The Loot Problem

Whatever they say about the system is not foolproof. What matters is how it feels for players and the fact is you are more likely to feel frustration far more times with group loot than personal loot.
The item you want isn’t dangled in front of you and you can’t get it. In group loot it does. No one is happy cause almost all players get denied the loot they want more often while seeing it drop from the boss. It feels terrible. It feels terrible that when it does drop you need to fight others for it.
PL gave you loot and didn’t have you feeling cheated constantly. You felt like luck is the only reason the loot didn’t drop and for your information, there is more than what Blizzard reveals behind the scenes. You can aim your loot with PL. The longer you go without loot the higher the chance is for you to get loot next time. If you clear the same dungeon or boss every week you are more likely to get the loot you want with PL. With GL you may never get it at all even if it drops every week simply cause someone else may roll higher every week.

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doesnt needing make it untradeable?

That’s the thing. That was not my experience with PL. I always got some loot every week. Not always what i wanted but it always dropped something. It wasn’t a complete waste of time.
I do not believe that Blizzard was totally honest with how PL works. I am certain there was bad luck protection with it, wheres in GL there isn’t.

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My proof and the statements i take from it is that when an item drops. You have the same chance to get it as under Personal loot. Im assuming you dont disagree with that?

And you might wanna go up a little since there is definetly people who think that the only reason they dont get loot is becouse they lose the rolls and thats what made PL better. But as i just stated this is just an illusion you have exactly the same chances now and then.

But it being the most common is your own head cannon… Unless you can find some kind of proof we are just back to square one where its one persons opinion against another me and The Øculus guy both had the same memories of Personal loot where you got nothing. This is directly against what you are saying with 2 pieces of loot.

But im asking again. What is it you have a problem with? is it Personal loot, Group loot or that not enough loot drops overall?

I can totally follow you in the “it feels bad becouse you can see all the loot you are missing”

That said personally i like that more than just looting 50g and moving on.

That is purely up to the person if they like it or not but i can definitely understand that.

I cannot find any sorces for this. If you have any id love to see it. That said in the post here:

They explain that Personal loot was just group loot where everyone rolled Need on everything. So until i see something different i will keep with this.

If its any constellation I just got myself the BIS mace in heroic and was beyond ecstatic lmao


As ive mentioned earlier i personally dident have that experience i felt like nothing ever dropped under personal loot.

Obviously i did get loot sometimes but i wouldent say i can feel any difference compared to now.

Maybe overall you might be getting less loot now since you might not be needing on things you dont need but that would just mean people who needs loot would get more loot than before since under PL you would have been needing on all the loot.

And im sorry but hopefully you can understand me but im gonna trust the official blizzard post over someone random on the forums.

Clearing a full raid with PL I got more than 0 items, every time. Not once did I not get a drop. It might not be one I wanted but it was still a drop.

Now with GL, I’ve had raids where I get 0 items several times.

Im sorry to hear that, again i cant really relate but i most ask is the problem Personal loot, group loot or the amount of loot?

Does hating every single content offers better health insurance or some other benefits? Asking for a friend :rofl:

For me with PL it was an absolute rarity if I got 0 items, it would surprise me in those cases. It usually meant I got 3 instead of 2 items the next week.

I have no explanation for it, I can only echo those who say they got 2 items per week for a full clear, and 0 with GL. That has been my experience as well.

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The source is statistics. There is no official confirmation for bad luck protection. They wouldn’t let us know cause then it would be clear PL is better.
But, you are free to test it with M+. The longer one goes without loot, the likelier they are to get loot next run. You can use this to target the dungeons with loot you need. This is simply statistics. The more failed loot acquisition rolls you do, the higher the chance to get loot next time will be. This works cause it’s your loot roll against the right to get loot. Eventually it will be your turn.
The more failed rolls the higher the chance to get loot as long as conditions continue. In GL you roll against other people for the loot that already dropped. The loot that drops can and often is loot you can’t use, in PL you roll against others for the right to get loot which is then determined by your loot spec after. In GL the loot drops first and then you get to roll. Every loot drop is an independent event.

This is why PL normalises with time and GL does not unless the same items drop every week. Of course, PL also has a 2nd roll to determine which specialisation loot you get but it’s easier to aim than in GL where the piece of loot that drops is off the whole loot table of the boss/dungeon across all armor types rather than just your specialisation ones.

Honestly i didn’t even realise this until i wrote this post. I thought there was some bad luck protection and it’s possible there was as well but statistics itself already has it’s “bad luck protection” by itself.

need before greed is fine. I absolutely dont want personal loot back. I got so sick and tired of the automated spam whenever a item for me dropped. I got like 10 whispers saying things like “ITEM GIVE!!!”. And all of these whispers literally a second after the loot dropped

If you want personal loot then play a single player game or do solo content only


Id love to see them.

I mean are we back in grade school? Thats just probability over time, you get head 50% of the time yeah, but the chance of getting heads 10 times in a row is not 50%

Exact same happens in raids with Group loot, you wont lose forever the probability for that is too low.

As per blizzards post same happened in Personal loot. and as i just said eventually you will win thats chance and statistics for ya.

I will agree you might be right in the fact that now the items dosent roll for a person but for “the raid” but the end result is the same tho. Yeah the boss might roll a bow but it will roll a staff eventually and when it drops you will roll need for it just like in PL

More like this is why Personal loot was exploitable. You could just stack 30 hunters and only get hunter loot Group loot helps the raid include all classes and specs and GL will also normalize over the course of time. All items (except super rare) have the same chance of dropping so eventually the item you needs drop (by the power of statistics and you will win it by that same power.

no one in the world can feel pure hate about anything or anyone/
its allways mixed with other feelings

The removal of Personal Loot is one of the many mind-boggling decisions that were made for this expansion.

It wasn’t a perfect system, but it was fair.


What makes Group loot less fair?

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Off the top of my head: avoiding loot drama and not having to deal with cliques of individuals all rolling need on an item with the explicit intent of trading it to their friend or selling it.

On the whole, the change back to group loot was made for the benefit of a few (raiders) and to the detriment of many (pug players).

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You are new to the forums…arent you? :rofl:

I mean… you call it exploit, i call it agency. :person_shrugging:
I argue agency and being able to target gear is less frustrating.

Neither system is perfect but group isn’t really an improvement.