The Negativity Thread

why would i watch a baby show when I can watch a show for real men

uk version of hell’s kitchen that is

It was their choice to watch the kids show

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Shows for Real Men like The Boys on Amazon Prime Video

The US is clearly staged a lot, but I live for some of that drama.

the us version doesn’t have the secret ingredient

Knorr Rich Beef Stockpot


La Galleria deserved its own sitcom. Most bizarre group of people on kitchen nightmares.

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I despise sloptent creators and stuff like this cements it

I take a bit of satisfaction in seeing streamers and YouTubers having declining careers if all they’ve done is push sloptent for a living

Even moreso if they are entitled to the money they make through it, as a lot of them have never worked a proper job in their life.

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The one where the woman mentioned her three children in cat bodies and said she could speak cat…
She was “fun”.

On the topic of negativity however;
Diablo 4.
I know action RPGs need to exist in a certain framing, but there just feels like there’s something missing in it to me. A lack of certain flare.

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It’s a cynical, greedy and worse iteration of Diablo 3 that feels like it was made by people who hated the previous games.

“Content Creation” as a career is purely slop-based and lacking in artistic merit. Even scrimblonyan420 the wholesome shy gamer that streams your favourite niche videogame is a hack and a fraud.

From that bald piece of work that whined about pronouns in Starfield, to those wholesome chungus vtubers, to generally inoffensive non-confrontational slop-pushers, the world of influencers has created a caste of people who are revered as gods by the youth and those who aspire to be like them.

Grifters, one and all, whining, moaning, on all sides of all spectrums. Tax evaders, kid-touchers. “Hate” is too mild an emotion. It is a physical need that they are dragged out of their McMansions and used as props to recreate the Khmer Rouge’s greatest hits.


It can definitely be in many cases. For me though, my parents were good. My own issue with weight and anorexia came from a mixture of poor self esteem, my problematic anxiety issues and social peer pressure.

I also absolutely avoid making my problems be something that affects my own kids and feed them properly.

But yeah that is my negative contribution here, related to what you said. Parents who let their own issues, both past and present affect their children, be it directly punishing them as an outlet or just pushing things on them that stem from their own problems, such as poor eating habits.

Let them be their own individuals and nurture them properly.

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Whenever a celebrity appears in either a magazine, radio, online video, tv interview, show or whatever and their self-proclaimed work title is “Influencer” I sigh internally as I am fully prepared for what kind of person they’re gonna be.

90% of the time its also some TikToker.

Entitled pricks that need to be put down like limp horses.

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It’s also such a weird platform to get fame and a career from. Because unlike Youtube, you can’t earn money on TikTok. It all has to be third party like donations from fans or by selling stuff.

Which is why so many TikTokers get in trouble for marketing to kids since it is a very young platform user-wise, and they desperately want money from their audiences.

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Simply look at TikTok then look at the Chinese version

It’s a subversive state weapon


It’s been completely banned to be on phones owned by state officials here due to it’s close ties with the chinese government. It’s considered spyware and not allowed inside our government buildings or by its employees.


The Boys was always a Gen X version of Hazbin Hotel that was then adopted by millennials for the same kind of purpose with its TV adaptation.

An edgy and ‘adult’ piece of media, of a type of media that was originally designed and intended for children (and still is to this day) that tries to stand above the rest of its category due to how ‘mature’ and deconstructive it is. Ideal for infantile adults who want to feel grown up but are incapable of moving beyond the things that they enjoyed as children, so they cling to more ‘adult’ versions in order to avoid feeling too much like manchildren, even though that’s exactly what they are.

Fully aware of the irony of saying this on the forum of a video game originally intended for teenagers, but there’s not a single person here who isn’t a wo/manchild to some extent anyway, myself included.


Idc if you want to watch cartoons as a grown man or woman. If that’s what makes you tick, good on you. If you enjoy getting smashed at the local pub, good on you.

Big rant time. Hereby titled THE DEFINITIVE DIABLO 4 REVIEW post scriptum.

After playing a fair few - Diablo 2 and 4, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, Titan Quest, I have discovered that I don’t really like them most of the time. Allow me to explain:

90% of the gameplay loop seems to be running around and slaughtering millions of mobs with a single button after finding (or googling) the most OP build you could possibly construct. I get there’s a lot of nuance to how the more elaborate endgame builds work, but all this incessant buildcrafting seems to result in is you being able to play the game which is essentially 1shotting room after room of 10k mobs a second.

Sometimes there’s a boss, which if you have the right build, also gets nuked down after you avoid its AoE. Sometimes there’s a boss with cool and interesting mechanics that actually involve a little back and forth and a modicum of clever thinking. This is extremely rare. Most of the time when you die you have no idea what killed you also you either died instantly or after being trapped in cc for an entire minute for some reason.

The entire genre feels like a skeleton for a game that features a story and quests, but you are playing a beta version in which those things haven’t been added yet. In most of these games the mood of the setting is interesting - ancient greece, fantasy victorian england or fantasy western, medieval fantasy with a satanic twist - but the setting itself as well as the lore and the characters are often BLAND and FORGETTABLE. Ask me what I did in Titan Quest. Killed me some Greek and later Egyptian mythology I guess.

This is why I really, really liked the beta for Diablo IV. It showed the standard formula in a new and interesting grimdark setting with the Blizzard budget meaning story, voice acting, peak cinematics, sick quests. That first snowy zone really had its hooks in me and I was excited to explore the entire region.

But we all know how that went. I played through the campaign in coop with my buddy Jeyce in a spin on our classic premiere AD OCs where I watched him play a rogue and literally annihilate any opposition in tenths of a second while I spent 60 hours either doing the same with the broken Ice Shards build or desperately trying to develop a WORKING FIRE MAGE BUILD HOLY CRAP WHY DID IT SUCK SO MUCH IM ANGRY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT.

HOW the hell can you have a game where one spec clicks a button and its like BZZZZTTT TOTAL ANNIHILATION, while another spec does 20% of that DPS no matter what it does or how hard it tries.

Then the gameplay turned bland. Same easy dungeons, same 10sec long boss encounters. Same 2min dungeons on repeat.

Then the story turned bland and I watched that girl - the name of whom I don’t remember, only that she was black and female - forcibly steal the spotlight from the only cool character in the game. Oh yeah she knows how to do everything better than everyone, including myself. MEANWHILE the player character who we are lead to believe is the main character, by the virtue of every single NPCs being thankful to him for saving their life etc, is taking a back seat to the story of this lame unbearable new character they introduced. Should have died in chapter 2 tbh. Should have allowed us to kill her.

Then some people say - oh it gets way cooler and more challenging in the higher tiers. We enter the higher tiers and the only increase in challenge is the fact that we now sometimes instantly die in dungeons occassionally.

The main boss battles were really cool and memorable, but there was like 3 of those in a 60h game lmao.


… but then you enter hell and it’s more of the same except it’s now red lol. And I am still, 70h into the game using the same 1shot 2button ice shards build because nothing else can compete.

What a shame.

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This is what I’m hoping PoE 2 is going to deliver on in droves but then I realise that the main gameplay loop is still going to be:

Yea I dunno, maybe if I smoked weed I’d enjoy this kind of type game more but personally I like to be a little more engaged in my gaming.