The Negativity Thread

We haven’t invented proper cig filters yet.

if gnomes have invented full/semi automatic machine guns why cant I RP carrying around double uzis with extended mags and silencers under my worgen-skin trench coat? Its not that big of a leap


This reads like a TRP of ‘the punisher’ and I would not be surprised if there is atleast 6-7 people like this.


well how else am i gonna fight the lightforged draenei stormwind guards


Check if their family got killed by mobsters and now they’ve become a vigilante because they feel the authorities just let criminals walk.


I have to disagree, somewhat.

I fully agree with that modern interpretation of what a Cigarette and Joint can come across as bland and kinda tasteless in certain circumstances.

But if done so in the context of a historical imitation of someone smoking a ‘joint’ during or before participating in a ritual of one form or another I find it more acceptable. - And I think if they are used in the pseudo-historical context they are a lot more viable in RP.

Such as smoking being a peak social activity, how two warriors could bond over a shared habit etc.

Somehow this is more possible than cig filters.

This was a phenomenon during the Cops vs Robbers arms race in Stormwind, where human footmen arresting human thieves and bandits turned into gang wars between draenei, night elves, worgen and gnomes armed with assault rifles, grenades, EMP blasts and street fighter movesets.

Jeyce can elaborate on this.


My job? Door.


Kek I still saw someone with a trp like that, mostly at the Slaughtered Lamb to lock the basement.

Yeah but Blizzard very deliberately does not include the depiction of any of those things as then they’d have to raise the age rating of the game. That’s a very deliberate choice in the setting the same way there’s no skin-based racism between most races (Orcs, Trolls and Dwarfs aside) as well as the lack of profanity.

Some choose to adhere and pass such litmus tests, others ambitiously utilize my red flags to flesh out their characters. It’s never a question of how plausible something is or what a race/faction/group would do, it’s simply a matter of what the setting has or very clearly omits.

tauren too

what did blizzard mean by this

guardswoman rain going RATATATATATATATATATA with her gnomish kalashnikov on a crowd of protesters is still the most funny thing I witnessed on this server

but yeah, now I guess all the guards and crooks are buddies (and/or lovers) and they send eachother sweet text messages on their buzzboxes


Thats another thing I hate.
Stormwind guards who aren’t human.
The armour tends to look wrong and I’ve never seen any non-human city guards being shown.


For me it’s more about the language. The fact that someone is smoking on ground tobacco rolled in a dried tobacco leaf is one thing. The fact that they’re calling it a cigarette in their emotes is another. I don’t like modern lingo in RP and I never have. There’s a brand of D&D enjoyer that is guilty of this too. Just plain modern language, making the whole scene look out of some lame impromptu tabletop session. Please adhere to how characters have been shown to speak in the game. MORE OR LESS, at the very least.

There’s the door, chief.


being overqualified for a job isn’t a thing in the stormwind rp scene I guess

but yeah, it’s all about the as Hatescale mentioned, there’s not much else to it.

Blame the last of the WoD cinematics for that one when you see an army move out of Stormwind, with draenei and other races in full Stormwind armor.

Just embrace the canon that the <Stormwínd Guard> and <Stormwínd Academy> are from some Rustberg Village-tier asylum called Stormwínd and their wranglers brought them to the capital to socialize.

Agreed on all but you forgot draenei who talk like zhis

haha but goblins and my elf was raised on kezan isle