The LGBQT+, PoC and female problem

I’ am old date guy i love female characters with skimpy armour. I am indifferent about NORMAL LGBTQ ppl (as long as they stay away from my bottom xD) but i hate activists. They doing too much noise about it. I wish if game forum would be free from political or sexual subjects, i have enough when i turn on radio or browsing news…

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Nobody cares…ye ye… No… Nobady careeeeees ye ye.

When you read this be sure to listen to this at the same time.

I don’t, a few characters is fine but needlessly throwing them in for the sake of it is more annoying than anything and will only end up with the same old crappy debates again.

It will happen, there will be more to come most probably.

They already have started in Exiles reach with Captain Garrick and her son Henry. It would be easy for Blizzard to place them in some of the story that is happening outside of the Shadowlands and bring them in with the next expansion for more.

Maybe instead of going “We NeEd MoRe Of ThIs” you should make suggestions that have more substance and add to the WoW universe and its story.

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No woman, nuh cry.
Nope, your lyrics won’t erase good old bobbeh. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No, nothing needs more lgbqt+ characters like this. Forcing them into something, especially well known IP-s, even if it doesn’t make any sense to do so is not the kind of representation that would do your movement any good anyways.

Lucasfilms is taking this route, their new product’s name is High Republic, which is full of this stuff, written by a black woman who takes bashing heterosexual white people on Twitter more seriously than her job, with many other employees like that. So, being inclusive for the sake of being inclusive results in this. The 0.1% of the people are happy, the other 99.9% either doesn’t give a damn or hate it that the story is being sacrificed for the sake of people who are not satisfied with what they have between their legs.

You really need to take a long time to think about life and the current situation of our world. If you think lgbtq representation is what we really need right now… that’s just sad. But you can always take it this issue to Twitter, i’m sure you can find a movement that has at least 100 people fighting for this very righteous cause and agree with you.


No, I wouldn’t have an issue with it, as long:

  1. The characters portrayed aren’t just for tokenism (meaning we only have a gay black dude because we were lacking one, not because it serves the story)
  2. The characters implemented don’t serve to fuel a message of hatred (lots of writers do this, they actively implement all these colorful people because white = sexist racist slavemasters)
  3. The characters implemented are not self-inserts playing victim like they always do
  4. The characters make sense within the universe they’re portrayed in

The “entire story between Illidan, Malfurion and Tyrande” doesn’t change if you swap genders or sexual preferances if the writers wish so. The story would still retain it’s quality regardless of that.

Besides, the entire LGBQT+ and whatever letters are there in the alphabet argument makes 0 sense within the context of WoW. Just go to the “Create New Character” screen and look at how many options you have. If you don’t think that’s enough, log in the game (edit: besides, straight is the most common sexual preferance among Humans, historically and today, so it makes sense that there are more straight people than not).


This entire idea of “forcing” already makes your argument wrong. It implies they aren’t normal. Believe me the lesbian, gay, queer and trans people are as normal as you. Its like saying the arbiter, winter queen, the jailor and sire denathrius (all the previous lore characters) are “forced” binary characters.
You assume that being LGBTQT+ isn’t the normal and not the same as being binary. The same with POC and women.
Just add them and a lot more of them than 1-4.


Stop forcing your liberal/progressive opinion to the game and its players.

I’m glad to see the majority is not waiting for this.

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Isnt both Finn and Mathias Shaw gay?

Like literally gay with each other even.

It just isn’t mentioned every other minute…

Clearly you do otherwise why bother replying? :joy:

Because I can and my day is quite boring…

The question is why does this whole thing matter to you?

So basically OP wants Male Orcs with dresses and makeup

Okay I will take the bait…

EVERY POTATOHEAD knows what people mean with ‘‘forcing’’ if he even thinks 2 mins about it. It means that we give Characters certain traits that either doesnt matter at all or just for the sake of it… and it is as annoying as plotarmor.

And it makes also zero sense to make allready existing and etablished charakters black or women… Thats btw is also the reason why people hate, that for some reasons hollywood and other filmmakers change everything to minorities and women. Which is btw also the reason why all this remakes fail.

Also wtf you even mean with women… since legion we got so many female charakters and have to live with Tyrande, jaina or sylvanas in the spotlight. And they are all incredible boring charakters because they all are like teenagers that throw a tantrum.

So and now go away and leave us sane people alone

Orcs are already halfway there with their access to cloth classes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Dont you dare to call my beautiful gown a dress >:(


I’m surprised you managed to write so many wrong things in such a short post. It’s incredible to be certain.

Females are emotional caricature and or sex objects? Yeah tell that to jaina who assaulted dazar’alor or to sylvanas who damned innumerable souls to everlasting oblivion and eternal torment through her actions. You talk about tyrande but you seem to completely ignore the fact that she’s the avatar of a god in the game and an extremely powerful combatant who took down nathanos in minutes.

I can clearly see the half naked females along the even more naked males in night elvish armor. Actually the females have MORE protection than the males there.

World of Warcraft is not a representation of the real world tho

Its a… … … …dress. :joy:

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YOU ARE A DRESS!!! :open_mouth:

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Personally I don’t care either way if a character in the game is black, white, male, female, straight, gay or anything in between. The thing is, the main plot(s) in WoW are not centered around romantic relationships. It would feel really strange if that suddenly became a major part of the game, straight or gay.

Also, the complaints you have about tauren males running around with full armor vs female characters running around with skimpy outfits are player choices and not Blizzard. You can make semi-nude male characters too if you want.

If the main focus of the game was romantic relationships I would understand your frustration more, but it’s not and it never was.

Why does every single piece of entertainment suddenly have to make political statements?