The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options

Highmountain Tauren stuff!
Markings/symbols that represent their elements; air, water and earth with appropriate colours.
More antler patterns.
Black antlers.
White fur!

Unrelated - an eagle mount! EAGLE! :eagle:


Brady could you be so kind as to post the pictures I linked above?

Over here: The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options - #51 by Visna-silvermoon

They’re all round suggestions including the Old God and Black eyes :wink:


I shall say, I like the skin that is natural and slightly voidy at the same time.

He was too slow.


Hahah awww thank you sooo much Distantpeak! <3

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Oh the pain of no eagle mount!

And regarding those images Vis uploaded yes to those Velf eyes! Just look at them! They look amazing!

So much potential with the void theme beyond “you look a bit blue mate”!

Like how DHs can have the slightly calloused skin? Why not for Velf?

Seeing as how Velf can look like helf essentially (always room for a bit more) let’s have the void options go full hog!



Spare me your trite sarcasm. You’ve been around long enough to know that this precedes this round of allied race customizations. Only one race be it core or allied is and has been pampered in a way this particular one has been. They responded and acted on your requests back in may 2020, they responded and acted again some weeks ago, they responded and acted once more last week and again today.

They are personally going into these specific threads and responding to the concerns of one particular segment of the community on a very regular basis now while letting others sit in and scream in the dark for months and even years on end. Putting aside my own opinion on this debacle there are Nightborne players out there right now who have valid concerns over some of the changes they have chosen to implement in this latest patch and it is being met with absolute radio silence by these same people. This applies to worgen fans as well who have maintained their own megathreads on these boards since august or september of last year without so much as an acknowledgement that they are listening.

So if they’re not deliberately playing favorites here they’re sure as hell doing a darn good job of making it appear that way.


Yep I’ve been around long enough to know that you have NEVER been a fan of Void elves getting any attention. In fact, back when they got the skin colors you got super angry about it.

So I’m not surprised you are not a fan of them getting any attention now, be it small or big. Be it Voidy or normal. You will always be hateful towards this race.


Spare me your childish tantrum, deal?

Nope. Void Elves have yet to see any new unique customizations, I’m sure you don’t want that type of favoritism for Blood Elves.

Of course, it’s allied races’ turn. Who would’ve thought they’d give customizations to an allied race during the time they’re giving customizations to allied races.

They’re not allied races.

Not an AR.


Guys let’s not feed some troll and focus on our customization options.


This is so disengenuous it’s hard not to roll your eyes. Copypasted skin and haircolors is exactly what you guys have been screaming about nonstop for five years.

So please, don’t come here now and act like it’s no big deal now that it’s finally happened.


Which is encouraging, but would it have killed them to post on the EU forms as well? We pay a sub too!

No, they’re the -Only- ones they responded to, and even the Nightborne response wasn’t about Nightborne!

This said, Nightborne are getting stuff with 9.1.5, so they get a pass on that one.

I don’t pay £9.99 a month for a second class service, why just tell the US forums? The only posts I have seen the Blues make, have been about Void Elf options, even responding on a NB thread about Void Elf options!

That isn’t exactly the message I am assuming they wanted to send

Nor is that. I mean it is cool that Void Elf fans are getting options, but we get no feedback on the EU forums about other races, which is just

You’d think they were, given that we didn’t get the customisation we wanted with 9.0 like everyone else. Oh, sorry, we got blue eyes. a few haircuts, a different two skin colours, and lots of invisible stuff that you only see if you run around naked. Not -really- the message Blizz should be sending, given their current situation in real life
 I mean that is exactly the message they should -not- want to be sending! :stuck_out_tongue: Would it have been so difficult to listen to feedback and give people what they wanted? They’ve proved that they -can- so
why aren’t they in most cases?

Yes, yes it is. Several races are still waiting for what was promised at 9.0

narrows eyes

And Warpaint for Blood Elves as per the Ranger models in WC2, and the tattoo bearing Blood Elves since TBC

They really do, they’re pretty damned groovy! I love the Void themed ‘cats eye’ stuff, they look amazing, and would be very in keeping with Void Elves!

In fairness, this is the Third Wave of Void Elf customisation since 9.0.
Some races are still awaiting the completion of their First lot of customisation.

Well if they had completed the core races customisations, then that would have been nice?

Oh ho
 That’s not a good stance to take

Nor is that

Seriously. When other people try to suggest customisation options, the threads get taken over by Void Elf options. Don’t say they don’t, because you know I’m right. So people just give up. There’s no point anymore.
You can’t call them trolls, when you yourself have done it.

You’re a reasonable person Serena, I enjoy our chats we used to have on Discord, why are you so against other races getting customisation that you have to invade their thread and make it about Void/High Elves?

Why not just let people ask for what they want, without injecting Void/High Elves into it?

It’s not a one off, Wildhammer thread, Nightborne thread, Void and Blood Elf thread
 I’m waiting for the Worgen thread to get derailed now.

Come on, seriously, you’re getting what you always said you wanted,

Can other people not ask for things?


Nope, what you said there is disingenuous. Me and many others have been asking for unique colours, hairstyles and the like. Yes, we did want blonde as one of the hair colours, but we requested it to be from the KTs, or with modifications like void highlights. It was very few people who wanted the exact same stuff. It’s just how Blizzard decided to go about it.


Completed? Customizations won’t ever be completed. That’s the idea. It’s a long-term thing that will last until the end of WoW. Presumably it will continue by taking turns.

First was core races, now it’s allied races. Then core races again, and so on.

“Oh, but Void Elves got skin options when it was core races turn”.

Indeed, and you guys have a point there. I bet they didn’t want the backlash of the High Elf community when they announced blue eyes were coming for Blood Elves, so they did a quick copypaste to avoid High Elf upheaval. It’s still a copypaste customization, not something that was uniquely developed from scratch like the rest of the races have.

Unlike one or two Nightborne fans, we actually don’t mind other players coming to our threads (cause this is a Velf thread, may I remind you) to ask for customizations for their races. The only thing we don’t like is when people come to our threads to throw feces at our faces (I like how it sounds, “feces at our faces”, might patent it somewhere, perhaps Oxford or Merriam Webster xD). That’s not aimed at you btw, that’s aimed at the Blood Elf player who apparently doesn’t know it’s allied races’ turn.


Dont be shy to talk, you look like a great poster :smiley:
And yeah the more the merrier :smiley:


Also, I like Brigante but I find it kind of unfair to blame Serena when it was the Blizzard community reps who literally announced the Void elf customization options in the Nightborne thread. Since they were announced there then obviously people will respond to that and make more requests.


Indeed. I also like Brigante, he has helped the High Elf cause immensely, as well as the Void Elf community.

In my opinion, his view of Void Elf fans “derailing” other threads is quite exaggerated, to the point we “don’t want other fans to ask for stuff”? That’s an unfair and unreasonable take. Especially when this is a Velf thread. People are confusing “being passionate and hyped” with “not letting others speak”.

But still, it’s best to just agree to disagree (except trolls, those are better on our ignore lists).

Hold it right there. I came here to specifically call out Blizzard themselves for what I perceive to be their blatant bias and then y’all took it somewhere else.

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A thread that in any way relates to our RP community’s a better use of space than High Elfers’ demands and arguments. Much better.