The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

Ah the brand. Familiar with that, but not with any ‘issues’. Then again; I tend to avoid most social media and news in general. The world’s a crappy place; I don’t need to be reminded of such every day. :blush:

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Is there a way I can block players in the forums? Or hide entire threads for example?

I also try to avoid most social media and news… and I am happier since I do. Sadly its not allways easy to avoid.

Yes, if their profile is public (at least I think that is still a requirement).

Click on their forum name, you’ll see a box in the right corner that says: ‘normal’ you can change that to muted or ignored.

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Very much this.

No one goes around in real life asking people’s sexuality.
At college I didn’t even know the sexuality of the classmates I saw and interacted with everyday. I just found out 2 of them were gay because one mentioned his boyfriend and the other made a post on Instagram which happened to mention he was gay.

People who feel the need to make their sexuality known are just seeking attention and are annoying, be it fictional characters or real people.

No one mentally healthy cares about other’s sexuality.


no 1 care go away there door relly no 1 care go away go away

One friend of mine who introduced me to Diablo 2 back in 4th grade has had a sex change operation and is now a female media star and transgender activist.

I had no idea. Never spoke about it. To me it was just a normal boy. Only weirdness now is I don’t talk to her any more so when I refer back to my old memories of a boy I automatically fire off male pronouns without thinking about it. If I met her IRL today, I’d use female pronouns.

I have a good but extremely racist joke. Makes me sad I can’t say it because I’d get banned :frowning:

yes, you can. on your profile go to preferences/users and add them to your ignore list.

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I believe there may be a trust level related to when you can ignore players, however if you go into your own profile, on the preferences page you should be able to add users in the section highlighted below:-


im pretty sure OP is a white privileged male or female who has A LOT OF TIME in his hands. Go do something productive for the society.

Ah thanks, didn’t know there was another way to it.
I also keep forgetting we don’t all get the same toys to play with. Really dislike the trust level system (even though I have the rank I wanted :p).

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I honestly think being able to ignore should be available to everyone but it’s been some time since we got anyone to check (on a lower trust setting).

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It is. I’m not a tl3(and probably would never be), but i have a couple of posters on ignore.


Exactly. Oversaturation would quickly become obnoxious. It’s already getting annoying in the USA with the whole “Let’s turn every white character into PoC and/or LGBTQ+, but at least female” stuff. And many starting to lose their goodwill toward these groups because of this unnatural and forced approach.

We came so far, don’t ruin it by being impatient.


I had the same happen to me to.
I had a friend with whom I used to have piano lessons with which was female at the time and transitioned to male recently. Whenever I remember something about him, his old name and pronouns are still the ones that jump to my mind first out of habit.

I also didn’t know until he went through the transition after we lost touch because of the pandemic. I just met his girlfriend once before he transitioned.

Really cool guy who never had to mention his sexuality to be a unique, chill person.

People who make their personalities out of their sexuality usually don’t have anything else to offer. That’s why those type of people make rather boring characters in games and other media.


Personally I’m a prude, that doesn’t need to know about people’s sexual preferences, it offends me. And why are you focused so much on skin colour? That’s quite racist really.

anduin and wrathion sounds like big enough ‘‘representation’’ to me.

I highly doubt you know any vegans


And you know what? I dont care if you dont believe me :slight_smile: