The Jade Witch's Abuse

I was reading up on the Jade Forest recently and it scared me to think about the Jade Witch and all she did. All the statues, who she would lure into her garden and take advantage of. I am so proud of Blizzard for letting us stop her abusing children.

How do you react to the Jade Witch in RP? Does your character always want to stop her? Or does your faction want to let her continue?


The Jade Witch died back during MoP questing, but I can’t think of many of my characters who would have approved of the jadeification even if given the chance now!

It does make one wonder if there are other witches about in Pandaria.

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I’m sure there are! Reminds me of all the quilens in the raid, there were four of them. Witches of each would be really cool!

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I think my main problem with this quest line is the reluctance of the local authorities of Dawn Blossom to intervene themselves, probably due to a lack of “evidence” or apathy. They just don’t believe the stories of the children who are suffering at her hand.

Not based.


Indeed! It is terrifying that we, the player, had to intervene while Dawn Blossom did nothing. How didn’t they know what happened to everyone, or that there was an apparent danger? I guess it’d be bad for business.

I hope we get to see her again in the next expansion!


Looks at peeves thread

Oh, that explains it. Well… Can’t say the practice doesn’t live up to its name.


Sorry, this is a thread about the Jade Witch. Please stay on topic :slight_smile:


I think in many instances, people simply did not see the Jade Witch do anything wrong. She just seemed kindly and sweet, so most just glossed over the claims.


Some ancient mogu scrolls say that Emperor Shaohao was photographed walking among the Jade Witch’s gardens, speaking with the villain and has ever since ordered the most valued shado pan to suppress word of the witch’s dark spellcraft

I don’t know if that’s canon though - it was in one of the RPG books or perhaps Traveller: The Spiral Path


Damn! Not cool, Jade Witch!

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I heard that, but I think Emporer Shaohao claimed he was actually at a noodle bar in Orgrimmar at that time so idk???


Emperor Shaohao does whatever Emperor Shaohao wants.

The Witch always has a way of finding their way back into the world.

The trouble is the people who purchase her statues and have a vested interest in maintaining their ‘innocence’.


I report such when I see it. If I myself witnessed such a person mistreat the innocent, I would also have to take it to the proper authorities. As should everyone.

I can only hope others have had the jade stones to put their words into action. Hot air means very little to a statue.


Noodle Express? Yeah, I heard that rumour. You would’ve known if the Emperor was there, though, he’s unable to sweat after his heroic actions in the wars against the Mogu and they do some pretty spicy offerings. :sweat_drops:


Male witches are also called witches! It is important to remember that the Jade Witch could be either a man or woman if she returns


Male witches are warlocks.

Wrong! Male witches are witches and female warlocks are warlocks.

Male witches do not exist. Big Chung knows.

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Pff, the F-rate versiof of Big Chungus.

Go away.