The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

I’m a troll from zandalar with a pink party hat.

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Well I for one don’t and I am sick to death of idiots like the OP trying to be edgy and causing a bloody rumpus!


Cringe troll

Don’t think OP is legit serious, it’s more likely that he’s just a troll that is using a low level classic alt with 0 forum activity to just bait people and bring more hate. And of course the smart people are taking the bait.


Not saying it is, I don;'t care tbh, just all that attention calling, is annoying :wink: And we now live in a society, if you don’t agree with this sh**, you’re a racist or whatever. Sure…

Here is what comes to mind after seeing this flagged post:
This opinion and political stance that this lvl 13 out of nowhere character that was made on a whim is clearly a try to get the lgbt agenda into the minds of players of WoW thinking up problems-so-called that need solving.
If you want to be part of the lgbt gang by all means, you do you, but your cause has no place here.

  • the proverbial ~99.9% playerbase
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We have “non white” human complexities.
You can be “non white”, just visit the barber shop lol.

Yes, now they’ll call it green supremacy.


Yes. I know its scary, right; :laughing: How could I possibly think that :thinking:

Since I have issues reading irony in text, you might need to elaborate if it wasnt humor :neutral_face:

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And they will lose costumers thanks to this… you know why? Because not one of my many gay friends said: Wow, finally I can play their games… or… thats a reason to play the games!

But you know what I hear and have done myself? Quiting things because I am forced to do them or because some companies couldnt stop to annoy me with this poop


Best Musical Ever… and I have seen many!


As a member of said LGBT community, I stand with Maldetta’s input.


You guys get baited way too easily. :frowning:


My general rule; using emoticons means it’s not serious.
But yes… I got your message (like any decent human being would).

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honestly, blizzard should just block this words…

If I cant write TIHS (read backwards) than why allow topics like this in a game forum that never ever added anything usefull

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What did they force you to do? Is there a forced quest where your character has to enter a same sex relationship? Are you now joined forever in holy matrimony to a male NPC?

Might do a gender change and hope I get Kael’thas!

This time I’m really out.

Obv. in this case I would mean the second thing: Annoy me with it.

But I havnt quit WoW yet, or more like not because of this… just saying that People will quit due to being annoyed by this poop.

So which is it? :upside_down_face:

Gay jokes arent fun

come on guys


depends on the joke actually.


Do I still get to kill things, loot their bodies and proceed to wear interesting mogs? If so, then I see no issue here.

True, like the two male couple in Ardenweal that are married together, or Mathias Shaw and Flynt, but you know what those two did well? Kept their personal life, personal. Specially in a fantasy world that doesn’t seem to care much who a person likes or what they do in their private life.

It is, it’s being a human, your body is made of the same composition of a straight person as mine is to a queer person. In the end, the moment our hearts stop, we’ll be equal in death.

It’ll also be 2022, 2023, 2024 and so forth and it takes 0 extra effort to say it once and not fluff it in full caps, shouting and tattoo it to someone who doesn’t even know who you or I am. Blizz did once state that in terms of politics, WoW is it’s OWN world, with it’s OWN politics and they choose to make the politic of “Don’t know, don’t care if you tell me, alright, just give me the sword, I got monsters to murder.”.

I’ll dare myself to say it… So I will say it.

I have friends who are into people of the same gender, y’know what they do? Meme about their current self, why? Because they’ve learned to fight off negativity with positivity, yes, they wish to be normalized but by forcing it you’ll create a division between people. Don’t force them to like you or normalize you, let it happen in time, the old days are slowly dying and a more tolerant or even accepting age will come. This is coming from a Straight guy. Gamers are indeed a pest, but we’re also a bundle of memes that try to achieve or snap someone’s nerves.