The Loot Problem

I wont lie when I used to raid with Personal loot I never got anything and half the time having your bonus loot rolls roll gold was heart breaking.

I do prefer this way more so because I have the chance to actually see an item and roll my dice to maybe get it, though everyone is different and when Personal loot was first in the game people rioted over its implementation.

Were going full circle here.


People will always complain but this is exactly how i remember Personal loot aswell. Kill boss → 50 g → next boss. Id much rather have the allowance to see my role and get my hopes up for getting something :stuck_out_tongue:

I do agree being someone who has played since TBC, I’ve seen how its all went to be quite honest I think we should go back to valor points or even frost badges.

I think that was the best implementation for tier gear which meant that people didnt get sets instantly and it was a much more organic gearing approach.

I just want to say the reason I loved frost badges approach was because it was the argent crusade / wotlk raid era it was honestly the most enjoyable period for gearing because everyone was progressing with badges and had the CHOICE on what they wanted to take first and everyone was collectively helping towards gearing through killing bosses

I’m not a fan of the overquoting thing so I’m just going to answer as one.

Yes under PL I got two items per full clear, per character. Every week. However, this explains a lot, you don’t understand why we feel so cheated by GL. We are missing out on drops. Drops you don’t perceive exist in the past.

Ofc that drop could be a non mog slot but I’d still rather get those than suffer under GL esp in LFR.

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I do really love the idea of steady progression. If it was up to me we should have a pity system so you can just eventually buy whatever piece you want at max ilvl.

To each their own.

Well i dident get any loot. Neither did Øculus. Your oppinion dosent matter just like mine dosent only facts does.

I have seen no official post about the overall loot being reduced since GL and at that point its not GL or PL its the amount of loot in general you are mad about.

Where the system fails is where it allows a player with a 2h 476 (heroic) weapon equipped, to roll need on a 2h 463 (champion) weapon. Just had that in a normal run, where 2 others, including myself had veteran 2h weps equipped and really needed the weapon.

To make matters worse, the guy who won it, refused to trade it. Wanted it for the cosmetic collection… The entire run his dps was also totally troll, guy was afking most the fights.

So, where’s the incentive to bother? Why try, when you can watch those that have gear, take stuff they don’t really need, just because the system allows them to.

" As many in this thread have speculated, all players in Personal Loot were constantly ‘rolling’ behind the scenes, whether you wanted to or not."

The same would have happened under PL since you all rolled NEED behind the scenes anyway.

This is just bloat since this has nothing to do with PL or GL as a matter of fact imagine you were in a guild situation you would be able through LootCouncil to make sure a bad actor dident get any loot so you should prefer GL.

Alot of people do actually care about transmog. I can understand its annoying since you care more about ilvl (i do the same) but they are just as right to get the weapon as you are.

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Stop defending the undefendable… Or do you just enjoy being an antagonistic p***k?

If someone has higher it lvl gear equipped, then they should only be allowed to have greed or tmog options. They defo do not have right to anything when coasting along in 465 gear as a ret and doing 70k dps on bosses…

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What was i wrong about or are you just gonna personally assult me becouse you know im right?

That is up to blizzard to set those lines in the sand. But again under PL you would still have lost since under the hood he would also have rolled NEED on it and he would have won again.

Re read what I wrote… Why should anyone be able to need on gear if they already have better equipped? What is right or fair about that?

Your inability to see that makes me wonder if you just troll

And where… did i actually mention anything about personal loot in anything I wrote? That you seem to want to harp on about.

there’s no need to swear and call people names you can have a discussion without resorting to name calling, Also for future refence that’s against the forum rules to star out words that you know going to be flagged if posted normally.


There’s no need for the troll to be so obviously baiting, but it did… so mind your own

I read it. See how i mention it here?

As Ilvl people we can both agree that he shouldent have gotten the item. But what im saying is that, thats not personal or group loots fault thats just blizzard who allowed him to roll.

And since personal loot was just everyone needing on what they could need on. He would still have needed and he would still have won. So this again has nothing to do with Group or Personal loot.

You are correct you dident directly mention it. However its called a context clue when you write on a post about a guy being mad at Personal loot im going to exspect you to be talking about Personal loot. But you like Group loot then?

I like a system that’s fair. Currently, Blizz has yet to produce one.

That is a completely fair statement.

Id advice you to make your own thread proposing either a new system or argue for why they should change it.

Since this thread is about Personal and group loot its slightly off topic for this thread. (atleast in my oppinion)

Yeah the facts are we are getting less loot :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

But we aren’t going to agree so I’m going to leave it at that.

First off, Where is your proof? or are you just talking about the chance of getting a bow in a no hunter group?

also is this you saying you just wanted more loot overall and that it actually wasn’t a problem with Personal loot or Group loot?

Your only ‘proof’ is quoting an article about rolls. That’s it. Which isn’t even the point people are making about GL being a worse system than PL.

You disagree, you are entitled to your opinion. We have all seen how you dispute that we all got more loot (2 per clear) even though this is the most common player experience under PL.