The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options

You have DHs…I want shaman! :angry:

And maybe a void-corrupted pala? Ya know, maybe pulsing with a dark blue voidish aura round them?

shoves self in underground hideout


Sadly, I’ve always been stuck with my main’s race even with all the ugly hair colors we had. I did turn into a Vulpera once…. But we don’t talk about that. It was a dark time, and I said “UwU” a lot…. They ruined me.

Ehm ehm…. Anyway, I’ve pretty much been stuck with my main but NOW I love her even more with the new hair colors. I especially love how amazing the Black looks on Voidy skin, I gave this look to my void elf warlock.

Anyway point is, the new customizations are awesome and my main is going to look amazing. So happy


When we get moar customization I’mma play this for the bois and the gals


Void Elves and Nightborne should both get Demon Hunters, they can share the same demon hunter customization options from Night Elves/Blood Elves, Nightborne can even get fel glowy hands.

There are already animations in the game for both so there is nothing they would need to put much work into.

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I’m well aware there are eye-patches available, but only leather and mail. I’d like them for all armor types thus cosmetic. For both right or left eye with a variation of colours (but nothing too crazy).

Having them become part of the CC for every race? I don’t know if they could do that but blindfolds are there as well so why not.

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The blatant favoritism is staring us all in the face. How about listening and responding to another segment of the community for once or is the office in Irvine staffed with nothing but Void Elf mains these days.

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It’s a good thing there’s teams that work on different parts of the game and when someone from one team is working on something it doesn’t prevent another team from working on something like say… content you ask.

Linxy responded to a Blood elf fan on US forums a few days ago and said all feedback on blood elves is also being passed to the team.


It would take valuable space that could have been used for a PCU guild recruitement thread :stuck_out_tongue:

You are all ears? Well, that is great, because you have skipped, in a very bizarre way, the most important customization option Human males need: a long beard.

Long bearded Humans like Antonidas are canon in WoW, why have you not created at least one long beard option?

In my thread here you shall find arguements and footage:

You think so? The question is, why haven’t you thought of what I describe above already?
How can you presume to run a fantasy game and yet not even think of creating a long wizard/barbarian beard for Humans?

I’m sorry, but I just can’t get why this happens. It was confusing enough that Classic did not have long beard options for Humans, but with the new customizations…it has struck me hard.

P.S: The Necromancer-themed Necrolord cosmetic set you gave us in 9.1 does not resemble a Necromancer without a long beard:

I apologize if this sounded a bit harsh, but it is the bitter, disappointing truth. I really admire the work of the art team, but why keep us waiting so long in order to look like a proper Archmage/ Necromancer/ Wizard/ Priest/ Barbarian?

Can you give us a hint, at least, that we will not wait forever?



There is no favoritism. They responded to almost every customization request including the Nightborne, Lightforged, Highmountain, and Void elves.

Linxy also responded to a Blood elf fan on the US forums.

Alliance Elf fans are just louder about customizations, which is why they are responding on these threads.


Oh, I hadn’t noticed Blood Elves were an allied race.


It’s always better to have more customizations, for all races ! :+1::ok_hand::v:

I can’t wait to discover the “new” customizations (hairstyles, beards, jewelry ect …) that the void elves will receive.:drooling_face:


And tattoos!!! Void tattoos please!



Yes please, but other colours as well: red, silver, blue, green…

Also different shades of purple I would really like lavender tattoos! :purple_heart:


On topic of Velf:

Dark eye options. I think night warrior Pike options with the space detail would look amazing. Also the “N’zoth orange” maybe with a very fine slit pupil would look cool
Some additional voidy skin tones, like a darker blue-purple (like N’zoth), very deep indigo.
Scars, think demon Hunter but in place of the “protruding fel” replace it with the blackish-blue-starry detail of void graphics.
Tentacle detail options. At current Velf can have the tentacles that end in a bright glow, but why not some that end in the spacey blackish blue? I’m case it wasn’t obvious I LOVE the “eerie space” element of the void.
Facial tattoos or markings that are cultish in nature (blacks and indigos)

On topic of helf options for Velf:
Browns, gingers and other “natural tones”
Jewellery colour options, silver or the copper colour (original)
Long plaited hairstyles (belf too)
Option on a Velf char to tick boxes: disable entropic visual and disable voice effect.

Off topics (seeing as you haven’t posted in the other race threads)
White skin tone pretty please
Black antlers pretty please
Different designs on antlers
Antler design colours (white)
Face and body paints referring to the three paths (earth, sky, river) with colours of browns, light blue, white and baby blue.

Other off topic:
Pandaren: more fur colours. I posted a thread on Pandaren options a little while back but it quickly got buried and somewhat derailed predictably which is a shame, but seems to be par the course for less popular races… I posted lots of ideas there about fur colours, hair styles, etc. Can link thread if you wish.

Thanks for the communications so far!


Longer tails for red males!

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Yes please. :blue_heart::pray:


I almost forgot! Can we please get darker brown hair colour?

Pretty pleaseee


