The Negativity Thread

Chibnall’s way to portray dyspraxia: Have the most plank-like character(in personality) struggle to ride a bike in the pilot episode and get mad for falling over once. Then bring it up again one more time six episodes later when he needs to climb a ladder, by saying “I have dyspraxia”. Then have him easily climb the ladder and never bring it up again.

Otherwise, never mention it at all and have the character constantly do things that require extreme levels of coordination with no issue(Such as firing high-tech lasers in live combat vs assassin droids).


Yeah I think George R.R Martin and Stephen King have put it quite well when it comes to making captivating narration and screenplay.

In general, it is better if your work provokes questions rather than gives answers.

These days many screenwriters and authors for tv shows and games are hell-bent on driving their own agenda and narrative through: As they have before.

However, where the differences begin is that the modern narrator tells you that this is the approach or take ypu need to take from this medium. Be it the Last of us 2, Past 3-4 WoW expansions, Acolyte, take your pick.

That, and they tend to use a popular franchise as a setting to tell their story, rather than using that setting as a framework for their story.

I hate that the entertainment industry has become this cesspit of talentless morons and arrogant developers who are convinced that somehow their PoV is important or better than anybody elses. A very holier than thou attitude. Then again, pride’s the cardinal sin.

Edit: Like for example, apparently in the new rings of power season people are unironically siding with Sauron or saying he was the most sympathetic character of the season, despite him literally being the dsrk lord who binds them all. Now this alone would be a fantastic piece of storytelling and metastory about just how persuasive and charming the Dark Lord could be, something I’m sure even Tolkien would appreciate. However from what I have seen from the discussion is that this has not been the intention at all and these interpretations are somehow wrong.

When in reality, that is as far as I understand the story of Sauron. He is Lucifer. The most beautiful, bringer of gifts, the most glorious thing after god. And yet he falls and is ever uglier for it ever since, never to rise again.

I have no context or more to give since I haven’t and don’t intend to watch the series, but it has reached my ears all the same.


I never understood why people liked Doctor Who and it seems especially concerning to me that people outside of the UK enjoy it. Corny, low quality uninspired brit tv garbage if you ask me.

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Quotable, somewhat-easily accessible yet with enough depth to warrant an obsession, with perfect inoffensive yet wacky character designs and dialogue to get gobbled up in the slop trough that makes up the average consumer’s taste in media.

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More things I dislike in no particular order because it’s so sunny outside that it makes me want to vomit:

Star Trek

Final Fantasy (the genre)

The Hulk

Leon the Assassin

Persona games

Sports anime

Slice of life anime

Writing (dialogue) in most Japanese fiction

The last 3 episodes of Shogun

Lena Headley being cast as Cersei Lannister

The gunshot sounds in modern wow

Most musicals

Stupid TikTok dancing

The standard youth uniform in Britain and rhe fact that adult men dress like 15 year old boys

Those glasses Dr Disrespect has

The fact that Harry Potter knows like 2 spells and the fact that this is also the case of every shonen anime protagonist for some reason.

When people pretend being fat is not unattractive and also a health issue

There’s also the Boys where the creator started malding that people liked Homelander too much (and the implication was that if you like his character you’re automatically a n.zi) so he started to severely dumb him down and make him less of a driving force in the story.

You see you’re meant to have the same feelings about the character that he does otherwise you’re wrong and you probably want to do the same things Homelander does irl blah blah something something Trump drivel drivel. And I get the argument that sure, there are some weirdos out there who probably do think like that but I don’t like this idea of throwing everyone in the same box or that the situation has that big of an impact on his writing.


That one was just for you.

Also the Boys sucks regardless of Homelander but yes, I definitely agree they dumbed him down. This show keeps resetting its narrative and status quo for some reason and keeps padding out narrative beats so that the events of s4 should have happened by the end of s2 also how the hell is it possible that Homelander hasn’t murdered all of the boys already?

Oh because he nahtsee Trump ok.

Like in season 1 we see him murder a plane full of innocent people and then in s3 I’m supposed to feel bad that he killed some dude that threw stuff at his son. Also HOW LONG WILL THEY KEEP DOING THE OHHHHH HES LOSING HIS MIND HES GON SNAP

how did homelander not notice the boys mucking around in tek knight’s mansion when he he has super hearing that let him hear things through concrete walls?

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uhhhhhh he was distracted [waves hands] forget about it, the hughie on the icering scene was much more stupid anyway

also the female ozymandias from watchmen character and the 'ha it was my plan all along!" storybeat was so incredibly stupid and I do not know the words to say how much I dislike that in writing


“B-but muh harder to lose weight because mental health/thyroid/culture/big boned”

That’s a shame, it’s still calories in vs calories out bozo


Ye exactly. Put the fork down, chief.

Addendum: random white guys adopting hip hop culture and dressing up like their favourite black rapper. Always found it lame. I don’t know when exactly the word wigga fell out of use but holy crap someone needs to bring it back. Especially where it concerns the gaudy 2000s hip hop aesthetic that makes white guys in baggy shorts pulled halfway down their BUTT look like some kind of REDACTED.

Addendum2: That LAME as hell breakdancing-like dancing thats not actually breakdancing, but people running left and right and half-falling and generally spazzing around. What are you doing. What is this.



That’s exactly what it is dude.

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Weight can be a very sensitive topic for people. I do not think that shaming is the best approach even though I believe it is important to stay healthy.

I say this as someone who has struggled alot with it on the opposite side as ive been very underweight but still felt like I was too heavy when I was at my worst.

Absolutely aids. I downloaded classic gun sounds and now guns actually sound like guns, not staple machines.

I think the Japanese got it right with food + weight management. That and cars.

I believe it starts with parents passing their crap eating down to their kids, who should rightfully be shamed for being bad parents to begin with.

However, like many bad cycles it can be broken if one person in the chain decides to make the internal change, and sometimes that is the kid that grows up overweight (or hell even the reverse, underweight if the parents were neglectful in that manner).

While doing raid the modem decided to die out and the company says it will replace it for only 100 euros .smh

Negativity for today.

I don’t think grown adults should keep up with newly-released cartoons and animation for babies. Videogames are for babies, too. I understand feeling some connection or addiction to games and fandoms that gripped you at an early age and carrying on caring about them, but watching Hazbin Hotel, Steven Universe, and other baby shows like that is a bit pathetic when you’re 18+, let alone 30 pushing 40.

It’s the same with marvel movies, tv shows, “They made Iron Man woke!” who cares dude. It’s for babies.

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Yeah dude gotta start watching those ice road truckers and seeing if chumlee will buy the darth vader sneaker for fifty bucks

Hell yeah.