The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

Obv. other products?

Gotcha. Which ones?

While we are at it, can you please also write to all FPS developers to alter their games because majority of enemies you shoot and kill are men? These games need more LGBQT+ characters and babies to shoot at. /s

Do you understand how ridiculous it sounds, right?

There are more important things to start fixing than re-doing characters in old expansions.

Two possibillities:

  1. Troll bait thread
  2. You genuinely think a non-issue is an issue (we don’t need to know their sexuality as it has nothing to do with the plot. Nobody cares if the Jailer is a homophobic gay person (if he turns out so) because it doesnt matter).

So you wouldn’t have a problem with lets say a black Anduin who is in love with Greymane? The sexuality obviously seems to matter because its a major part of certain story lines and WoW books. (see Val’Shara and Tyrande going after Malfurion; see the entire story between Illidan, Malfurion and Tyrande; the story between Thrall and Jaina etc.)
Its a non-issue because it doesn’t concern you yet. All character are binary, white and the women are mostly written like some stereotypes. Just imagine if every character was black/asian and/or gay with a few exceptions.

Popcorn…I’ve conjured mana cakes.

“Mana cakes, get your mana cakes…for only 3 silver! For an extra silver, have a dose of our finest arc-cream, courtesy of Priestess Leia!”

We don’t need more romance in world of WARcraft

Those NPCs should be fine, unless they have a red Tabard…

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Yes, I would…not because of skin colour or sexuality, but the glaringly obvious age difference between the two.

Noooo, my diet!

Your secret’s safe with me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


More irony…

People that talk about identity politics need a forum vacation tbh…

I strongly suspect that the OP is either:

1 - An Agent Provocateur

2 - See 1.

And the fact that Genn is married and clearly views Anduin as a substitute for his dead son. If Anduin (of whatever skin colour) was in love with him, I can’t see him reciprocating those feelings!

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So? what difference would that make?

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Gilette… is an good example.

But you can also add some series/movies like the witcher (not the game).

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The Witcher series was cool!
Ah well, you are the one missing out.

Not familiar with what that is.

Right, and that’s exactly what the OP is trying to argue for.

And Blizzard have already done a bit of it.

Honestly, I didn’t really care. I want Blizzard to make stuff in Warcraft that they think is cool and fun and interesting, not stuff their politics in there at all costs.

I only get upset/annoyed with this sort of stuff if it breaks the core design pillars of the game or it reduces the believability of the world.

So, for instance, I’m annoyed about what this video points out:

And that also includes the ability to change gender!
The issue here is that the whole point of MMORPG’s and their open worlds is that we meet the same people in a vast world and we can recognise them and make friends with them. Changing your physical characteristics damages the visual element of this interaction.

But I am not annoyed about an NPC changing gender because it’s died and arrived in a place of the dead where people are gifted with the ability to take whichever form they like, and then they choose the opposite gender. That’s absolutely fine and very different.

I’m also not annoyed by people choosing to play as the opposite gender, and that of course includes people who play as the opposite gender because it allows them to project the gender they actually identify as. In fact I’ll defend them against anyone who opposes that view.

Its a razor brand… which thought it is a good Idea to insult a huge part of their costumers.