The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options

Those same “High elfers” are doing a better job requesting Voidy stuff like N’zoth eyes, Voidy tattoos, and Tentacle hairstyles (which are very pretty btw)

but Where are your suggestions? All you do is whine and then complain blizzard gives you nothing. The High elf fans are at least doing your job for you


Can we please focus on our customization options? Let’s keep suggestions going!


No, darling. They just keep asking for stuff like natural appearances, changing our racial, the paladin class and renaming the race.

I was the one to bring up N’zoth eyes first back in 8.3 I think, and the thread about black hair that the NPCs already had from the very start was my very own.

Nah, they’re not. And I don’t owe them a thing. Stop being ridiculous.

Clearly you didn’t read the replies in this thread. As soon as the blue posted, the High elf fans you complain about quickly suggested Voidy stuff.

Back then Blizzard didn’t listen. We also suggested stuff, and they didn’t listen. Now they are listening and doing changes.

And the High elf fans have now suggested that, so your welcome.


This newfound tendency to take credit for everything while all you’ve done is ruining my favourite allied race is yet another reason for me to absolutely despise your lot, you know.

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Ruined? You still look blue to me. And still look Voidy at that.

My warlock is staying Voidy and I’m not changing her, aside from giving her black hair for a gothy Voidy look.

I’m just happy to appear like a High elf on my main Hunter or like Alleria. That’s all.


Your continuous requests to get natural looks (that have been going on more or less since the race became a thing, it’s nothing new) will only ensure that we aren’t getting any of the voidy customisations. All that’ll achieve is getting any demands for the real voidy stuff shut down by “you guys already got a lot, be happy about what you have” when I in fact didn’t want 99% of customisation that high elfers have fought for.

Stop feeding them, they want attention.


Well we got them now. So it’s done. You aren’t forced to use them.

These are for others to enjoy who like natural stuff.

The Blue literally explained that Customizations aren’t done and they are focusing on the Voidy aspect too, not just Alleria


It’s hard not to feed them. The poster clearly didn’t read anything the blue said and just immediately came here to whine.

These kinda posters boil my blood. They have nothing better to do than whine.



It’s a good thing we have the /ignore function.

Makes forum life so easier and pleasant.

We would also like new eye colours if possible, here are some different shades of blue we would like to have:

You have to understand that they have problems that they are so frustrated at customization options, they are making it a big deal so they can run away from something else.

Best thing for you is to completely ignore them and never reply to them, they don’t want to have a discussion, you are talking to a wall.


Well, now that everyone already posted their tattoo ideas for Void Elves, i just wanna say Blood Elves could also use tattoos, in different patterns and colors of course.


Follow Serena’s lead and keep the topic on options and that positive vibe.

You know what yeah I haven’t been the happiest poster of late re: helf but you know what, whatever frustrations I had with the disparity between attention given to various ARs wasn’t an excuse to actually crack on in those threads. So despite me personally NOT being a fan of the race, I’m not going to make those comments any longer because it doesn’t do anything.

Heck I even suggested stuff for Velf and helf in this very thread. Keep things focused because clearly it brings in that attention, you know?


What, like their horde favoritism that’s been around for ages? :3


I would also like to apologize if I appeared as “annoying” to any side of the argument.

It always frustrates me when people who don’t even care about customizations only whine instead of suggesting stuff.

Ever since I joined wow in WOTLK I fell in love with not only the High elf race, but also Alleria Windrunner. I remember looking at her statue in Stormwind and thinking “wow” i want to be an elf Ranger just like her. I remember thinking Her lore is amazing and I hope she comes back someday along with a Alliance Thalassian race.

Now, that dream has come true. Not only is she back and alive, Void elves and to some extent High elves are playable.

That’s why I’m so passionate about the subject especially as a Roleplayer. The more “sub” races, the better. Especially happy about the Wildhammer.

Something I’ve dreamt of since WOTLK, has finally arrived. And I can’t be more happy than I am right now. :heart:

I hope all your wishes and dreams come true. :heart:


I understand you are concerned that Void elves did not receive the void themed customization you were hoping for, but have been receiving more high elf oriented customization instead. Let me reassure you that we are also fighting for void themed customization, and I am confident this will be delivered in a later patch for Void elves since they did not receive any new and unique customization as we all very well know, such as hairstyles, tattoos, Old God eyes and tentacle colours.

We are the same race, Coldshade, let us unite and advocate for that tasty void theme now that the hair colour problem has been solved (I could not function previously as I was really upset with the limited amount of hair colours we had, but thank God this is now solved).

@Dodcoszmau if you are reading this, you guys should really deliver on some graceful void themed customizations for both the void and high elf fans, we are all in the same race and have only been receiving copy pastes from Blood elves so far and no new or unique options, so please kindly pass on to the team our suggestions on hairstyles, tattoos, old god eyes and tentacle colours :heart: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart:


Dodcoszmau Also, here’s what I mean about tentacle colours :wink: a lovely depiction of glowing pink tentacles, on an ALL tentacle hairstyle!! Enjoy!

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Nah you’re fine. I took a step back and even if I believe objectively my take about “parity” is correct, bringing up that grievance in a thread about suggestions was just me being a party pooper and I can see that now.

I mean, it doesn’t mean I’ll overlook anyone who put words in my mouth I never said, because I’ll maintain I never said helf fans should be denied a voice, ever. This said the fact remains what I was doing still wasn’t really constructive at all and hence why I’ll just sit on those opinions from now on.

Let’s just support each other getting customisation and that’s it! If we don’t like what another person wants, just focus on suggesting stuff we like instead. This is what I plan to do now.

Offers peace pipe