The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options

Yes please I’ll have a peace pie :yum:


This is a beautiful fan art done by Ramavatarama

It’s definitely my favourite hair colour I have ever seen, I hope you can let us have high lights as an option and add this hair colour too. ^^

If anyone here is with trust level 3 please feel free to post the picture.


Come on don’t be shy on the pipe. We all know Velf like tripping the void fantastic. It’s not like blowing your mind and seeing stuff that isn’t really there is new territory for you lot.

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Thank you, Brommul.

I apologize as well if I was the one who put words in your mouth. I felt that way, but you already clarified what you meant, so I’m sorry for misunderstanding you. :slight_smile:

I got upset in my thread, and you know when you’re upset you tend to not think properly or understand others correctly.

Anyway, I’ll gladly have a peace pie as well, and as for the following:

I couldn’t agree more! :slight_smile:


The blue eyes of Vereesa and the high elf NPCs before the SL update.:blue_heart:


Thank you :blue_heart:

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No harm no foul, I was being abrasive and that was my bad, apologies.

Seems blues are watching and are “aware” of other races so I’m going to keep that focus in mind from here on out.

shameless whisper support my recent bump in the HMT thread cough.


Dark Iron dwarves didn’t have their beard and mustaches separated like most other races did.
On that topic, more beards are needed, and fulls heads of hair for males and females.
The ability to turn off the fire glow wouldn’t hurt either.


Hmm, depends, does it have some of those blue mushrooms that I like crushed in it? Ya know, those that tend to turn you a little blue and make you hear a bit o’Bob Marley in ya head?

Well some Elvish hairstyles for both male and female void elves, Female have some elvish hairstyles so they can match better with the Alliance High elves. But the male void elves don’t have that. So if they could get something that would look good/match next to Alliance high elves (could have tentacles On and Off options with the hairstyles) would be great Dodcoszmau. Maybe Legolas/Thranduil/Elrond lookalike/similar Hairstyles for males (Cough, cough) :pleading_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Ohh yeah would love Veereesa eye color with the white hair color (Cough, cough Elvish hairstyles) to complete my Silver covenant Look.



I do like that Sparkle effect on the hair for void elves. its like having stars in the hair.


I’d hope so, that would be pretty groovy…

To be honest, as I believe I mentioned on the High Elf thread, for those who do want to play Void Elves as High Elves, I actually think two extra eye colour options make sense. Green eyes and Golden eyes. Hear me out here… Firstly, I realise there is no way of restricting these to only the skin colour options, but I like to think people, certainly on RP realms, would be logical about it.
Secondly, as Blizz confirmed, a Blood Elf who lived in Dalaran during TBC would have Blue eyes still(Like Lanesh the Steelweaver), but equally, a High Elf who went to Outlands, such as the Allerian Expedition, would have Fel-green eyes, simply because of exposure, nothing to do with draining Fel (Which almost all Blood Elves didn’t actually do) It’s just what happens to Thalassians exposed to fel, even if -fighting- the forces of Fel.

Also Golden Eyes, The Sunwell is confirmed in ‘The Shadow of the Sun’ as effecting all Thalassians globally, not just the Blood Elves, Priestess Aurora mentions it in that short story, and she is a High Elf Priestess, devout in her faith, surely she should have golden eyes, and those like her (So High Elf players who are Light Devout)

Some people are just (bad word) regardless of which side of the fence they fall on, completely agree.

Oh you guys…Shucks…

I like customisation for everyone, but sometimes I do go “Hang on, that don’t make sense” if it doesn’t to me, if it does, I get really enthused. Part of my job at a -huge-LARP system, more than a thousand people, is to do the world building and keeping it all consistent, so ideas and spitballing them are very much my bag, I love it. People should also realise that even when I seem to be ‘dissing’ something, it is gentle chiding, often with a side order of Sarcasm, because, well, that’s just how I am in Real life, and I tend to post on social media the way I think, even if it goes a bit ‘Stream of consciousness’ at times!

100% agree.

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Looks like Dandruff to me

2 hairstyles that almost all NPC Nightborne using are still missing for the playable Nightborne.

Add them please.


Green eyes? The high elves in Allerian Stronghold? nope. they never had. not in BC or after that, they always have had blue eyes like Vereesa Windrunner. And I also watch them back in BC almost everyday before I logged out for an hour or so, in hopes one day, one day High elves would be playable. The only one that had green eyes was Arator. Which didn’t make sense, since he always been in Stormwind all his life. And never been to Silvemoon and back in BC expansion, when the dark portal was reopened. He took the chance to go look for his mother and father in Outland. And his eyes switch between fel green to blue eyes and then to emerald green eyes during the course of BC expansion.

Edit: When Shadowlands launched, all the High Elves in Allerian Stronghold got Void elves blue eye color number 5.

I thought it was universally, literally everywhere?

Well they could use the sparkle effect from the Grand Magister’s Staff of Torrents on the hair.