The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

Its not about agreeing or disagreeing… its about some people are just so annoying.

And sadly I am a person who will let people know :stuck_out_tongue:

We have this sort of thread like every week, We have this sort of stuff allmost every week/day in the media and I am getting sick of it. Especially hearing about this in a videogame where I just want to relax and keep the RL stuff away

You’re horde, ingame we dont get this stuff.

Pee on Chinese… I am quite happy that we dont see it ingame :slight_smile:


Person of color.
Basically; a non-white person.

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Yes, it’s disgusting someone even wants this.

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God bless them

Ah there we have it again. Nobody can disagree with you because they’d instantly be a bigot.



Tahra isn’t white. Nor male.
She’s the hero of the alliance. The champion. Commander. Maw walker.
She’s definitely a major lore character.

Ps: She’s even an LGBTQ person.

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Would you expect any less from an ironical bigot?

That’s low level fanfic writing combined with aggressive political agendas which lead those kind of characters.

Rarely does one see a normal gay character who is just their self and identifies with all that makes up their self. Rather than going about “Hi I am ___ and I am gay, pleased to meet you.”

To be honest, I also find several people extremely annoying on these forums (and yes, I’m pretty certain some people might think the same about me!), but I don’t see what good it would do to tell them that. I have no need to hurt anyone’s feelings. Let’s just keep this discussion civil, shall we? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Some people play a game (like wow) to get away from society for a bit, where all this nonsense is literally destroying whatever humanity there is left.

On twitter etc people want to destroy each other over topics like this, I hope it stays away from wow since I for one am done with all the attention calling.

Whatever choices people make in their lives, whatever preferences they have, I respect that, but I hope it stays tf out of this game, and I’m sorry if that is something you don’t agree with. Opinions is also something people want to destroy each other for these days.

This is an RPG game, in a non-Earth setting, let it remain like that please.


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Im not even human, i walk backwards through the maw… im the maw moonwalker


Wouldn’t that just make you the Wamwalker? :>
George would be proud of ya!


I dont know, man.

Maybe we should stop expecting a fictional universe to mirror reality?

Just saying. Its a fantasy game.

Also generally speaking maybe people need to learn that we are more than just our gender/sex/preference/skin colour/nationality etc.

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You mean… We’re all people?! :scream:

I sure hope you don’t have any mind reading abilities, Tahra :sweat_smile:

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Well blizzard just won an award for their lgbt inclusion in WoW so expect to see more in the future. They will keep going because they are doing it well and getting recognition for it.

This isn’t a bad thing.

However, this thread is descending into insults and arguments and I have a feeling it’s only going to get worse before a moderator comes to hand out special awards and close it so I’m not going to stick around to join the fray.