The Negativity Thread

that’s 85% of what the pride parade in my country is


I doubt it’s 85%, but it’s clearly enough to make you uncomfortable and I think that’s as valid as argument as any.


I mean joking and jesting aside that I like to do with people I am familiar with, I also do not flaunt what I am actually into. That is private.

The main issue that you would also probably be aware of is that it is so incredibly common for just being queer of any sort of category to be labelled as a fetish or “in people’s faces” for simply mentioning it.

As someone who lives on the street where the parade goes through annually I find my own metric extremely accurate.


Being the Radical Centrist (centre-left tbh), I will say it’s a shame that minorities have to play “perfect” in many aspects of life, or else they are utterly demonised.

Then opposition cries victim mentality, and it becomes a cycle by that point, which is bad.

Probably the wrong thread for it, but there is nuance in all things, including pride parades.


Sounds completely made up.

Thats a thing to be negative about though, the fact that nuance is typically lost in all things because there’s rarely the time (or often desire) to write things out.


If we’re being perfectly honest, I discuss my kinks and fetishes and urges and leerings at work and in public, both in great detail and great frequency.

Jeyce claims this makes me a disgusting degenerate r-word.


Being a hard-leftist (a socialist) myself I think the whole idea of Pride™ has been co-opted by corporatism and is now completely subverted from its original purpose and now is a marketting tool because the Pink Dollar/Euro/Pound is a lucrative source of income.

I mean all those rainbow flags on company logos (BUT NOT IN OUR OIL RICH MID-EAST PARTNER COUNTRIES), anywhere but where said movement would genuinely make a difference.


yea, it does

it echoed through the ages past, present and to come

You are into taller people. Because you are a gnome. Everyone is taller apart from other gnomes.


I have been absolutely exposed.


Precisely. It is. It’s fine until it gets actually NSFW. And I’ve yet to read that someone has exposed themselves during a Pride parade. Kink belongs at Pride as it always has done. If you don’t like it, don’t go etc.



Shorties unite!


Another entry to the book of grudges…

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going “pride has been defanged and sanitized to become a commodity by companies cashing in on the opportunity with no real care for pride’s motivations, as can be seen with the way they appease homophobic countries’ laws” and following it up with “pride should be sanitized because it makes me, and especially homophobes, uncomfortable and we must not hurt their feelings lest they become more homophobic” is the kind of statement that backs up my belief that reading comprehension in Argent Dawn is at an all time low

keep being pick mes kings i’m sure they’ll pick the nicest trees for the most generous behindkissers


The thing with this bit in particular is that, yeah there’s absolutely been and is a bunch of corporations that are monetizing Pride for profit without honestly caring about its message or progressiveness.

But that is still a plus I feel? It means they view it as marketable, which means it is accepted. It’s better than the alternative.

And even with that aside, the only solution I see offered up when this is complained about is that Pride just needs to “stop” or the corporations also need to stop.

And it’s just…that’s worse though right? Token representation is still representation. And Ultimately still good. Because it means further mainstream acceptance.


The thing is, you don’t have to be comfortable with it. It’s perfectly justified to say “this isn’t for me, this is a bit much” but that’s kind of the thing with Pride is that there’s a lot to represent - or perhaps to deliberately challenge. It’s not just gay folk, bi people, or transgender individuals - it’s gay folk, bi people, and transgender individuals and everything and everyone else - intersex, asexuality, the queer umbrella, lesbians, and yes people dressed in bondage gear.

So while pup masks and latex aren’t really my thing - they don’t have to be. But they also can’t be something that I willingly throw under the bus to further my own social standing - there is no LGB without the T, nor is there sexuality without sexualization. Pride is not for heterosexual sensibilities or “straight acting” gay people - pride is for earnest expressions of the self, regardless of if it upsets others.

As an ugly aside, I used to be one of those edgelord gays that threw around the f-slur because “I’m gay so I can say it” and while yes that’s true, and similar sentiments hold true - things hold different weight for different people. Just because I was okay with it, doesn’t mean that others were, and I learned that the hard way. Being an edgelord at a younger age is fun and kind of expected but it gets way less endearing the older you get.


Summed it up better than I could, ta.