The Negativity Thread

I can safely say from my personal interactions with Jeyce that’s one of the more well adjusted sane people I know on the server. Granted he gets a bit wacky when you don’t give him enough attention, forget to feed him or don’t agree with his unholy preferences in MMOs and Co-Op games, but he just grumbles.

I’ll just circle back to my previous post:

I see that posts both from Crazymon going nuclear as well as our resident head case guro fetishist got ashed, so at least there’s balance in the Force. If you want to grandstand or crusade against parades, go out on the street and do it there, but not a single soul needs to care about your opinions about it here.

More time to play TWW then.

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Then surely that goes both ways. It’s not exactly an outlandish concept to point out that certain things being said are wildly off-base.

Like, it’s kind of stupid for Jeyce to be like “lol go back to your hugbox” and then also have people get upset that people aren’t similarly hugboxing the views they and their friends have.


As one of the very few people who keeps his opinions on such subjects strictly in private channels I very clearly did not take either side

It is very hypocritical if anything.


That’s fair - and I wasn’t accusing you of taking a side. But it’s all a bit :cow: :poop: to me to just go “yeah this is for negativity!” and then not like the negativity that’s expressed towards the negativity. I think it’s just kind of lame.


Double negativity is just positivity trying to fit in tbh

oh no…

i was the dog all along

i hate you, hatescale

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Straight (the H word is banned LMAO) couples make a big deal about “We’re having a baby!” and make that everyone else’s problem/business.

This is equally obnoxious, but people get all whingey when you point that out. They also get super defensive when you point out “We’re trying for a baby” is a sanitised version of “We’re going at it like rabbits”. But go off, I guess :upside_down_face:


I can’t believe I’m seeing somebody who doesn’t believe in the Stork with my very own eyes. Procreation? Childbirth? Nah. It’s the bird, always has been - always will be.

Using an anagram maker I’ve got “her toe” which is cursed and “oh tree” which sounds like a druid in disbelief.


this hatred? rookie numbers, we need more negativity

I continue to absolutely hate summer and the hot weather, it just SUCKS

fixed for you.

This is not a good analogy. Saying that you are having a baby isn’t fetishizing or airing out your fetishes in the public.

I would however get equally uncomfortable and tell people to tone it down if they described in detail how they got to having that baby.

There’s a difference between saying “yeah i am x alphabet” and “I practise (insert a fetish)”, let alone airing it out openly.


It’s a rather far cry from the buildup towards Ahn’Qiraj where the Alliance and Horde were scrambling for supplies literally down to all levels of society, I remember that. Really felt like you were preparing for something big and doing your part, even if it was just dumping a few fish.

Also good lord, this thread went places.

Lol. Lmao. Saying your trying for a baby is something wildly different then publically showing off your sexual fetishes with no care who is watching.

You don’t see them trying to make the baby on a boat where everybody can see it, unlike certain fetishists(unless they’re exhibitionists trying for a baby, I suppose)

And yea, I don’t really want to know when straight couples are trying for a baby, because I don’t care about that either.

In my opinion, sexuel fetishes should stay where they belong: between the persons who it includes and preferable in a private setting, be it the bedroom or any other location situated for their fetish; and not publicaly on the streets of cities.

Suppose I am just old fashioned?


damn guess not everyone disagrees with jeyce

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does it mean i’m not upset and screaming in fury anymore?

thanks lads


Most normies agree that showing your fetishes in public is simply weird behaviour

These takes are a textbook example of internet echo chambers being completely different to IRL


As an openly M4M man, I agree.
I am into a lot of things people would probably find weird. Does downtown’s main street need to know?

Absolutely not.

Normality is relative.
Not everyone agrees, “normal” or otherwise.
I think fetish is fine at pride, to a point.
Wearing your leather or whatever isn’t problematic, when it’s getting to the point of nakedness and genitals flopping about, then there’s an issue.


Only if you’re a post-modernist.

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