The leaks, what does it mean for roleplay? (Story Leaks)

I always assumed he was more of a council head rather then emperor over the other races, meaning that his words weight slightly more but he ain’t the boss.

Guess i was wrong.

I’m okay with that.


You guessed correctly that you were wrong.

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WOT…in ten letters

I’ll be amazed if this is legit. But the details are too specific and even for Blizzard the story here would be absolute insanity. Not just comic book bad as per usual, but absolutely insane. And not in a good way. For all the reasons coveted above by others plus a few of my own problems. I know Blizzard aren’t great writers but this is on a whole other level.

So Alliance come to help us at TB

Sylvanas attacks and takes over Stormwind

…Why do the rebels suddenly fight for her?

That and the water in the screenshot looks nothing like the water in any of the cinematics afaik. And it checks every box for leaks these days. They even found a way to shoehorn in tinkers as a side mention.

We won’t see accurate leaks until closer to Blizzcon. Even then we’ll get tiny bits. BfA wasn’t leaked in such a huge way afaik, just a few tiny details at most.

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The main reason I think this leak is fake is that it is just too much. Too much story. Blizzard tends to write very simple and sweeping story beats that even some PvP realmer who only caps conquest once a week can keep up with. Sure, there’s some story filler in between, but the main world arc is very simple.

But this leak? It is messy. Complicated. Not impossible, but the twists and turns would require character development and unpredicted justifications that are beyond Blizzard’s MO.

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It reads like a fanfiction that doesn’t know when to stop

“And then this happens and then this happens and then this happens AND THEN BOLVAR SHOWS UP OUT OF NOWHERE AND ATTACKS THE HORDE and then this happens and then and then” you get the idea.

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The Gelbin and Jastor thing is what really takes it over the top.

Sure, it’s not as wishlisty as saying that Ji or Aysa would do something, but it’s still wishlisty.

Yooo I read the leak and it made me wonder… What happen to Draenei souls on Azeroth? Or Orc Souls?

Is the Shadowlands an universal thing? Does everything in the universe go there or only Humans, etc? D:

the dream…


Uuna died on Argus, but we find her in the Shadowlands on Azeroth, so yes. Orcs haven’t lost their ancestors.

We know there’s different pockets within the Shadowlands, such as the very peaceful ancestral plains that Thrall and Aggra visit in Shattering, and where Cairne and the other tauren spirits you meet in the Tauren Heritage quest dwells.

Pandaren also have a concept of a heaven, and there’s many references to their ancestor worship through out Jade Forest, so it’s fair to say their dead also go to the ancestral plane. Wildhammer dwarves hold a similar belief, with them burying their dead on hills and mountains like the Thunderstrike mountain in Twilight Highlands bringing them closer to the sky and their ancestors.

Trolls go to Bwonsamdi’s Other Side, et cetera.

Given the whole spirit animal thing with the tauren chieftains and Thrall + Aggra in the ancestral plane, I like to think it’s something similar to the scene from Black Panther. But your spirit animal instead of panthers.

At least it will be a great time for DK RP.

I do believe we will be seeing some Stormwind action at the end of BfA but this leak does seem to be playing exactly on our expectations so far. The image is pretty well-made and some of the assets like forsaken baricades I’m not sure if I have ever seen. Other things though like barrels of blight and majority of the NPCs seem copy-pasted all around the place. I don’t know if this has been the case in Blizzard cinematics to save some editing time on those brief, distanced shots.

The story presented is something I would like to see up until a certain point. Bolvar appearing out of nowhere seems pretty weird to me. As for the implications, the “everyone dies and we have to travel to the world of the dead to save them” may do for a solid story but like with Argus and Nazjatar I doubt it will provide many opportunities to RP in the new zones. I might be wrong on that. We shall see.

Assault on Stormwind on the other hand is something I would very much like to see. Of course we won’t shake-up the in-game zone and demolish the place like it happened to Lion’s Arch in GW2 but I hope it will give us enough to work with. Offer our city-dwelling characters the feel of a real war.

Guess it will be the Horde’s main RP hub for a while :slight_smile:

Imagine the sheer chaos of organising PvP-RP in a major RP hub.

The reason I think it’s fake is because it doesn’t match the graphic style of the other cinematics we’ve had so far this expansion. The visual aspects don’t match up at all - especially the water. But then I’m suspicious of anything that says “leak” on it.

Seems more legit than orcs creating the emerald dream. Weren’t both of those “leaks” from mmo champion?

honestly could you imagine if Blizzard had the courage to turn Stormwind into a massive duo-hub for both Alliance and Horde, but instead of a sanctuary it’s a perpetual warzone / siege with both sides trying to push the other out

Stormgrad 2020

If this is true, then I will go insanely hyped!
But time will tell, if it’s true or not…
Edit: sry, this post was for OP not direct to you.

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What if we killed all the major characters but then they all come back to life without any sort of negative repurcussions or development?
