The Negativity Thread

People perching on the Cathedral Square rooftops and using it as their personal Discord server instead of Roleplaying do not get enough flak, particularly when they trashtalk others who are on the streets actually doing what the realm is intended for.


Are you sure you have taken your Elf juice this morning? This sounds like anti elf thinking which we can’t have in our elf centric game


Honestly surprised they released earthen instead of dwarf elves.

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If you’re not going to actually play anymore for a drawn out period, just log off!

I’m sure that Blizzard would find a way to make a race of dwemer-clones seem one-dimensional and bland.

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I hate this because now you can’t actually have a character sit on a roof or wall in-universe without people coming up to you spamming OOC emotes because they think you’re ‘memeroofing.’ And I don’t even roleplay in Stormwind - never have. This happens everywhere.

Oh my God, go away.


It really does. And it means you typically have to pitch your camera down a lot or you’re going to get an eye full of weird.


Even then, if it’s a shorter period of AFK, it feels natural to try and not be a bother. Like if I log in and know I will be OOC or afk for a bit first, I try to stay strictly in trade district(Or Valdrakken) or as high up as possible where I won’t be a distraction for people roleplaying.


You would be missing out on nothing putting all of these people on ignore.
Reclaim our roofs.

Let us all be Roof Koreans.

This is what we need to reclaim all of our major hubs.

And we’re #back from the attempted banishment by Elamite barbarians. You know what I hate?

Self-proclaimed “silly”, “jolly” and “cute” characters.

Anyway, yes. Nuke the roofs. Most of the time it’s people who are miserable. I know it because I have been there, looking down upon the city. Even though when I do it it isn’t cringe, because I’m not spamming toys.

Now, I will return to my royal sculptor that he may portray my glorious lion hunt.

Sitting on a roof in Stormwind is nothing compared to the WAY TOO MANY people who hover on flying mounts over in-character congregations, tournaments or RP-PvP battles*, especially the ones who do it within earshot so you can hear the wings flap, and half of the group of roleplayers are covered by a protodrake’s shadow or something.

Resting or observing on rooftops? Sure, go ahead, if the rooftops are really high up and not right ontop of people (im looking at you, tavern in Stromgarde). And as always please man just keep OOC in the appropiate channels? Please man thats all I ask…

*if you’re taking screenshots its cool man dont worry, we love screenshots of rp around here


Who end up being played by some of the most terrifying people who should never be allowed near an internet connection.

Not negative (sorry Terrorizer) but just something that I’m not sure how many people know of:

If you do /console showplayer 0 it hides your character model which can allow for more angles (and then /console showplayer 1 to re-enable it)

Especially useful if you’ve got a buff you can’t remove (ie the Dreamsurge thorns that circle around you)


I’ll sign under this.

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If it hid said people, I’d be filled with joy.

One thing that Square Enix got right.

I wish more people’d realise that negative emotions are not necessarily evil.

They’re your mind, body, psyche’s way of telling you things that are important, often for your own survival.

If you focus only on the highs, - happiness, euphoria, achievement, you’ll watch as they inevitably fade and slip through your fingers time and time again as you fail and stumble through the general chaos of life, or as once-novel joys become stagnant.

These lows are necessary for growth, - no great success exists without a bed of congealed failings and stumblings, but if we see our failures and struggle as a reflection of our quality as an individual, it can lead to thinking of oneself as worthless because of failing to meet an imagined ideal.

I don’t think it’s possible, or even desirable, to be 100% happy and positive all of the time. Instead, it may be better to ask “What pain is worth bearing for life to be meaningful?”

It’s possible to be sad, angry, embittered, guilty or disappointed for an entire life, but all these things have purpose. Even suffering as terrible as depression is theorized to serve as the brain’s adaptation for processing complex situations*.

Of course, to clarify - anything of the mind can be pathological, depression is a serious mental health condition and psychological issues and healthcare provision have to be taken with considerable weight and care, but the earlier point about Toxic Positivity by Jeyce and Hatescale is salient.

It’s more useful for those with a vested interest in keeping things the same, if you’re made to feel like a bad or unhealthy person for not being constantly HappyLight, seeking to optimise yourself.

Something that I think’d help would be if people asked what problems in society -cause- people to suffer, and then went about debating ways to mitigate them. Things like poverty, access to housing, healthcare, jobs and work conditions, discrimination.

TLDR - so many people are horrible to themselves for having natural human responses to an imperfect and fragile world. Rather than blame living in a rubbish society, they see their suffering as a problem within themselves, and that doesn’t make me feel great.

I hope that’s negative enough, while on the topic of negativity.

= A few sources, not too many, as this is just a video game forum rant. =
Andrews, P.W. and Thomson Jr, J.A., 2009. The bright side of being blue: depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems. Psychological review, 116(3), p.620.
Kumar, P. and Lata, S., 2024. Impact Of Sociological And Environmental Factors On Mental Depression. ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN–2583-6986, 3(06), pp.13-19.

Vanyoro, K.P., 2020. The construction of “normative Zimbabweanness” through demonisation of rage, anger and emotion in select press coverage of the# ZimShutDown protests. Anthropology Southern Africa, 43(3), pp.197-210.


Hot take, no one is responsible for your happiness. Sure, mental health is a thing. Anxiety is a thing. But at the end of the day there’s no one else to blame for this infernal loop of malfunctioning mental patterns. Seek help if you need to but know that no one else is ever responsible for anything that happens to you. The outside world is an eternal, unpredictable force of nature. Everyone is wallpaper and you alone have agency.

Tldr and to make sure I keep to the thread’s glorious dirextive; don’t be a p**** and git gud son.