gold in order to get all that shiny new QOL stuff you mentioned.

Elennae is correct.

Also, it’s not that the game “wasnt” designed to run for more than 2 years, no one designs a game (especially an MMO back in the 2000s) to have a set lifespan.

The game was a bigger hit than anyone invovled in its development even expected. It was never designed to be played 20 years later and locked to one version that has been minmaxed and completed ten fold. Couple that with the rise of video format on the internet and now everyone has access to detailed gameplay and guides, even a “casual” player knows to take to youtube for game info. Modern gaming trends i.e “META” are quite common place for a large majority of people who install games today.

“Fomo” is also a big player. Fomo only happens when you know that of which you can ‘miss’. The original vanilla release was quite literally a massive online world where very few people (if any) knew every part of it even one to two years in. Now each and everyone of us knows or has access to drop rates, rare locations, boss mechanics etc etc. So because people know XYZ exist, they don’t want to have “fomo” and miss out on XYZ and thus begin to swipe.

This modern mentality isn’t just WOW, it’s every game and it’s just how modern gaming is. This doesn’t gel well with WOW particularly because like I said it’s a long completed and mapped out game, also, because it’s on a patch timeline it forces “fomo” on modern meta gamers.

Ok no QoL changes then, only gold buying, it could be a solution, seems ppl dont want that, and prefer just to spend gold in gdkp only, more you save from the game more epix you buy… right?

Now Hand of Justice , blue trinket from phase 1 with a 20% chance to drop, is selling for 7k. :rofl:

Any T1 belt can be found on the Auction House for about 2,500 gold.

The cloth pants from the last boss in AQ20 is going for 12,000 gold il GDKP runs
The crossbow 7,000 gold

Someone on NA bought Gresil for 360,000 gold.


No man adding Qol for dual talent spec or more bank space gonna be game breaking! Im gonna be short 1k from my 400k DFT… -.-

Purge gold, ban bots, ban gold buyers.

People capped gold, half that and cut the line for more gold off. Prices will stay somewhat high for a while but should even out eventually.

Leave the cursed GDKP system if you have to. It’s the MAIN reason for RMT and if I read another “but it’s the best system because loot distribution” argument I’m going to have a brain aneurism, but without a lifeline to gold selling sites it should be fine. I hope…
Thing is currently If you raid with a guild you’ll go broke if you don’t do GDKPs on the side to replenish your gold. This Means it isn’t an option, it’s FORCED on you.

We ALL MUST take part in it because the alternatives are ridiculously bad. That’s what makes people despise it.

So “if you don’t like it don’t do it” arguments hold no water here. You made everyone else have to take part in a literally corrupt system.

Imagine another five years of this, just imagine. What would any of this look like? I find it so insane and shortsighted that anyone could defend this.


Reason I am against stuff like layering and QoL is because one day we said ‘no changes’. I still stand behind that in a way that I don’t want changes that the original devs would not have made either. Increasing the amount of bank slots or having dual spec or layering certainly is not one of them. You can go and watch all the interviews out there where they state their design philosophy behind so many things in the game.

You need to understand that Vanilla WoW was developed with Mark Kern as project lead. Later iterations were under mr. disrespect ‘You think you do but you don’t’ that was basically kicked from Blizzard during the sexual harassment drama from a few years ago.

We simply don’t know what the original devs would have done when the game would have been running as long as Classic is now. They continually made changes during Vanilla’s runtime. That’s what I am saying the game was never designed to run for more than two years because it wasnt; the game we have is basically a snapshot of the final state of Vanilla WoW, not the constantly evolving project it was back then.

I already brought up ideas long before that people never listened to, yet I am very surprised how others can bring up far inferior ones as ‘their better solution’.

It is clear something needs to happen, we can only hope there is someone with brains left at Blizzard. Just banning bots is the safest thing to do right now.

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Ban bots and add more layers so regular people can actually farm mats. And while you’re at it, please fix that stupid sw lag. Gold purge sounds reasonable since it will affect everyone.

  • sigh *

Straw men are easy to construct, but equally easy to blow down.

I’ve never done a stinking GDKP in my entire life and I despise the very concept.

I simply pointed out that adding more gold sinks to the game would give people even more of a reason to buy gold.

Yes, “no changes” would be nice if servers online would be the same as it was in 2005, but now servers online is much higher, I have nothing against world pvp or competition for resources or quest items, but everything is good in moderation, now online for 1 layer is absurdly high and game is unplayable with 1 layer. Yes, blizzard can add more servers and lock transfers to firemaw, but the problem is that classic era online is very unstable, and if blizz announce classic+ or SoM-2 and era online go down, they will need to merge these servers again.

how layering can work ? more layers = more places to farm and more places to bot in open world. Also, it will kill the game because people like me going to quit when they see 5-10 people in stormwind.

my recommandation is to bring more gold sinks to vendors, like new mounts, but it breaks classic and will never happen.

99% of bots in classic farm in dungeons, not open-world

SW is lagging on evenings right now and even with 3 layers there will be a lot of people. Ofc, if population will go down and there will be 30 people in SW, layers should be disabled but for now layers are necessary

it will not solve the problem with deficit of open-world recources.

I don’t know, layers are the reason i don’t play retail. 0 people to play with, no fun. They can hire better servers to prevent lag.

On HC there are still a lot of people in open world even with 10 layers. Locations with 2-3 layers in era will still be alive, but not overcrowded. I don’t ask to make 20 layers to era to play alone, but make 2-3 layers so locations will be still alive but not overcrowded as now.

but the problem is no one reading forums from blizzard. Probably nothing will change, no layer, no gold sink items, no banning on bots. They are bussy counting the money from subs.

  1. Increase availability of items of concern. Nodes/drops. For instanse rare recipes, Black Lotus etc. Nobody wants to spend hours farming for abysmal gain.

  2. Ban bots.

  3. Ban auctionhouserelated addons that automates trading.

Holy shi did no-one take Economics in high school? Got a headache within the first 10 replies.

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